The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 187 187 The wind rises! 1 more

Chapter 187 187 The wind rises! 1 more

"Recently when we went to the capital, a ruthless man appeared!"


"You all know about the Zhang family."

"It's the guy who broke an arm of everyone in the Zhang family."

On the top floor of the tallest building in Shangjing, several young people were sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee, enjoying the sunshine while talking about the current hot issues.

If Sun Lei and Yang Jian were here, they would definitely recognize the identities of these five young people. They represent the top five families in Shangjing. Five people.

It can be said that behind these five youths lies the most terrifying power in China.

"When did Young Master Wang become interested in this guy? I know that Young Master Wang rarely pays attention to this matter."

"It's nothing, it's just boring. Such an interesting guy hasn't appeared in Shangjing for a long time."

"That's right. In the past two years, only one Duan Baiyu came out. This time, it's rare for an interesting person to stir up the dead water in Shangjing. Don't you think it's fun?"

"I'm curious, between him and the Zhang family, who can stand in the end."

"Let's just watch quietly, and hope he can surprise us."


"Patriarch Han, this junior is leaving." Duan Baiyu saluted, and the old man opposite said with a smile, "I'll let the housekeeper see you off."

"No need, my car is outside, I will just wait for Patriarch Han's good news."

After speaking, Duan Baiyu turned and left.

"Grandpa, this guy must have no good intentions. Do you really want to agree to what he said?"

Han Feng and Han Shuang all stood up and expressed their opinions. During the conversation between Duan Baiyu and his grandfather, the two did not interrupt, but now that Duan Baiyu left, the two felt the need to speak.

"Feng'er, Shuang'er, you two should be aware of our Han family's status in Shangjing." The old man said.

"After so many years of hard work, our Han family has now stood at the top of the third level, one step away from the second level." Han Feng said.

"Yes, one step away is the second level." The old man murmured, after a moment of silence, he sighed: "But in the final analysis, it is still one step away."

"What do you mean, grandpa?"

The old man's eyes flashed, "This is an opportunity for our Han family. If we grasp it well, we will really squeeze into the second-level circle, and our family will go to a higher level. And with Duan Baiyu in the middle, we can say, Even if our Han family suddenly enters the second-level circle, there is no need to worry, someone will attack us immediately."

"But Grandpa, if we agree, we will obviously be used by Duan Baiyu. Zhang's family is full of broken arms, which is enough to show that that guy is not easy to mess with. And to tell you the truth, that Ding Ning, we have met before, his His strength is unfathomable, and he is most likely a martial artist."

"I know what you said, but this opportunity is too important for our Han family. If we miss it, we will need several years of hard work if we want to enter the second-level circle. Since ancient times, which prince Behind the general is not a pile of bones, grandpa is old, I don't know how long he will live, I just want to bring our Han family to the second level before I enter the coffin, and I will be satisfied." The old man said .

"We know that you two brothers are kind-hearted, and you want to decide the outcome head-on with him, Ding Ning, but don't forget, where is the land under our feet? , on the contrary, it will drag you down."

"Furthermore, this Duan Baiyu must not only have found our Han family, but will also lobby other families. It is just to erase one person. If this can make the family move forward, I would rather take a gamble." The old man had already made up his mind. .

"But..." Brothers Han Feng and Han Shuang wanted to persuade him again, but the old man waved his hand: "Let's make it so."

As the old man of the Han family said, in less than a day, Duan Baiyu went to several second-level families, and his goal was basically achieved.

"Young master, you have been wandering around in various families for a day, and you must be tired."

An old man brought a cup of coffee to Duan Baiyu.

Duan Baiyu picked it up, took a sip, put it on the coffee table, then turned around, stood up, and walked to the window, looking at the night in front of him, the neon lights outside the window were bright, and the streets were even more busy.

"Uncle Jiang, don't you understand? I can use an easier method to get rid of him, so why should I join forces with those families?" Duan Baiyu asked.

The old man known as Uncle Jiang said: "The young master has come all the way to the present, completely relying on his own ability. I think this is also the reason why the young master does not want to use that power."

"Haha, there is no one who knows me better than you, Uncle Jiang." Duan Baiyu laughed loudly: "Since the day I, Duan Baiyu, rose up in Shangjing, I have used the art of manipulative maneuvers to wander among the major families. , It's like dancing on the tip of a knife, it's exciting, I do have a simpler and more effective way to get rid of him, but that's not my way, that way is too violent, I prefer to use Shangjing these The big family is in the palm of my hand, and with their power, I can accomplish what I want."

"Master, I think you must have a special liking for fighting without bloodshed." Uncle Jiang said.

"Yeah, I like to use my brain more than my hands. This time I will prepare a big net for Ding Ning to see how he can escape this disaster."


"Master, those rumors can't be true." Li Wei asked tentatively.

"What rumor?" Ding Ning responded indifferently.

"It's just the rumors of the Zhang family's broken arms. Did you really do it?" Li Wei asked seriously, while Zhou Quan on the side also pricked up his ears, wanting to hear Ding Ning's answer.

In fact, this incident is too appalling. A family has all the arms of all its owners abolished.

Think about the previous gap between Zhang Jiahao and Ding Ning, and the fact that Ding Ning was invited by the Zhang family. Before, they wondered why Ding Ning came back intact, thinking that the Zhang family did not pursue it. It doesn't seem to be the case.

When they heard the shocking news that Zhang's family was full of people and their arms were broken, both of them were stunned.

They subconsciously thought of Ding Ning.

Seeing that the two of them were so serious and wanted to know, Ding Ning said slowly: "That's right, all the arms of his entire Zhang family were abolished by me."


Zhou Quan and Li Wei's bodies shook one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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