The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 177 177 Skip another level! 2 more

Chapter 177 177 Skip another level! 2 more

When the group of boys recovered, they were all stunned.

Many pairs of eyes around them were watching them, and they themselves quickly discovered what was happening to them, and they were either scared to pee or scared out of Xiang.

Dirty the football field.

"This...what's the matter?"

These boys were stunned, and when they looked at Ding Ning again, expressions of fear appeared on their faces again.

"The devil! You are the devil!"

The boys pointed at Ding Ning, all looking terrified. It was this boy who made them experience the fear of death just now.

These people no longer had the guts to mock Ding Ning, and they all ran out of the football field in fright, leaving behind other students who were looking at each other in blank dismay. , so embarrassed, they didn't see Ding Ning do anything.

How would outsiders know that Ding Ning didn't seem to make a move, but in fact, he made a move a long time ago.

It's just that this time, he didn't use his fists, but mentally tortured the dozen or so boys.

This is a method similar to hypnosis, and only those with strong mental power can use it.

To deal with these ordinary people, such means are enough, and they will not leave any handles.

"What did you do to them?"

Ding Ning and Tang Qing also left the football field. Tang Qing expressed curiosity about why the dozen or so boys showed such expressions. She saw with her own eyes that Ding Ning didn't do anything, and the boys on the opposite side seemed to be crazy. Behaving weirdly.

"It's just a small punishment for them." Ding Ning said lightly, it was just an illusion method, it couldn't be simpler, those guys thought he didn't dare to do it, don't you know that he Ding Ning has ten thousand ways to make people survive Can't die.

On the way to send Tang Qing back to the dormitory, Ding Ning was still thinking about what happened just now. He was guessing who was behind those boys and whether that person was targeting him or Tang Qing.

If you target him Ding Ning, everything is easy to say, he Ding Ning is not afraid of anyone.

But if it's targeting Tang Qing, that's a different matter.

"No matter who you are, I will make you pay the corresponding price." Sun Lei, Yang Jian, Duan Baiyu, Han Feng and Han Shuang brothers flashed across Ding Ning's mind. friction, then the person behind must be one of these people.

"Okay, I'm here."

Tang Qing's voice sounded, interrupting Ding Ning's thoughts.

Ding Ning turned around and walked back, Tang Qing stopped Ding Ning, "You haven't answered my question yet?"

Ding Ning was stunned for a moment, knowing what Tang Qing was referring to, he smiled and said, "You need a good rest."

After speaking, Ding Ning turned and left.

You haven't answered yet.

Tang Qing yelled twice, seeing Ding Ning pretending not to hear, stomped her foot angrily.

"Coward, let's see how long you can escape."

"Do you like me or not?"

"I didn't agree to me right away, was it because of that girl named Tong Wantong? Or was it Lin Yumo?"

Tang Qing talked to herself, making good use of divergent thinking, and thought of many reasons why Ding Ning didn't answer directly.


"The devil, he is the devil!"

"Mr. Duan, he is really a devil!"

Listening to the crazy words of the boy in front of him, Duan Baiyu frowned. He didn't expect that Ding Ning would easily break through his first move, and also made the person he used look like this.

"Some tricks." Duan Baiyu's expression flickered: "I really underestimated you."

"In this case, next time, I won't let you be so easy."

At the same time, the conflict between Ding Ning and Tang Qing on the football field also reached the ears of Yang Jian and Sun Lei.

They are always paying attention to Ding Ning's news.

"Young Master Yang, is this a tentative move by Duan Baiyu? It failed the first time. It is said that when those people saw Ding Ning, they acted like they had seen a ghost. They were crazy." Sun Lei said.

Yang Jian is not worried: "Don't worry, his methods are far more than these, we just need to watch."


In the next few days, no one troubled Ding Ning, which was quite disappointing to Ding Ning. He still thought about the appearance of that person, so he wanted to teach him a lesson.

And these few days, Ding Ning didn't waste it either. He completed all the courses of his sophomore year by self-study again. When he approached Zhai Liguo again and said that he was going to skip a grade to his junior year, Zhai Liguo was only momentarily absent-minded and stunned for a moment. It was the first time that Ding Ning skipped a grade. This time, Zhai Liguo quickly came to his senses and didn't say much. He directly called all the sophomore teachers to prepare a separate exam for Ding Ning.

News spread that the School of Political Science and Law once again prepared Ding Ning for the exam alone.

It once again triggered discussions among the students of the School of Political Science and Law.

"It's only been a few days, and I'm going to skip another level. This guy is too fierce."

"It's obviously the same class as him, but now it's good. He's going to be a junior soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he graduates a senior in a few days."

The first-year freshmen expressed their opinions on Ding Ning's re-judgment, but for many sophomores, Ding Ning's re-judgment hurt them a lot.

Before, they called Ding Ning one by one classmate, so they have to call him senior in the future.

"It's over, Xiao Xianrou is going to become a senior."

"Is our sophomore course so easy for him? It's nothing more than a jump from freshman to sophomore. It's only been so long, so let's jump to junior."

No matter how outside the discussion is, it will not affect Ding Ning who is answering the question at all.

Just like last time, Ding Ning answered the questions very quickly. Normally, it takes one and a half hours to take a subject, but for Ding Ning, he completed a test paper in about 10 minutes.


The sound of writing was extremely ear-piercing in the quiet classroom. In less than two hours, Ding Ning finished answering all the test papers, and the invigilating teacher graded them on the spot.

This time Zhai Liguo also participated in the invigilation and witnessed Ding Ning's exam from beginning to end.

Zhai Liguo was surprised when he saw the surprised expressions of the teachers after marking the papers. Is it still full marks?
Soon, all the test papers were approved.

Full score!

Full score!

Full score!

Ding Ning once again passed the exam with full marks in all subjects.

Zhai Liguo and several teachers present looked at Ding Ning as if they were looking at a monster, and Ding Ning actually did it.

The self-learning ability is terrible.

Jumping to the junior year was already a certainty. Ding Ning did not stop, and left the teaching building with Zhou Quan and Li Wei under the gaze of everyone.

"Great God, congratulations, skip another level."

"I promise, in a few days, you will repeat this sentence again." Li Wei smiled, implying that Ding Ning will jump from junior to senior in a short time.

"Then I'll congratulate you again."

"Then you have become a repeater."


Li Wei and Zhou Quan started bickering, talking non-stop.

However, soon, the voices of the two stopped abruptly, because a group of people stood in front of them, blocking their way.

(End of this chapter)

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