The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 134 134 I'm coming!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Chapter 134 134 I'm coming!Ask for a recommendation ticket!
The appearance of Wang Wei immediately attracted everyone's attention, and all the students who were eating in the restaurant also looked over.

As expected of a girl who has the ability to compete for the school belle, Wang Wei is really beautiful, with a baby face, the only flaw is that she is not tall, she is petite, she is the kind of girl who is attractive and can quickly give birth to a strong desire to protect girl.

Ding Ning noticed that the male students at the next table were not calm. He straightened his hair and changed his sitting posture, wanting to make a good impression in front of Wang Wei.

"Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, we really got lucky today." Zhou Quan muttered, obviously today's lunch was a surprise because of Wang Wei's appearance.

"She seems to be looking for someone." The boy at the next table wondered.

"Isn't it here to find a certain boy?" The other person could tell, after all, Wang Wei was just standing at the door, looking inside, constantly leaning forward, trying to see clearly the figure inside.

"I'd rather she was looking for a female friend."

Not long after, Wang Wei walked in, and the male students showed their best side, trying to attract Wang Wei's attention.

"She is walking towards us." Zhou Quan was a little excited and shy, not knowing what to do.

Ding Ning and Li Wei were both very calm. Naturally, Ding Ning was calm because he had seen too many beauties. Even Tong Wantong, he didn't bother to pay attention to her, let alone Wang Wei, who was a little less beautiful.

On the contrary, Li Wei's calmness was quite unexpected.

But as Wang Wei walked to Li Wei and sat on the chair next to him, Ding Ning finally understood the reason why Li Wei was so calm, and Wang Wei came to him because of his feelings.

Zhou Quan was stunned for a while, but he didn't say a word. Finally, he looked at Li Wei and said, "Brother, what's the situation?"

Li Wei smiled lightly, put his arms around Wang Wei's shoulders, and introduced to Ding Ning and Zhou Quan: "My girlfriend, Wang Wei!"

"Damn it!" Zhou Quan almost spit out a mouthful of water, but didn't say a word, and gave Li Wei a thumbs up.

Bull 13!

There was a hint of pride on Li Wei's face. After all, having a beautiful girlfriend like Wang Wei is indeed a very honorable thing.

Wang Wei greeted Ding Ning and Zhou Quan respectively, shyly snuggled up beside Li Wei.

Zhou Quan looked envious, and kept asking: "Brother, it's too early for you to start."

Li Wei smiled without saying a word.

As for the person Wang Wei was looking for was Li Wei, the boys around looked like they had stepped on dog shit, and there seemed to be many heartbroken voices at the same time.

All of a sudden Li Wei became the focus of many boys' eyes. When they looked at Li Wei, they would naturally not have a good look, but they were all envious and jealous.

"Brother, what method did you use to deceive Wang Wei? No, you have to pass on some experience to me. This is a top ten school beauty, but you managed it." Zhou Quan enviously said.

This sudden scene made Zhou Quan still not completely recovered.

"Haha, he's handsome, there's nothing he can do about it." Li Wei laughed.

"I figured it out. In our dormitory, except for me, we are all good people. One is the top scorer in the national college entrance examination, a great figure, and the other is you, a lover who can even catch up with the school belle. Damn, I am saddened." Zhou Quan expressed his aggrievedness.

The three of them couldn't help but laugh.

When Wang Wei came, it was just an extra pair of chopsticks on the table. The four of them chatted and enjoyed the meal quite comfortably.

Zhou Quan yelled straight, saying that Li Wei and Wang Wei had sprinkled a wave of dog food in front of him.

After the frolicking, the four of them were about to check out and leave, but at this moment, several figures stood in front of them.

"Beauty, do yourself a favor and go for a walk with me, how about that?"

A fat man stood in front of Wang Wei and made an invitation.

"I have a boyfriend." Wang Wei took a step back and stood behind Li Wei.

The fat man appeared so suddenly, Li Wei and Zhou Quan were startled.

"So what if I have a boyfriend, I don't mind." The fat man said, reaching out his hand, wanting to touch Wang Wei's face.

However, in the next moment, Li Wei stood in front, "I'm sorry, you don't mind, I mind, she is my girlfriend, please show some respect."

The fat man withdrew his arm, looked at Li Wei, and said with disdain: "Boy, she is your girlfriend, not your wife. As long as she is not married, I have a chance. Can you control me?"

The fat man's tone is very rude, but there is nothing wrong with what he said, men are unmarried, women are unmarried, it is legal for anyone to pursue anyone, but the fat man chooses to do so knowing that Wang Wei is Li Wei's girlfriend, he can only say that he immoral.

"You really want to find trouble." In front of his own face, this man dared to be so arrogant, wanting to belittle his girlfriend, even a man couldn't bear it.

Li Wei was angry.

However, the fat man didn't seem to care, and said with a tough attitude, "Try hitting me, I won't let you get out of here, do you believe it?"

After the fat man finished speaking, a lot of people rushed up behind him, all of them with yellow or red hair, they were not students at first glance, but social idlers.

Li Wei hesitated, and didn't make a move right away. A good man doesn't take advantage of immediate losses, and a fat man has a lot of power. If he makes a move, the opponent will definitely attack them all.

"Let's go." Li Wei grabbed Wang Wei's hand, looked at Ding Ning and Zhou Quan, and wanted to leave here together.

Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to hide!
However, these yellow hairs and red hairs all blocked the way, as if, if our boss doesn't speak, no one can leave.

"Don't bully people too much." Li Wei said angrily.

"Boy, you are the one we bullied. Don't you like to lie for others? I have to correct your mouth today." The fat man said coldly.

Hearing this, Li Wei's expression changed: "You were found by Sun Lei?"

Both Ding Ning and Zhou Quan also heard the meaning in Fatty's words, obviously he was here for revenge.

"Don't worry about who of us found it, I've fallen in love with your girlfriend now, let her play with me for two days, and I can deal with you a few days later." The fat man said.

"Go to Nima!"

Without saying a word, Li Wei punched the fat man on the chin.

"Give it to me." Fatty saw that he had been punched, and immediately asked the younger brother behind him to hit him, shouting in his mouth to beat him to death.

Including Ding Ning and Zhou Quan, none of them will be left behind.

Seven or eight people rushed in. Li Wei's eyes were red, and he seemed to be irritated. Even if there were many people on the other side, so what, he couldn't let his girlfriend be wronged outside.

Zhou Quan was also angry. The fat man's arrogance was no worse than the previous Sun Lei's, even worse.

He picked up the chair, ready to rush over to help Li Wei fight together.

However, before he could make a move, a hand stopped him.

Zhou Quan looked at Ding Ning, only to hear Ding Ning say indifferently: "I'll come."

(End of this chapter)

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