The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 131 131 Madman!

Chapter 131 131 Madman!


Li Wei stared at Ding Ning in astonishment. He didn't expect that after he clearly told Ding Ning about his interests, Ding Ning still didn't intend to compromise.

"Young Master Sun, you may not know that Ding Ning is the top scorer in the national college entrance examination, so he is somewhat arrogant. Don't be angry." Li Wei turned around and explained to Sun Lei, who had already turned pale.

However, Sun Lei's answer made Li Wei's expression tense: "I don't care whether the number one in the college entrance examination is the number one in the college entrance examination. He said just now that he would let me go and threatened me. He regretted entering here. What a big tone!"

Sun Lei didn't become scared because of Ding Ning's attitude, but was angered by Ding Ning's words.

Li Wei wanted to say more, but Sun Lei interrupted directly: "Shut up, I want to see how he made me regret it."

After finishing speaking, Sun Lei walked up to Ding Ning and said aggressively, "My things are here. You can do nothing to me. If you are capable, you will make me regret it. I would like to see what you are capable of."

Ding Ning's status as the number one student in the national college entrance examination has a great effect in the eyes of people who are good at studying. After all, this is the crushing of IQ, but for a young master like Sun Lei, he doesn't have much deep feelings, or even I don't care, with his family's conditions, even if he doesn't take the college entrance examination, he can go to any university in the country if he wants to.

"Come on, don't you tell me to regret it? Why don't you make me regret it?"

Seeing that Ding Ning was not moving, Sun Lei moved his face towards him very arrogantly, as if to say, hit me if you have the guts.

But Sun Lei talked for a long time, but Ding Ning did not see any action, and the sneer on his face became stronger: "Aren't you very aggressive just now, you are just pretending to be 13, aren't you?"

As he said that, Sun Lei's hand was about to slap Ding Ning's face. Seeing that his palm was about to fall on Ding Ning's face, Sun Lei felt light all over his body, as if a tornado struck instantly.

In the next second, he realized that he was already in mid-air, with his feet off the ground.

In the room, Li Wei and Zhou Quan were all stunned. They never thought that Ding Ning, a seemingly gentle person, would suddenly lift the 1.8-meter Sun Lei up in the air.

As far as Sun Lei's size is concerned, he weighs at least [-] to [-] kilograms, but even with such a weight, Ding Ning can hold it with one hand.

All I saw was that Sun Lei's neck was held by Ding Ning, with one hand raised in the air, making Sun Lei unable to move.

In this position, Sun Lei felt it was difficult to breathe, after all, Ding Ning was holding onto his neck.

In an instant, his face turned red.

"I said I'll make you regret it, do you think I'm joking with you?" Ding Ning's voice came slowly and fell into Sun Lei's ears, very cold.

"How dare you treat me like this. Believe it or not, I will depose you in the future." Sun Lei didn't believe that Ding Ning dared to do anything to him. This is a school, so Ding Ning dared to kill him.

Li Wei and Zhou Quan persuaded Ding Ning to calm down. It's not the start of school yet. It's not good for anyone to make a big deal on the first day, especially when Li Wei said that Sun Lei's family is unusual. It's difficult for him to stay in Shangjing to go to school when he grows up.

Hearing Li Wei's words, Sun Lei became less afraid.

"You... Did you hear... Did you hear that, if I get hurt in the slightest, you can expect to be expelled." Sun Lei was confident.

"Ding Ning, put Young Master Sun down, we all have something to talk about," Li Wei said.

Zhou Quan got up from the ground a long time ago, and he didn't care about Sun Lei's previous fight with him. Now, it was obvious that Ding Ning was more violent than him, so he did it directly.

Once this matter got to the school's ears, Ding Ning would definitely be warned. If it was serious, he might be expelled.

"Brother, let him go, solve the problem rationally, and don't be impulsive." Zhou Quan also began to persuade Ding Ning to let go.

"Boy, did you hear that, let me go." Sun Lei was not afraid, but rather complacent.

He didn't believe it. After Li Wei and Zhou Quan said that, Ding Ning really dared to do something out of the ordinary.

Of course, even if Ding Ning lets him go now, he won't let it go. He will go directly to the principal and fire Ding Ning, so that this guy dares to be arrogant with him.

If Ding Ning didn't want to be expelled, then he had to kneel down and beg him, um, make him kowtow three times, and then ask the principal to expel him.

Thinking of this, Sun Lei forgot for a moment that he was being lifted up.

cough cough...

He coughed and had trouble breathing again.

Li Wei and Zhou Quan are still persuading Ding Ning to put Sun Lei down quickly to avoid unmanageable consequences.

But no matter what the two said, Ding Ning had no intention of letting Sun Lei go.

Regarding this, Sun Lei was angry in his heart, and shouted: "If you are capable, you will kill me, come on, kill me!"

Sun Lei was also driven into a hurry, Ding Ning lifted him up for a long time, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes, and his fingers began to move together.

Immediately, Sun Lei only felt that his breathing was more obstructed and he couldn't inhale.

He really dare to kill?
At this moment, Sun Lei was afraid, his heart was beating wildly, and he was struggling constantly because of the suffocation.

Ding Ning's eyes were calm and cold, and Sun Lei really panicked. At this moment, he really felt that death was approaching him.

"I don't want to die yet, I don't want to die yet! Damn it, this lunatic!"

As Sun Lei struggled, he was speechless and could only growl in his heart. At this moment, he really regretted why he angered Ding Ning, this man is so crazy.

The more you thump, the more you feel that death is approaching.

Gradually, Sun Lei felt his consciousness getting heavier and heavier.

He knew he was going to lose his breath, and felt the fear of death.

At this moment, his throat opened suddenly, and the moment he was about to fall asleep, his breathing became smooth again. Sun Lei sucked in the air, and his spirit became more and more clear.

Breathing had never been such a joy to him.

Sun Lei, who came back from the ghost gate, looked at Ding Ning again, with resentment and fear in his eyes.

This guy in front of him really almost killed him.


This is a lunatic!
Going to Nima's national college entrance examination champion, this f*ck is not a normal person at all.

Sun Lei found himself sitting on the ground, got up hastily, and ran out of the dormitory as if fleeing for his life, even without his suitcase.

Li Wei and Zhou Quan were all dumbfounded. Seeing Sun Lei leave, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They really thought that Ding Ning would kill Sun Lei on the spot. Fortunately, Ding Ning let Sun Lei go at the last moment.

"Master, you are too impulsive. If something happened to him just now, the rest of your life will be ruined." Zhou Quan said.There was a look of lingering fear on his face, and he felt afraid for Ding Ning.

In his opinion, Ding Ning was too impulsive, how could he be so irrational.

However, he didn't know that Ding Ning didn't care about human life at all. If he wasn't afraid of trouble, Sun Lei would have died in his hands.

Li Wei looked at Ding Ning with a solemn expression, and said, "Brother, if you caused trouble, Sun Lei won't let it go, he will definitely take revenge on you."

As Li Wei was speaking, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, and then a group of people walked to the door of the dormitory, and the door was opened.

Outside the door, Sun Lei was standing in front, and behind him was the school leader of Shangjing University. Sun Lei pointed at Ding Ning and said, "It's him, he almost killed me just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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