The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 154 154 We want to report! 2 more

Chapter 154 154 We want to report! 2 more

I don't know which classmate said these two words, but they all agreed with the description of Ding Ning at this time.

Because there is no other word that is more suitable for Ding Ning.

Zhou Quan and Li Wei cheered for Ding Ning.

In the eyes of the girls, they looked at Ding Ning with more affection. After all, there are too few outstanding boys like Ding Ning.

Studying well and exercising well, especially his physical fitness, outshine other boys.

Tang Qing slapped Ding Ning.

Liu Ruyi also recovered from her astonishment, "Why do I feel that he finished much faster than Instructor Lu? Has he really never trained before?"

Lu Hu calmed down, walked over, and said, "Student Ding, you have done very well. You don't need to follow the training for these trainings. During our training, you can move around freely around."

After speaking, Lu Hu called other students to continue training.

So on the training ground, a strange scene appeared. Lu Hu was training all the freshmen of the School of Political Science and Law. Only Ding Ning, who seemed to have a higher official title than Lu Hu, walked on the training ground, very free.

Seeing this scene, the students were envious.

This kind of treatment is really too good, but when I think about it, Ding Ning can complete it in such a short time, and it is a one-off, and then I think about myself, and I feel relieved. what.

On the building in the distance, through the window, two middle-aged men also saw this scene.

"This kid's status as a martial artist is unquestionable. Even among the unique soldiers, few people can achieve such a fast speed."

"What I'm curious about now is how strong he is."

"A little Lu Hu can't try it at all, it seems that we need to find a good one."

"You mean, call someone from the ability group?"

"It's not that time yet, wait a minute, I want to get to know this kid first, by the way, ask someone to check this kid's family background, since he is a martial artist, will his family members also have this identity. "

"I personally supervise this matter."


Scorching sun.

However, this cannot stop the students from their military training tasks.

In the wind and rain, the instructors are waiting for you on the training ground.

The sun as big as the dustpan made the students dizzy, but everyone persisted.

Sweat dripped across the cheeks of every student. If there is a wind blowing, the whole world will feel much better.

There is such a figure in the practice field, he walks in the shade of trees that all the students envy, he is so enviable to death.

It's a pity that everyone can only envy them. After all, the treatment is better than that of the instructors. Even Lu Hu accompanied everyone to stand under the scorching sun and endured the scorching.

In military training under the scorching sun, every second is suffering.

Zhou Quan and Li Wei were already sweating profusely, and their military training uniforms were soaked through.

But the two still had to persevere, the two of them did not have Ding Ning's high-level treatment.

The two thought in their hearts, after the military training in the daytime, Ding Ning must teach a few tricks at night, not to mention that they can reach Ding Ning's fast speed, at least help them complete some projects better, and be valued by Lu Hu. More rest time.

On the girl side, Liu Ruyi looked at it. Regarding the girls' military training, although she also felt sorry for the female students, but thinking about how she came here in the same way back then, it was quite meaningful to let the girls go through these things.

Liu Ruyi was wearing sunglasses, and a fashionable hat covered half of her face. She was a friendly mentor when she accompanied her classmates.

Not long after, a female classmate suffered from heatstroke. Liu Ruyi hurried over, helped her up, and walked to the shade.

Seeing this scene, many male students were moved and wanted to pretend to be suffering from heat stroke, but they were also helped to a cool place by Liu Ruyi, but soon Lu Hu's voice came, breaking the idea that many boys had in their hearts.

"Students with heat stroke, I can understand, but once I find out that some students pretend to be heat stroke to escape military training, I will take care of you."

As soon as this sentence came out, many people naturally suppressed this idea.

Unlike other girls, Tang Qing found that even if she stood under the scorching sun, she still didn't feel any discomfort.

She was a little puzzled at first.

But when she felt the not-so-cool temperature coming from her chest, she froze.

Is it because of the crescent moon pendant that Ding Ning sent?

She could feel the faint coolness emanating from the crescent moon pendant at this moment. This coolness was not biting cold, but the kind of refreshing, spring-like coolness, which was very comfortable.

At this time, the radiation dispersed and spread to all parts of the body, so she didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

At this time, Tang Qing began to realize that this meniscus pendant is different.

Thinking back to before, that friend of my father wanted to spend millions to buy this pendant, but Ding Ning didn't agree, could it be...

"Is it really made of the essence of ten-thousand-year ice crystals as Ding Ning said?"

If Ding Ning had said before that the meniscus pendant could keep people forever young and free from all diseases, Tang Qing still didn't believe it in her heart, but now that she felt a trace of the different energy from the meniscus pendant, she believed it a little bit.

Thinking about it again after wearing this meniscus pendant, she really has never been sick, and she has never had any acne on her face. Even the wound she accidentally broke before, she recovered within a short period of time, and there was no pain. scars.

Is it all due to the crescent moon pendant?
If this is the case, the gift of the meniscus pendant is too important.

"He gave me such precious things, does it mean that I am very important to him?"

"That girl named Tong Wantong seems to like him too."

"The female classmates around me are also talking about him..."

Because of the strange function of the meniscus pendant, Tang Qing began to think wildly.

At this time, Ding Ning was walking under the shade of a tree, enjoying the coolness. He felt his ears burning, and glanced at the students who were standing in a military posture. It seemed that these students who were enjoying the sun must be talking about him.

Walking, walking, Ding Ning has unknowingly arrived at the military training place of other colleges.

Many students saw someone strolling back and forth in the shade of a tree, with a posture of strolling along the road of life, and they were immediately blown away.

"Damn it, who is this motherfucker? We're like dogs here, and he's just playing around there!"

"This kid has a mine at home, and he even escaped military training so recklessly, he's insane!"

The discussion of the students quickly attracted the attention of Sun Lei and Yang Jian. They followed the eyes of everyone and looked carefully. The more they looked, the more they felt that the person looked like Ding Ning.

"It seems to be that guy!"

"This guy is so brave. He dared to be so arrogant after escaping military training, and ran here to hang out."

Sun Lei and Yang Jian looked at each other and smiled sinisterly. , and then shouted in unison: "Report to the instructor, we want to report."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, and continue at the third watch!


(End of this chapter)

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