The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1038 1043 Smash into pieces! 2 more

Chapter 1038 1043 Smash into pieces! 2 more

Seeing Ding Ning's murderous intent, Lei Mengsheng realized the danger, and he was really not sure about dealing with Ding Ning by himself.

Even if he is a big realm higher than Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's strength has never been regarded with common sense. Back then, when he, Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu and others teamed up to kill Ding Ning, Ding Ning was still a Daoist demon cultivator at that time. Who would have thought that even with such strength, It can also be overturned by Ding Ning.

Now, Ding Ning reappeared a shocking secret, that he was a fellow cultivator of evil spirits. This was hidden too deeply. You must know that before, they had no idea that Ding Ning had the power of righteousness.

When Ding Ning faced so many of them by himself, he didn't show the power of the righteous way. This shows how unfathomable Ding Ning is.

It was after this loss that Lei Mengsheng realized that Ding Ning was too difficult to deal with.

But this time, Ding Ning did not die, and even attacked him, obviously intending to kill him. The hatred between them has long been inextricable, and only the death of one of them will stop.

Lei Mengsheng hopes that other people will take action, especially the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, because only the two of them work together to kill Ding Ning completely.

The strong men from the four major continents who were present were all unmoved when they heard Lei Mengsheng's shout. Ding Ning's suspended animation did shock them, but this time, they will not take it lightly.

They were often bombarded by Lei Mengsheng just now. No one will forget the scene of fierce tigers and tigers taking advantage of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. Let Lei Mengsheng fight against Ding Ning by himself, or press down on Ding Ning before he comes out. The anger in my heart, after all, Lei Mengsheng had shown his prestige a lot just now, no one can shake him.

None of the strong men from the four continents had any plans to join the battlefield. They are now following Jiang Taichao's example and watching from the sidelines, letting Lei Mengsheng live or die.

As for seizing the inheritance tower, everyone has to think carefully. Ding Ning was not killed in the situation just now, and if he goes to snatch it, will he really be able to snatch it?
Not necessarily.

Lei Mengsheng didn't pay much attention to the strong men from the four continents, because he knew that the only thing that could really help him was the existence in Jiang Taichao's body.

At this time, Jiang Taichao is still controlled by the existence in his body. Indeed, as Lei Mengsheng said, if he dies, it will not be easy to kill Ding Ning.

Therefore, he had to act, and he couldn't let Ding Ning and Lei Mengsheng continue to fight.

If Lei Mengsheng really died, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, even with the power of evil negative emotions that could suppress Ding Ning, would not be sure to kill Ding Ning.

Therefore, he had to fight against Ding Ning with Lei Mengsheng.

Ding Ning naturally knew that once the existence in Jiang Taichao's body was shot, it would be more difficult for him to kill Lei Mengsheng. Therefore, when Lei Mengsheng called out for help, Ding Ning had already figured out whether the existence in Jiang Taichao's body would be Before coming over, Lei Mengsheng must be killed.

It's time to resolve the enmity between him and Lei Mengsheng. Lei Mengsheng escaped before, this time, he will never allow such a thing to happen again.

"Your end has come."

Suddenly, Ding Ning's voice sounded in Lei Mengsheng's ears, as if talking close to his ears, which shocked Lei Mengsheng, looking for Ding Ning's shadow everywhere, Ding Ning used the technique of hiding breath, and with extremely fast speed, It is difficult for people to capture the figure.

"Hmph, old devil Ding, if you can't kill me, you will die in my hands again." Lei Mengsheng immediately opened his third eye, making Ding Ning invisible.

At the same time, the words in his mouth also meant to anger Ding Ning.

"So you are here."

With the sweep of Tianyan, Lei Mengsheng immediately found Ding Ning's figure, as long as he saw Ding Ning's trace, he knew how to deal with it.

With a roll of the arm, a majestic force poured out, swept towards Ding Ning, and wrapped Ding Ning in an instant.

Ha ha……

Lei Mengsheng is glad that he has a third eye, which can catch anyone hiding around, even Ding Ning is no exception.

In this way, Ding Ning's sneak attack can be prevented.

He could clearly feel that Ding Ning was being impacted by the power of his attack, as long as he dragged on, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body would come to join hands with him.

Ding Ning is their common goal, so there is no reason why they should not continue to join forces. Moreover, if Ding Ning is not dead, the inheritance tower will not be truly taken by them for a day.

Lei Mengsheng saw that the existence in Jiang Taichao's body moved and was coming towards him. Lei Mengsheng looked happy at this scene.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as he and Lei Mengsheng join forces again, Ding Ning will definitely be hit hard again, and it is even possible to kill Ding Ning directly.

Feeling that the advantage is gradually tilting to his side, Lei Mengsheng is in a good mood.

However, just when Lei Mengsheng was feeling complacent, suddenly, a sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded from behind.

Lei Mengsheng was immediately shocked.

He turned his head for the first time, and suddenly, he didn't find anything, but when his third eye swept over, he finally saw what was coming.

This is a slender sword, very small, if you don't pay attention, it will be difficult to find, because it is too thin, like a needle.

"Is it that guy's weapon?" Lei Mengsheng immediately thought of Ding Ning, but this thing was not shot from Ding Ning's direction.

However, Lei Mengsheng didn't care, as long as he found out, he could resolve it.

"It's just a needle and you still want to kill me, old devil Ding, you are nothing more than that." Lei Mengsheng said lightly, and at the same time, a light shot out from his third eye, trying to restrain the needle so that it would not move forward again .

call out.

The slender weapon was the True Essence Sword. Following the light from Lei Mengsheng's sky eyes, the True Essence Sword really stopped, and it stopped right in front of Lei Mengsheng, and he could get it with just a stretch of his hand.

Seeing that the True Yuan Sword was restrained by him, Lei Mengsheng raised his hand and took the True Yuan Sword into his hand, thinking in his heart, then ran to Ding Ning and humiliated him.

But when he really touched the True Essence Sword, suddenly a sense of extreme cold came, and the next moment, he saw his palm was immediately covered by frost, and at an extremely fast speed, ice appeared, and the Arms covered, and this chill quickly spread to the whole body.

Lei Mengsheng instantly became an iceman.

This is a great ultimate move of the True Yuan Sword, which can release endless ice and freeze a person instantly.

Lei Mengsheng was struggling to break free, and his five fingers could be seen moving. The ice cubes attached to the surface of his body were showing cracks, and there was a feeling of coming out of it instantly.

"The power of the cold ice is just trying to kill me, old devil Ding, you're regressing." Even though his body was sealed in ice, Lei Mengsheng's voice still came out, as if he was mocking Ding Ning's methods.

However, it was not Ding Ning who answered Lei Mengsheng, but the tower of gods and demons that suddenly transformed into a huge form.

Huge pagoda shadows, covering from the sky, and descending from the sky.

It was not the goal to freeze Lei Mengsheng, but to smash Lei Mengsheng to pieces with the Divine Demon Inheritance Tower.


Lei Mengsheng's voice stopped abruptly, and it was replaced by the God Demon Inheritance Tower, which smashed Lei Mengsheng into countless pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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