The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 118 118 Lively Baiyun Town!

Chapter 118 118 Lively Baiyun Town!
"Brothers Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi, the old father died, and they made such a big show. If I didn't have some contact with them, I wouldn't bother to come to such a remote place."

Sitting in the BMW was a big shot in Qingfeng City, and said with displeasure.

The driver on the side said: "Boss, you don't know the customs here. There are great events and funerals. The greater the status of the people who come to express their condolences, the more face they have as the masters. I see, they Ding brothers It must be because you want to show off his connections in front of his fellow villagers with a long face."

"Hehe, Xiao Wang, you are very accurate."

"Boss, you praised me."

"Okay, I'm here anyway, concentrate on driving." Li Tianli ordered, closed his eyes, and prepared to get out of the car when he got there.

However, just as he closed his eyes, the man driving in front suddenly exclaimed: "Boss, boss, look!"

"What's the matter? I was startled." Li Tianli opened his eyes angrily, and the driver's voice knocked out his tiredness.

Following Li Tianli's eyes looking outside through the car window, he was stunned for a moment.

"Why are there so many cars from Jiangling City?" Li Tianli asked with some doubts.

"Boss, didn't you notice? A red flag with the license plate number 8888 was driving past just now."

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Hearing this, Li Tianli was startled, and he reconfirmed: "Are you sure you read it correctly, is it really the license plate of Jiangling City?"

The driver man nodded.

"It shouldn't be, how could that big man come to such a small place, and even come in person." Li Tianli was puzzled.

Just when Li Tianli was puzzled, suddenly, the driver exclaimed again, which made Li Tianli startled again.

what happened again?
Li Tianli was about to reprimand the male driver, but the male driver said: "Boss, a car with the license plate number 6666 drove past. It's a Hummer."

"Is there another car with consecutive license plates?" Li Tianli suddenly realized that this incident was a bit strange. First, the car with 8888, and now the car with 6666 passed by. Did they come here for one thing?

"Xiao Wang, where does this road lead to?" Li Tianli felt that it was necessary to understand clearly.

"This road has only one end point, which is Baiyun Town, which is where the boss is going."

Li Tianli frowned, and said in his mouth: "Could it be that they are also going to express their condolences? You Ding brothers, even such a big man can come here in person, I really underestimated you."

Li Tianli felt that the two consecutive Jiangling cars just now must have come because of the funeral of Ding's family in Baiyun Town.

Immediately afterwards, a smile appeared on Li Tianli's face. Since he was also going to Ding's house, he would definitely be able to meet the two important figures from Jiangling City who passed by just now. He was worried that he would not have a suitable opportunity. He did not expect such a coincidence today. , such a good opportunity, he didn't want to miss it.

For a moment Li Tianli was in a good mood, because this trip was not in vain.

He might be able to rely on this to build a relationship with Jiang Ling.

Li Tianli was not angry, but very happy when two good-looking cars passed them, but not long after, there were more cars passing by one after another.




Lamborghini and more.

This road leading to Baiyun Town suddenly became a luxury car show, Li Tianli couldn't help but shocked his eyes, and exclaimed: "When did his brothers from the Ding family have such great energy?"

The appearance of so many luxury cars made everyone who went to Baiyun Town feel astonished.

A villager living in Baiyun Town was driving a tractor on the road at a slow speed. A young boy was sitting on it, with his eyes wide open, and asked the grandpa who was driving in front, "Grandpa, is another car passing by?" , so beautiful."

"Those are cars that rich people can afford, grandson, you have to study hard, and work hard to drive such a car home to see grandpa when you grow up."

"Well, I will study hard and win honor for my family." The little boy clenched his fists and said very seriously.

On the road, there are also some young couples riding motorcycles. These young couples are not very old and have just grown up. They ride motorcycles in the coolest way they think.

But right now, watching the sports cars passing by one after another, the little girls sitting behind the motorcycles all had golden eyes, envious: "Look at others, when can we drive such a car?" car."

The young boyfriend who rides a motorcycle is also very helpless. He knows that there is a gap between him and those who drive luxury cars, but he doesn't want to let his girlfriend down. He swears that he will give his girlfriend the best life in the future.

The news of the continuous appearance of luxury cars spread to Qingfeng City at the first time, and many people were surprised when they heard about it.

"It's strange. Why did these big shots in Jiangling City go to a small town in our Qingfeng City? What happened there?"

"It's definitely not easy. This matter has to be reported to the higher authorities."

Because of the appearance of many luxury cars in Jiangling City, some famous people in Qingfeng City were also affected. When more upper-class people in Qingfeng City knew that these luxury cars were going to Baiyun Town, among them, some I couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately ordered the driver to drive to Baiyun Town.

All of a sudden, more vehicles flocked to Baiyun Town.

A small township road was actually stuck in traffic, and many villagers on both sides of the road couldn't help but sigh. It was the first time in decades that there was a traffic jam.

The traffic jam caused many horns to sound on the road.

"Made, why are there so many people?"

"It's not just to make a good impression in front of Mr. Ding, otherwise, who do you think would want to come to this kind of place?"

"If I knew it, I would have set off earlier. If I could arrive first, I would definitely be impressed in front of Mr. Ding."

Among the many luxury cars that were driving slowly, everyone who drove the car couldn't help feeling a little regretful. If they knew that there were so many people vying to curry favor with Ding Ning, they would have set off before dawn. .

Baiyun Town, Ding's family.

Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi had smiles on their faces. There were a lot of people coming because of them. At this time, there were no less than a dozen people, and they were all well-known figures in Qingfeng City.

This made their brothers, sisters and others look very proud. Looking at Ding Shengyuan's family, there was not even a single person who came because of them.

It's a complete victory!

Ding Shengyi and Ding Shengren looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile even wider.

They were thinking, Ding Shengyuan must feel very ashamed at this moment.

At this moment, Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi suddenly heard footsteps at the gate, and thought in their hearts that someone might come because of them.

"Mr. Qian Wolong is here!" Immediately afterwards, the words Qian Wolong sounded at the gate.

Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi were stunned for a moment. They had never heard of this name before. Could it be a friend they didn't know?

The two thought they should go to greet them, so they said to their wives and children, "Come on, let's go and greet this friend."

(End of this chapter)

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