The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1035 1040 Forced by the Situation! 1 more

Chapter 1035 1040 Forced by the Situation! 1 more

Why do you suspect that Ding Ning is not dead?

There is no reason for the existence of Jiang Taichao's body, but purely relying on his own feelings.

It was based on this thought that he decided to wait a little longer. Maybe it was not certain when Ding Ning would appear suddenly.

The competition for the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower is extremely fierce. The powerhouses of the four major continents are attacking on their own, and they all want to get the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower and use it as their own weapon.

However, it is not easy to get it. Everyone present is staring at it, so how can it be easy for others to get close to it.

Even if you want to reach around the gods and demons inheritance tower, you have to pay a lot of price.

And one of those costs is death.

There was a strong casual cultivator who tried to take the opportunity to seize it. As a result, even though he had the strength of the Mahayana realm, he couldn't resist. In less than a few breaths, he was mobbed and attacked to death.

As long as there is no change of owner of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, the competition will not stop.

Dozens of strong men snatched something, and it was difficult to succeed without surpassing the strength of others. However, all the players present were at the Mahayana level. This also led to the struggle for a long time, and there was no conclusion.

The monks in the four major continents are all looking forward to the strong man in their hearts being able to take away the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. In their view, perhaps the reason why Ding Ning is so powerful lies in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei, and Du Ling all have a lot of thoughts on the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, but they also know that it is not an easy task to take it away from the crowd.

However, even so, no one will give up, because the God Demon Inheritance Tower is too rare, even they have only seen such a one.

The competition became more and more fierce. Although there were no more casualties, there were quite a few people who were seriously injured. There were a few times that the God and Demon Inheritance Tower was almost taken away by someone. If it wasn't for Lei Mengsheng's sudden appearance, it would have been taken away .

Lei Mengsheng didn't intend to make a move so early, but he found Jiang Taichao's existence in his body, and he was too calm. The God and Demon Inheritance Tower was about to be taken away, so Lei Mengsheng had no choice but to make a move , to prevent this from happening.

As soon as Lei Mengsheng joined in, the scene was different immediately, because in terms of strength, Lei Mengsheng was present, except for the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, the person with the strongest strength and the highest realm was the superhero of the Tribulation Realm. For a strong man, other Mahayana monks are shorter than him.

Sure enough, Lei Mengsheng snatched the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, and other people wanted to stop it, but the effect was not great. After all, there was a big difference in the realm. Not everyone has the strength to cross the border like Ding Ning. Others are facing Lei Meng When you are born, you will still feel strong oppression.

Lei Mengsheng controlled the thunder and lightning, and came to the God and Demon Inheritance Tower with ease. His thunder and lightning method was better than before. He stepped on the thunder and lightning twin dragons, like a god, and any attack that flew towards him would be a hit. Food for the Ssangyong underfoot.

Such a powerful scene is all dreadful, but is it really necessary to give up the God and Demon Inheritance Tower?

In the hearts of those present, they were not reconciled. It was a divine weapon, and whoever got it would be a treasure that could make a breakthrough.

Owning the gods and demons inheritance tower, it is possible to be comparable to the gods and demons in ancient times. Who would not want to have such a powerful strength.

Lei Mengsheng's thunder and lightning method is extremely powerful. When the surrounding strongmen join forces to bombard and kill, an arc is formed, wrapping around, causing those attacks to be shattered before reaching Lei Mengsheng at all, forming an extremely powerful attack. Strong defense.

Seeing this, other people were afraid to step forward. Lei Mengsheng's strength was not as simple as the method of thunder and lightning. Before, everyone had clearly seen Lei Mengsheng's third eye, which was the eye of heaven, possessing extraordinary power , can also restrain others. As for whether there are other powerful powers, everyone does not know.

Those who continue to compete for the God and Demon Inheritance Tower for a while must carefully weigh it. Once they continue to snatch it, they are likely to die in Lei Mengsheng's hands.

Lei Mengsheng is an existence at the Tribulation Transcending Realm level.

Many people have a strong fear of Lei Mengsheng, by the way, they can't compete with Lei Mengsheng, there is one person who can.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help falling on Jiang Taichao. The existence in Jiang Taichao's body was also a Mahayana-level powerhouse, and it had been confirmed just now that they were not Lei Mengsheng's opponents. Jiang Taichao could do it.

Wouldn't it be just right if these two strong men in the Transcending Tribulation Realm were to fight.

The strong people present are looking forward to the existence in Jiang Taichao's body. In this way, they don't need to face Lei Mengsheng, and at the same time, they can consume the power in Jiang Taichao's body, which is the best of both worlds. I'm too worried about these two strong men who are higher than a big realm.

Many pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Taichao, but the existence in Jiang Taichao's body was unmoved, so why didn't he know what these people were thinking.

But if everyone wants him to make a move, will he do it?
The existence in Jiang Taichao's body smiled.

Lei Mengsheng was startled, could it be that the existence in Jiang Taichao's body also got involved and competed with him?

To be honest, Lei Mengsheng was under a lot of pressure in the face of Jiang Taichao's existence, and the possibility of obtaining the God and Demon Inheritance Tower was not great.

His ability to break through and become an existence in the Transcending Tribulation Realm also benefited from the existence in Jiang Taichao's body. How dare he say that he will be able to take away the God and Demon Inheritance Tower from the existence in Jiang Taichao's body.

Everyone laughed when they saw the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, and they all looked forward to his action.

But after everyone waited for a while, Jiang Taichao didn't move, just smiled, what does this mean?
Everyone waited for a long time, but Jiang Taichao still didn't make a move, instead showing the intention of watching a show.

This is not easy to do.

Aren't you, Jiang Taichao, not interested in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower?
Don't you really plan to make a move?
Everyone couldn't figure out the thoughts in Jiang Taichao's body. They didn't know the existence of Jiang Taichao's body. The reason why he didn't make a move was because he wanted to wait.

If Ding Ning is still alive, he will definitely appear again.

And leaving the field early and involving himself in the battlefield is of no benefit to him.

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Taichao still didn't move. Everyone understood that the other party just didn't intend to make a move.

"Hmph, is this guy sure that we don't want to give up the inheritance tower, so he didn't make a move on purpose?" Someone said harshly, thinking that the existence in Jiang Taichao's body was too cunning, and he obviously used them as guns, making it clear that he was an oriole this role.

"But can we really give up?" Someone asked himself, as if asking himself and others.

The answer is of course no.

The Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower is now an ownerless thing, and it belongs to the best period of competition. Once it is missed, it will be extremely difficult to fight for it again.

"Since he doesn't make a move, let's join hands. When Lei Mengsheng is dealt with, he will definitely not be able to sit still. Then, we will join hands to deal with him." Someone suggested.

"it is good!"

"I agree."


All of a sudden, everyone formed an alliance, ready to jointly target Lei Mengsheng and Jiang Taichao.

(End of this chapter)

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