The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1045 1050 Double Tribulations! 1 more

Chapter 1045 1050 Double Tribulations! 1 more

Ding Ning's words echoed between the heaven and the earth, and the expression of the existence in Jiang Taichao's body changed instantly.

Ding Ning wants to cross the catastrophe?Moreover, the two heavenly tribulations of righteousness and demons are going through together, how is this possible!

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body is unbelievable. After all, Ding Ning has just entered the Mahayana realm in the realm of the righteous way. It will not take a few years for him to enter the Tribulation Realm from the Mahayana realm. Can't step over this chasm.

As a result, Ding Ning said, he could continue to survive the tribulation.

Anyone who heard such a thing thought it was a joke.

But now that Ding Ning said that, could it still be a joke?The existence in Jiang Taichao's body doesn't think that Ding Ning is a stupid person who won't be targeted.

Sure enough, as soon as Ding Ning's words fell, the storm above his head rose again.

The righteous and the devil go through the catastrophe together, and it is still a catastrophe in the catastrophe realm. It can be seen how terrible this catastrophe will be. Just looking at the changes in the sky right now is enough to get a glimpse.

"Why is it getting dark all of a sudden?"

"Yeah, it's clearly daytime, why did it suddenly enter the night."

Many people showed puzzled expressions. Just a moment ago, the sun was still shining brightly, but in the blink of an eye, the sky instantly dimmed, as if it had entered the middle of the night.

This situation is too weird, even many Mahayana powerhouses can't help but frown.

"No, this night is a bit strange." A strong man said with a serious face.

"Could it be true what he said? Is he going to cross the catastrophe again? And it's the two ways of righteousness and evil together?"

Just now, everyone didn't take Ding Ning's statement that he would continue to cross the catastrophe seriously. The catastrophe in the catastrophe realm is not so easy to overcome, not to mention that Ding Ning has just entered the Mahayana realm, so how could he make a breakthrough again? Together with the catastrophe, you don't need to think about it to know its horror.

But the current changes in the sky make one believe that this phenomenon may really be caused by Ding Ning.

The heavy rain came pouring down without warning, without any thunder, and it started to rain all of a sudden.


The strong wind also rolled up immediately, making the torrential rain even more terrifying.

The rain slapped everywhere, and the monks present all stretched out their energy to prevent themselves from being drenched by the rain.

On the surface of the sea, the waves were rough, and the rain fell on the surface of the sea.

The heavy rain fell for a while, and suddenly, the sky began to snowflakes again, which was simply against common sense.

As soon as the snowflakes came out, the temperature between the sky and the earth immediately dropped, and the chill covered the entire surface of the sea. The monks with low cultivation base couldn't help shivering all over at this moment.

The weather is erratic and too weird. Is this the harbinger of the catastrophe coming when the two paths of righteousness and demons cross the tribulation realm?
Before the catastrophe fell, it gave people an extraordinary feeling.

In fact, this is not surprising. In history, monks have always survived one kind of catastrophe, either the orthodox catastrophe or the demonic catastrophe. No one has survived both catastrophes at the same time.

But Ding Ning broke this exception. He is a fellow cultivator of righteous demons, and now he is at the peak of the late stage of the Mahayana realm, no matter whether he is in the realm of righteousness or demonism. As long as he wants, he can attract the catastrophe of the two realms at any time.

With the abnormal weather, people have begun to believe that this change was caused by Ding Ning, because since Ding Ning said that sentence, the whole world has changed.

"Didn't he just break through the Realm of the Righteous Path? How could he suddenly enter the Tribulation Realm again?"

"This kind of talent is too terrifying. Some people can't do it in a lifetime, but he can survive one calamity after another. This is simply a monster among monsters."

"What kind of genius will be eclipsed in front of him."

Everyone was shocked by the fact that Ding Ning crossed the catastrophe again.

In fact, Ding Ning's demon realm has already stood at the peak of the late stage of the Mahayana realm, and the only thing that has fallen is the realm of the righteous path. Although he has just passed the Mahayana realm, he has a profound background, which can be said to be accumulated. The existence in the body fought against each other, so that his orthodox background was continuously accumulated, until Ding Ning reached the peak of the late stage of Mahayana.

And at that time, it was also the time when Ding Ning beheaded Lei Mengsheng, because Lei Mengsheng was useless, so he killed him without hesitation.

It was Ding Ning's long-awaited idea to overcome Zhengma and Demon's two catastrophes together, and all previous actions were done to realize this idea.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body couldn't help but believe that Ding Ning really planned to cross the catastrophe.

The wind, rain and snow appeared one after another, and it was clear that there was an anomaly in the world, and this kind of anomalous imagination, I am afraid that it would only happen if the two catastrophes of evil and evil appeared at the same time.

On the darkened sky, suddenly, everyone found an area that was not so dark, and colorful colors could be seen there.

It's as if there is auspiciousness appearing there.

"Is this the scene where the evil and the evil appear together?" Ding Ning didn't look at it, but he knew all the changes around him.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body did not move, even if there was no thunder and lightning landing, he did not intervene.

Because he didn't know whether his intervention now would attract the bombardment of Heavenly Tribulation.

It is true that the two heavenly tribulations of righteousness and demons appear together, which is too mysterious, even if he has never seen it before.

"I'll share life and death with you after I enter the Tribulation Transcending Realm, and then I will share life and death with you." Ding Ning glanced at Jiang Taichao, and immediately turned around and flew into the colorful clouds.

The sky was unusually quiet, and there was still no thunder and lightning landing, but everyone could feel a depressing atmosphere.

Ding Ning disappeared.

Entering the colorful cloud completely, no one can peek into it, and they don't know what kind of catastrophe Ding Ning is facing.

If Lei Meng is alive, he will definitely be shocked by Ding Ning's Heavenly Tribulation, because his Heavenly Tribulation is completely different from Ding Ning's.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body frowned, looking at the colorful clouds in the distance, he felt a faint uneasiness in his heart.

He said before that he would not give Ding Ning time to grow up, but now, he had to give it, unless he dared to intervene in the Heavenly Tribulation, once he did that, it would cause even more terrifying attacks.

He knew that if Ding Ning succeeded in crossing the tribulation, his strength would rise to a higher level. With his strength, he might not be able to deal with Ding Ning. After all, there would be no difference in realm between the two of them.

"He will definitely fail to overcome the catastrophe. In ordinary catastrophes, there are only a few deaths. If he crosses the two paths together, he will die ten times." Jiang Taichao's own voice sounded, as if comforting himself and the existence in his body .

In fact, there are quite a few people who think this way, especially the Xeons present, they all wish that Ding Ning would die in the catastrophe.

But when they thought that Ding Ning was like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, everyone felt a little uncertain.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body is exactly this feeling.

He knew that the possibility of Ding Ning's success was very small, but what if, if Ding Ning succeeded, it would not be a good thing for him.

Especially since he can't do anything right now but wait.

Thinking of this, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body couldn't help clenching his fists, and his eyes kept looking fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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