The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 152 152 Inspired!

Chapter 152 152 Inspired!
After allocating accommodation, everyone was gathered on the training ground, and they really didn't want to waste any time.

Lu Hu is still everyone's instructor, and he talked about the system in the military region, which has many restrictions, which made the students wailing in their hearts.

"When I get here, I will no longer regard you as students, but as soldiers, a real soldier."

"Although you have only been soldiers for one month, I will not let you down because of this. On the contrary, I will be stricter. No matter whether you hate me or scold me in the end, I will train you hard. .”

"Because I don't want you to forget the blood in your bones, and I don't want you to forget the humiliation in China's history. Only by remembering the humiliation will you be more diligent and motivated."

"I'll ask you seriously, is there anyone who wants to withdraw from this military training now? If so, please stand up immediately, otherwise you will be dismissed from Peking University if you leave in the middle."

None of the students stood up, and all of them were overwhelmed by Lu Hu's words. The shame of China's history is an indelible memory. Although the students have never experienced it, the distance from that period of history is really far away. Far, not even a hundred years.

So when it comes to this, everyone can't help but feel the passion to serve the country.

Even Ding Ning was almost infected by this emotion, but Ding Ning didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Although there are some shameful lessons, there is no shortage of warnings for future generations, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and don't be arrogant.

"Well, no one has disappointed me. I hope everyone can persevere until the end, because for you, this kind of experience is one and only possible once in a lifetime. I believe that after a few years, You will definitely miss the days of military training in the military region."

Lu Hu held a mobilization meeting for everyone, which made everyone excited. At this moment, the sound of footsteps came, shaking the eardrums.


dong dong dong...

The students looked over one after another, only to see a group of people in military uniforms coming towards them. This was a square team, about 30 people, and everyone was in the same order, and their movements were neat and tidy, without a trace of sloppiness.

When the square team walked up to the students, it stopped suddenly, and only heard the instructor of the square team say to Lu Hu: "Old Lu, the students you led lost to me last year, and you will still be my defeated opponent this year!" How about it?"

After the instructor finished speaking, he glanced at the students in Ding Ning's class, and muttered: "You delicate children from Peking University may surpass many others in study, but I am very concerned about whether you can rank high in terms of enduring hardships." Curious, haha..."

After the instructor finished speaking, he led the square team around him away without looking back.

Lu Hu's face was dark, and the students were all upset because of what the instructor said just now.

"Students, if someone insults us, do we have a heart?"


"Then what should we do when others look down on us?"

"Fight back, prove your strength to him, and hit him in the face."

"Then what should we do, do you all know?"

"Train with all your strength!" the students said in unison.

"Okay, remember what you said today, in the days to come, if you can't hold on any longer, then think about how we were despised by others today, and if you don't want to be judged by others in the future, give me your all! "

"Stop the mouths of those who say that our students from the School of Political Science and Law of Peking University can't even persist in military training. Can everyone do it?"


"I didn't hear you clearly, please say it louder!"

"Yes!" The students shouted hoarsely, and the sound spread throughout the practice field, with an imposing manner.


In a certain building in the military area.

"Hehe, this method has been used for so many years, and it really is the best way to stimulate the hard work and enterprising spirit of these children."

"If these students know that we deliberately use the recruits who have been training for a year to pretend to be students and provoke them, they will probably all jump up and curse."

"Haha, there is no other way. Only when people are stimulated can they know progress. We are also helping them hone themselves."

Two middle-aged men in military uniforms stood in front of the window, looking at the square team, provocative everywhere, talking in their mouths.

Not long after the two talked, there was a knock on the door.


Lu Hu walked into the office, and after saluting the two middle-aged men, he stood straight on the spot and said loudly, "Report."

"Hehe, so it's Xiao Lu."

"Tell me, report something."

Facing the two superiors, Lu Hu did not dare to relax, and kept a high degree of concentration. After sorting out the words in his mind repeatedly, he said that he found a martial artist in Shangjing University.

The two middle-aged people didn't pay attention at first, but then they all asked again, "What are you talking about? Martial practitioners?"

"That's right, in the class I lead, there is a student named Ding Ning, who has a 90.00% chance of being a martial artist."

"Xiao Lu, do you have evidence? You can't just joke about this."

Speaking of the evidence, Lu Hu showed a bit of embarrassment on his face, so he had no choice but to tell the story of his fight with Ding Ning that day.

After listening, the two middle-aged men patted the table at the same time, which startled Lu Hu.

"It's so courageous, even our soldiers dare to fight."

"What an arrogant boy."

But after this slap on the table, there was a brief silence in the office.

After a long while, one of the middle-aged men said: "In the past few years, our military region has been recruiting martial arts practitioners, but these people are more independent and don't like to be restrained, let alone be restrained. It can be said that they can get There are not many people who can get it, and each of them is more difficult to manage."

"This Ding Ning is so young and a student, so he can take this opportunity to absorb him into our Inhuman Group."

"It's not urgent, let's go through this military training first, and observe it slowly for a while. Although we urgently need talents, we must not recruit people with evil intentions. Not only will we not hurt the enemy, but we will suffer from it first." .”

"makes sense."

The two middle-aged men discussed for a while, and finally decided to observe secretly first and not take any action.

Lu Hu didn't dare to intervene until finally, he asked Lu Hu to continue training as before, and then he left.

After walking out of the office, Lu Hu breathed a sigh of relief. In front of his boss, the pressure was too great. After all, the difference in official ranks was too great. In front of those two, he was just a soldier.

"I don't know whether reporting him to the chief will help him or hurt him. I hope this is a good thing for him!" Ding Ning's appearance appeared before Lu Hu's eyes.

 The third watch is here, vote for me!

(End of this chapter)

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