The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 150 150 Please!

Chapter 150 150 Please!

Sun Lei was very angry.

Yang Jian beside him didn't look very well either.

"This Lu Hu really doesn't know how to flatter him. I told him to target that guy. It's been a few days without any results."

At that time, when Yang Jian approached Lu Hu, he had made it clear that if Lu Hu could help and satisfy him, he would let Lu Hu develop better in the future through his family.

I thought this condition was enough, but except for the first day and the second day, Lu Hu didn't see Ding Ning in trouble for the rest of the days.

"This guy was scared by Na Ding Ning." Sun Lei said angrily.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the military training is long. The first seven days were just military training at the school. For the remaining 20 days or so, we will all go to the military area. I don't believe that we can't deal with him when we get there." Yang Jian said with flickering eyes.

Speaking of this, Sun Lei's expression flashed, and he quickly showed joy: "By the way, how could I forget this one? He Lu Hu is just a small instructor with limited strength. When he arrives in the military area, relying on our relationship, to deal with him, Ding Ning, must be easy to catch."

Regarding Ding Ning's punching of Lu Hu, although Lu Hu didn't care about it and said he didn't take it seriously, the impact of this incident was not small, and Shangjing University gave Ding Ning a warning.

For this matter, Zhai Liguo specially called Ding Ning to the office to talk, saying that Ding Ning was too nonsense, how could he fight against the instructor.

Ding Ning didn't say much, Zhai Liguo didn't make a sound when he saw Ding Ning, and there was nothing he could do about Ding Ning. After all, Ding Ning was the one who managed to keep Ding Ning in the School of Political Science and Law. If he was another student, he would have been expelled from the school long ago.

But Ding Ning can't do it, this is the country's number one college entrance examination champion, he doesn't want it, the academy wants it.

In the end, there was still nothing to do, and after talking, Ding Ning was allowed to leave.

Walking out of the office, Ding Ning stood on the suet road downstairs, the sun was shining, casting half of his shadow.

"Is this what college life is? Although they are trivial matters, they are very useful for training the Dao Heart." Ding Ning said to himself.

Coming from the world of mortals, going to the world of mortals, and being higher than the world of mortals, this is what the vast majority of cultivators have to go through. If you don’t temper your heart like a rock, how can you enter the Tao and seek longevity.

The life in Shangjing University can be regarded as making up for the regrets of the previous life.

In this life, in this university, it is not bad to temper one's state of mind.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Quan and Li Wei were still discussing about Ding Ning becoming famous again in school.

Seeing Ding Ning appear, Zhou Quan hurriedly said: "Master, do you know that this time your reputation has expanded again, not to mention that the whole school knows you, half of the school knows you."

"Yes, wherever I go, I can hear people talking about you." Li Wei said aside.

"God, you are a popular person on campus now."

Although the fight between Ding Ning and Lu Hu was suppressed by the school, it was still seen by many college students at that time. After word of mouth, more people naturally knew about Ding Ning.

What Zhou Quan and Li Wei said was right. At Peking University, both boys and girls talked about Ding Ning from time to time.

After all, from the beginning of school to the military training now, Ding Ning has more than one thing to do with it, and every thing is eye-catching.

There are few people who can do it, and they are favored by Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo at the same time.

There are a few people who can do it, those who dare to wrestle with the instructors and fight one-on-one.

There are a few... well, I can't make it up.

This is just the beginning of school, there are so many things about Ding Ning, I really don't know how many things will happen in the future.

After this military training incident, Ding Ning's name, at least among the freshmen, was thoroughly spread, which was why Sun Lei and Yang Jian were angry.

This is not what they want to see.

The seven-day campus military training was over, but the students did not breathe a sigh of relief, because what awaited them would be even more arduous military training in the military region.

This is also a rare military training program in some universities.

For example, some second-rate and third-rate universities are nothing more than simple military training for a few days, and longer ones can be a month, but it is rare to see a university that can send all students to the military for nearly a month.

A first-class top institution like Shangjing University naturally has this qualification.

Zhou Quan and Li Wei are sorting out daily necessities for the military area.

"Li Wei, you have too many things. What are you packing?" Seeing Li Wei's two packages, Zhou Quan froze for a moment.

"It's nothing, just some sunscreen skin care products."

"Damn it, compared with you, I, an old man, live a rough life."

"Our Wang Wei bought them all."

"Nimma, you quietly sprinkled a wave of dog food again. The heavens and the earth will give me a considerate and gentle sister at any time, so that my life will be more refined."

Watching the two play around, Ding Ning couldn't laugh or cry, but it's not bad to have such two live treasures in the dormitory, making the boring life more interesting, isn't it?

In the evening, the three of them went to a small restaurant outside to have a meal together.

According to Zhou Quan's words, if you don't take the opportunity to replenish your body, you will be exhausted after the military training in the military region. It is better to add more nutrition first.

Three people asked for a table of dishes.

Ding Ning has no requirements for food, because he has always eaten very little, even at home, there are sporadic vegetables and less than half a bowl of rice.

In his view, eating these whole grains will only increase the impurities in the body, which is not conducive to practice.

Furthermore, he has spiritual energy and true energy in his body, so even if he doesn't eat anything, he can live for a long time.

Now Ding Ning can completely live without food for three months without any problems.

Zhou Quan and Li Wei drank heavily and ate meat, but Ding Ning only tasted it.

Just as the three of them were eating, a figure appeared beside the table.

"This classmate, please come with me."

The figure standing by the table said slowly, in order to avoid misunderstanding, this person immediately explained: "Don't worry, I don't have any hostility, I just simply want to invite you over."

"Is there something wrong?" Ding Ning said lightly.

"There are two people who want to see you and are waiting for you now."

"Lead the way." Ding Ning didn't refuse, Zhou Quan and Li Wei stood up one after another, persuading them: "Master, there won't be any traps, isn't it too dangerous for you to go this way?"

"Yeah, it's better not to go, this guy doesn't look like a student." Li Wei stared at the person who came to invite someone.

"No problem." Ding Ning said.

Zhou Quan and Li Wei saw that Ding Ning insisted, and said in unison: "Then we will go with you too."

 Originally, I wanted to wait for the recommendation to explode, but now I don’t have to wait anymore, just rush to the street, end the second update mode, I only have one request, veterans, please vote for recommendation, don’t make the new book too ugly!As long as the recommendation votes are strong, there must be more updates!

(End of this chapter)

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