The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 185 185 Broken arms all over the house! 1 more

Chapter 185 185 Broken arms all over the house! 1 more

"The bag does not include me, you will only know after the battle!"

Enraged by Ding Ning's words, Fan Ze twitched his arm suddenly and rose into the air.

"I don't believe I can't break your defense!"

In mid-air, Fan Ze's voice sounded, and he turned around in the air, and in the next second he was behind Ding Ning, his palm turned into a fist, like an eagle's claw, and directly grabbed the back of Ding Ning's neck.

He was going to break Dinning's neck.

This grabbing will leave traces even if it is made of steel and concrete. Even though Ding Ning has practiced body protection skills, Fan Ze believes that his blow can still achieve results.

The neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, even if you practice the golden bell cover iron cloth shirt, you can't make the neck like a steel bone.

In addition, Fan Ze's speed is astonishing, and Ding Ning may not be able to react to it by surprise.


Claw down.

Fan Ze grabbed Ding Ning's neck directly from behind Ding Ning's back, and was about to twist it, breaking Ding Ning's vitality.

But in the next second, his eyes suddenly widened.

Even the idea of ​​exerting force and twisting forcefully was forced to stop.


Many members of the Zhang family who were watching this scene were stunned by the scene in front of them, and shouted out in horror.

Even the Zhang family advocated that Yushan had incredulous eyes at this time.

Because Ding Ning's behavior at this time made it look like performing magic, which is something that normal humans cannot do.

Fan Ze was standing behind Ding Ning, but right now, Ding Ning turned his head around, a complete 180-degree rotation, as an ordinary person, this is simply impossible, but this happened right in front of his eyes .

What kind of experience is it to see a person's face appearing on the back.

People who don't know think they've seen a ghost.

No wonder the members of the Zhang family couldn't help being horrified when they saw this scene.

Fan Ze was stunned for a moment at first, but he quickly recovered and asked in surprise, "Cartilage skill?"

In his consciousness, only the cartilage skill can do this kind of thing that goes against the human body. He didn't expect Ding Ning to have such a skill.

However, facing Fan Ze's astonishment, Ding Ning smiled lightly: "How can such rubbish methods like cartilage skills compare to my body training method?"

"What kind of method are you practicing?" Hearing this, Fan Ze asked in amazement.

"You have no right to know!"


Fan Ze didn't care what kind of exercises Ding Ning had practiced, immediately, his subordinates twisted hard, trying to break Ding Ning's neck.

go to hell!
From the moment Fan Ze was provoked by Ding Ning, Fan Ze's attack was a way to take someone's life, especially now.

Ding Ning didn't move at all, and smiled at Fan Ze who was trying to break his neck with all his might.

The strength in the body was constantly gathering in the hands. At this time, even the steel bars, Fan Ze believed, had already been broken by him, but Ding Ning's neck was stronger than the steel bars.

This feeling that no matter how hard you try, you can't shake it makes Fan Ze feel powerless as if he could shake a big tree.

Especially when he caught a glimpse of the smile on Ding Ning's face, he couldn't help but shudder.

Hairy couldn't help but stand up.

The scene of Xiaoguo trying to break Ding Ning's arm automatically appeared in Fan Ze's mind, so he is exactly the same as the previous scene.

"Is it time to change me next?" Ding Ning said lightly.

Fan Ze's hand loosened involuntarily, trembling, and his footsteps were retreating, and the retreat was getting faster and faster, as if he was about to run away.

Seeing that Fan Ze had retreated more than ten meters away, Ding Ning's body did not make any movement, but suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The people around didn't even see the afterimage.

Only heard a boom.

Everyone looked for their reputation, and only then did they see the scene in front of them clearly.

At this time, Fan Ze's whole body was embedded in the wall, motionless, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Ding Ning was holding Fan Ze's neck with one hand, as if retaliation for retaliation. Obviously, Fan Ze's appearance was directly pressed into the wall by him with great force.

Everyone who saw this scene felt their hearts tremble. Is this guy still human?

How much impact force is there to push a person into the wall?

The more I think about it, the more it makes my scalp tingle.

Ding Ning slowly withdrew his palm, click, click, bricks fell and hit the ground, but also hit the hearts of more people.


Ding Ning turned his head and glanced at everyone in the Zhang family.

At this moment, everyone who met Ding Ning's gaze felt their bodies tremble, as if they were being stared at by a demon, and the cold air continued to rise from the bottom of their feet. Countless hungry ghosts stretched out their icy hands and grabbed their hands. legs.

Turn around and come.

Xiaoguo and Fan Ze were defeated one after another, Ding Ning came, no one can stop Ding Ning from approaching Zhang Yushan.

Ding Ning stopped in front of Zhang Yushan and slowly stretched out his palm.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to kill someone?"

Zhang Jiahao's father said loudly from the side, but one can tell from his anxious expression that he is actually stern and soft-hearted.

Ding Ning's gaze flashed, and Zhang Jiahao's father felt cold all over, and immediately shut up, no longer speaking, because he felt the breath of death.

It seemed that as long as he dared to speak again, Ding Ning would definitely kill him. This feeling scared Zhang Jiahao's father, so he shut his mouth tightly.

To live is the most important thing.

On the other hand, Zhang Yushan was very calm, he didn't run away, and he didn't show any expression of fear.

After all, it is a person who has experienced wind and rain, and can always maintain a corresponding calmness in the face of anything.

Ding Ning grabbed Zhang Yushan from the chair with his hand.

The people around the Zhang family all exclaimed: "Patriarch."

But no one dared to stop Ding Ning's actions. Ding Ning's series of shots just now had left great fear in everyone's hearts. They all knew that no one was Ding Ning's opponent.

"Do you still want to speak?"

"My hands are here, and you can keep getting them."

Ding Ning held Zhang Yushan in his hands and said lightly.

"I admit that I underestimated you. If it fell into your hands today, my Zhang family lost." Zhang Yushan said, if he hadn't underestimated Ding Ning, the ending might not be what it is today.

"Is it enough if you lose one sentence? I, Ding Ning, have no grievances with your Zhang family, but your Zhang family took the initiative to provoke me. Today, you want to take my hands even more."

"Then what do you want? Do you still want to kill all the members of my Zhang family?" the Zhang family spoke boldly.

"Hehe, kill all the members of your Zhang family, no, no, no..." Ding Ning shook his head. Killing ordinary people is a karmic fire, not to mention slaughtering a whole family.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to add fire to his body.

But if he just left like this, it would appear that Ding Ning was too easy to bully.

"I won't kill you, but I want your Zhang family to know that I will end up with Ding Ning." Speaking of this, Ding Ning's tone suddenly turned cold: "Don't you guys like to break my arms? My family, just give me a broken arm."

He's going to break his arms all over the house!

As he said that, Ding Ning moved his hands, Zhang Yushan screamed, and Ding Ning tore off one arm abruptly.

Moreover, this was not over yet, Ding Ning's figure flashed again, and the people present immediately howled continuously.

All I saw was Ding Ning's figure moving through the crowd, one arm after another, glistening with blood, falling to the ground.

For a moment, the entire courtyard was filled with the smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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