The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 106 106 Registered Disciple!

Chapter 106 106 Registered Disciple!

The shock in Li Sheng's heart made him no longer know what to say.

Among so many big figures, none of them are weaker than his father, and some of them leave his family far behind.

Didn't I see Ma Luoyun's extraordinary respect for Ding Ning?

He now feels that it is an honor for him to be Ding Ning's younger brother. This is the most correct choice he made.

Even his father didn't do that.

Li Sheng secretly decided in his heart that this little brother of his is for sure, even if Ding Ning disagrees, he will be the one, well, he will act like a dog's skin plaster, and display his shameless spirit.

Ding Ning can make the big shots in Jiangling pay so much attention now, so in the future, will there be more big shots who will also pay so much attention to Ding Ning's existence.

Thinking of this, Li Sheng looked at Ding Ning's back with excited eyes.

Brother Ding, your loyal and quiet brother is already online!
On one side, Li Sheng decided to become Ding Ning's little fanboy, and on the other side, Tang Qing's father was watching this scene in surprise.

"Daughter, you know Ding Ning very well. Have you ever seen them interact with these people?"

Tang Qing shook her head: "He has been in school all the time, and he has no chance to meet so many people. After school at night, we went back together again. He always went home directly."

Tang's father frowned: "That's strange. His family background made it difficult to get in touch with these people. Why did he know them? Is there something I overlooked?"

"Dad, who are these people, are they very powerful?"

Haha, not only is it amazing!
Father Tang smiled: "Their identities are not simple, each of them has a lot of energy, and there are even people who stomp their feet and Jiangling will be shaken."

Tang Qing showed a look of disbelief, she couldn't imagine how Ding Ning would know so many important people.

"It seems that I underestimated this kid before, no wonder he refused the 500 million at the beginning, just refused to sell the pendant..."


Suddenly, Father Tang's expression changed, he thought of that person, a martial artist who wanted to buy the pendant.

He hadn't heard from that person for many days. Logically speaking, it was impossible for him to have no news at all, but he just couldn't find it, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Could it be that his disappearance has something to do with Ding Ning?

Father Tang made a bold guess.

From the current point of view, it is really possible that Ding Ning has such great energy.

Tang's father remembered the sentence Ding Ning left when he left that day. At that time, he only listened to that sentence as a joke. Looking back now, I'm afraid it was not just empty words.

If someone wants to get the idea of ​​the pendant, with Ding Ning's current contacts, he will definitely be able to find it.


Father Tang looked at Tang Qing and said, "Daughter, you still have the pendant that Ding Ning gave you."

'"Yes, I have been wearing it all the time." Tang Qing said, and she was about to show her father the crescent moon pendant. Father Tang hurriedly stopped her and said, "Daughter, if you wear this thing, you will still wear it in the future." Hide it in your clothes, don't show it easily, you know?"

Tang Qing nodded without thinking too much.

The reason Father Tang gave such a warning was because he felt that the pendant that Ding Ning gave his daughter Tang Qing must not be an ordinary item.

Furthermore, even though it was an ordinary object, it was given by Ding Ning. This was excellent news for Father Tang.

Why didn't Ding Ning give the pendant to someone else, but gave it to his own daughter.

Thinking of this, Tang's father smiled and said, "Daughter, someday you call Ding Ning and ask him to come and sit at home."


"Hey, this kid has become the focus, even the old guy Wolong has taken away part of the limelight when he fights with others."

Lin Yumo's grandfather, Elder Lin, commented on the fact that Ma Luoyun, Jiang Menshen, Li Huhu and others took the initiative to greet Ding Ning.

In the words, there was admiration for Ding Ning.

Lin Yumo's mother, Zhang Yashu, and his father, Lin Zhaodong, looked at each other. Zhang Yashu had a good impression of Ding Ning. After all, Ding Ning was the child of her best friend Yang Xueyi for many years. However, Lin Zhaodong didn't quite agree with his daughter Lin Yumo and Ding Ning. He felt that Ding Ning was not good enough She went to her own daughter and said that her daughter Lin Yumo should make decisions for herself, and that they should not be involved as parents.

Zhang Yashu knew that the most important thing was her daughter Lin Yumo's opinion, but since the blind date that day, from her daughter's expression, Zhang Yashu could tell that the two of them had no fun.

She couldn't force it, so she could only let her daughter Lin Yumo fall in love freely.

"Grandpa, do you value him too much? I think it must be because of Grandpa Qian that those people greeted him." Lin Yumo said.

Originally, it was fine for Lin Yumo not to express his opinion, but for some reason, Lin Yumo spoke in a strange way. Although he meant to belittle Ding Ning, he did speak because of Ding Ning.

Perhaps in her heart, she still felt that no matter how good Ding Ning was, she was no match for the person in her heart.

If that person was there, grandpa must be praising him, not Ding Ning.

Ding Ning, who was in the center of the crowd, naturally didn't know that because Ma Luoyun and others took the initiative to greet him, it caused so many people's psychological changes.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't bother to care about such trivial matters.

The people around Ding Ning basically had a good relationship with Mr. Qian. Right now, Mr. Qian was fighting against others, and everyone was more concerned about whether Mr. Qian could defeat him.

Both Jiang Menshen and Li Huohu knew Ding Ning's strength, and when the fight was delayed, they asked one after another: "Mr. Ding, do you think Mr. Qian can defeat his opponent in this battle?"

"That's right, is it Lao Qian who can stand at the end, or Lu Xiong on the opposite side?"

The people around all pricked up their ears, wanting to hear Ding Ning's opinion. After all, Ding Ning had single-handedly dethroned Fan Yunhe and scared away Yuan Tianbiao.

Ding Ning must be more accurate than others.

"Qian Wolong!" Ding Ning gave the answer.

"Oh? Mr. Ding, how did you judge it? Now they seem to be in a stalemate. It's hard to see who can fight to the end." Jiang Menshen asked.

Li Huhu and others nodded their heads one after another, wanting to hear Ding Ning's answer.

Since you say money always wins, you must have a reason to win, where do you see it?

"Because he, Qian Wolong, is my registered disciple, that's why he will not lose." Ding Ning said lightly.

Hearing Ding Ning's explanation, no matter it was Jiang Menshen, Li Huhu, or Ma Luoyun, they were all startled.

Could it be that your apprentice of Ding Ning cannot be defeated and will definitely win?According to this judgment, it is unscientific.

Eh... wait... something seems wrong.

Elder Qian, registered disciple?
Everyone chewed on what Ding Ning said just now, and finally realized that, according to the meaning of Ding Ning's words, Mr. Qian was Ding Ning's registered disciple. In other words, Mr. Qian worshiped him as his teacher?

Hearing this explosive news from Ding Ning's mouth, the people around were stupefied.

(End of this chapter)

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