The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 161 Winning in 161 seconds! 3 more

Chapter 161 Winning in 161 seconds! 3 more

"Lieutenant Yang!"

When Lu Hu saw that it was Yang Yu who was fighting with Ding Ning, he was taken aback, but when he saw Yang Jian at the side, he understood.

No wonder Yang Yu appeared here. He thought of the relationship between Yang Yu and Yang Jian. Yang Jian wanted him to target Ding Ning before but failed to satisfy him. Now Yang Jian brought his cousin Yang Yu here.Naturally, he also wanted to target Ding Ning.

However, Yang Yu's appearance still surprised Lu Hu.

Although Lu Hu is only a small soldier in the military region, he also knows a thing or two about all kinds of powerful people in the military region.

Yang Yu, of course he also knew him.

Yang Yu is also a celebrity in the military region. Not only is he outstanding, he is valued by the leaders, and he has made many military exploits. Although he is a little older than him, the military ranks of the two are quite different. Yang Yu has already become a lieutenant. And it was not obtained by relying on the relationship at home, but completely relying on one's own strength.

"When Lieutenant Yang first joined the army, he was not only the best, but he was also in the top five!"

Lu Hu thought to himself, but if so, Yang Yu still lost to Ding Ning.

"Lieutenant Yang, although you are excellent, the guy you are fighting with is not an ordinary person, he is a martial artist."

Lu Hu believes that Ding Ning is more powerful. After all, Ding Ning is a martial artist, not an ordinary person. Even special forces have little room to fight back in front of martial arts practitioners.

At this time, more people gathered here, and even many instructors from the academy were attracted.

Liu Ruyi was naturally among them.

No, just as Ding Ning and Yang Yu were deciding on the weight, someone spoke to Liu Ruyi at the position where the instructors were located, and said to Liu Ruyi, "Director Liu, you have an extra national champion in your academy, which can be said to be one more." Baby Pimple, I didn't expect him to be so talented in military training."

"I guessed right. The person who competed with Ding Ning should be someone from the military region. Your student won against a soldier. You are too good."

"Oh, why didn't he choose our academy?"

"Speaking of Director Liu, do you know why he chose to go to your School of Political Science and Law?"

Several of my colleagues kept talking about Ding Ning in their ears, which meant extraordinary praise, and Liu Ruyi was naturally in a good mood when she heard it. However, Liu Ruyi still disagreed with Ding Ning's competition with a real soldier.

But at this time, it seems that she can't tolerate her objection. The two have already started to compete, so they can only let it go.

Ding Ning and Yang Yu's next competition is a multi-obstacle advance. They have to pass the first ground net, stick to the ground, crawl through it, climb up the obstacle, walk through a section of horizontal bars in the air, roll over a section of fine sand, and jump again. Going to the rope net and so on, there are five or six obstacles in total.

Ding Ning had done this before, in less than three seconds.

Before it started, Yang Jian whispered a few words in Yang Yu's ear, and Yang Yu's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Ding Ning to complete these obstacles in such a short time, even he couldn't guarantee that he could do it.

However, it doesn't mean that he can't do it, he may be able to shorten the time.

"I heard that you set a record of less than 3 seconds before, and today I broke your record!" After Yang Yu finished speaking, he rubbed his hands and moved his feet twice, ready to start.

With everyone's full attention, Yang Yu began to cross these obstacles. His speed was so fast that he instantly aroused the exclamation of the students.

"Wow, that's too fast."

"It's really fast."

"Zizi, crawling forward is the hardest and slowest, but on him, it is estimated to be less than 0.5 seconds!"

Everyone was staring at this quick scene, and Zhou Quan was also looking at the timer in his hand.

And at the next moment, Yang Yu completed all the obstacle crossing projects. When the time was up, Zhou Quan pressed the timer, and a series of numbers appeared on it.

How long will it take?
Many people all looked over, and people could feel that the time was very short, so short that it only took a few breaths.

Before Zhou Quan announced the result in his hands, Yang Jian next to him said the result, "2, 33 seconds!"

Less than 3 seconds?

The students who were worried that Yang Yu would exceed 3 seconds suddenly showed joy. As long as it is within 3 seconds, there is hope of defeating Ding Ning. After all, Ding Ning was within 3 seconds last time.

Yang Yu panted heavily. It was also a challenge for him to complete so many obstacles in such a short period of time. He was very confident in winning this round in such a short period of time.

"God is going to be in danger."

Zhou Quan was a little worried for Ding Ning, because Yang Yu really spent a lot of time, he asked in a low voice beside Ding Ning: "Master, are you sure?"

Ding Ning smiled and said, "You will know after comparing."

Seeing Ding Ning standing there, ready to start, Lu Hu couldn't help but also took out the timer from his pocket.

He was talking about the 2.33 seconds that Yang Yu took just now, and recalled in his mind that day, when Ding Ning did these obstacles for the first time, the time he recorded was 2.11 seconds!
As long as Ding Ning plays the same as that day, he will still win this round.

Lu Hu had a bitter smile on his face. He felt sorry for Yang Yu. If Ding Ning's last time was compared, Ding Ning won again before the start. Others didn't know the result, but he knew it.

"This time, can he reach the height of last time, or will it take a shorter time," or longer? "Lu Hu wasn't sure either, maybe Ding Ning stumbled, but could this kind of thing happen to a martial artist?

Lu Hu felt that Ding Ning was more likely to win.

The moment Ding Ning moved his feet, thousands of pairs of eyes around him focused on Ding Ning's figure, and immediately after that, everyone's eyes blurred.

All I saw was a blurry shadow, flashing past the obstacle like lightning.

And when Ding Ning stood behind the last obstacle, Lu Hu almost forgot to press the timer.

When he reacted, the first number on the timer was 1.

Suddenly, Lu Hu took a deep breath, and it turned out to be within 2 seconds, while Ding Ning took 1.2 seconds.

"How long has he been using it?"

"It seems that I don't need to read it out. I also know who won. It is obvious that Ding Ning is faster."

"It must be less than 2 seconds."

Sun Lei looked at Yang Jian, only to see that Yang Jian was staring at the number on the timer, without speaking for a long time, and when he saw the number clearly, he also fell silent.


Ding Ning was actually one second faster than Yang Yu.

This is the real spike!
"1.33 seconds!" Zhou Quan said Ding Ning's time, and suddenly, there were many gasping voices from around.

Apparently, many people were shocked by this number, more than one second, which is shorter than Ding Ning's last time.

Before the relationship, Ding Ning didn't use all his strength at all.

Thinking of this, the students looked at Ding Ning as if they were seeing a monster.

Which normal human can have such an abnormal speed? The students really can't believe that there is such a thing as Ding Ning in the world. This guy is born to crush others.

(End of this chapter)

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