The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 189 Chapter 189 Another chapter tonight! 1 more

Chapter 189 189 Don't go back tonight! 1 more

"This man is really arrogant. He doesn't even give Xinlan your invitation. He is not a gentleman at all." The girl came back and complained in front of Xia Xinlan.

Then, the girl said again: "Xinlan, this guy doesn't know how to flatter him at all, so you shouldn't pay attention to him. Let them snatch the boy Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo both like. Why do you want to join in the fun? what."

"Because I want to prove that who is the undisputed No. [-] school belle in Shanghai!" Xia Xinlan suddenly became serious: "Didn't they say that the person they like is Ding Ning? Me, what does that mean?"

"You want to use Ding Ning to prove that you are more attractive than Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo?" the girl said with some doubts and surprise.

Xia Xinlan nodded, "That's right."

"But, he..." The girl wanted to say that Ding Ning seemed different from ordinary boys, otherwise he would have come here long ago.

"I don't care if he is playing hard to get, or if his heart is higher than the sky. The man I, Xia Xinlan wants to conquer, no one can escape from my grasp."

Ding Ning's refusal did not make Xia Xinlan give up, on the contrary, it aroused Xia Xinlan's fighting spirit.

How a woman can show her own charm is a man. If a man that other women can't ask for, if she comes and goes as soon as she calls, then you can tell who has the most charm at first sight.

"Ding Ning, sooner or later I will let you fall under my pomegranate skirt." Xia Xinlan looked at the back of Ding Ning and the others who were leaving after eating.

After dinner, Zhou Quan was still lamenting Ding Ning's refusal of Xia Xinlan's invitation. He didn't seize the opportunity, and all the beauties took the initiative to invite him. How could he refuse his kindness.

Ding Ning did not explain this.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, he Ding Ning is aloof, difficult to get along with, and even ignorant of the world.

But in reality, he was reborn, and he saw through too many things. Because of this, he only acted according to his heart and his own principles.

If others do not provoke him, he will not provoke others.

As for women, he didn't want to think about it for now.


When the bell rang, Ding Ning picked up the textbook, left the classroom, and went down the teaching building. As soon as he reached the door, he saw a girl standing there.

is her!

Ding Ning's eyes flickered.

"Xia Xinlan!"

"Why did Xia Xiaohua run away? Our School of Political Science and Law is here. Is she waiting for someone?"

"Don't tell me, Xia Xiaohua waits for a boy, then I will be heartbroken."

"Hehe, she may be waiting for you."

The male students who came downstairs all set their eyes on the beautiful Xia Xinlan. After all, such a beautiful woman standing at the door is still very eye-catching.

What's more, Xia Xinlan is still the school belle, with a great reputation, she is always the focus of attention wherever she goes.

The students were all guessing who Xia Xinlan was waiting for, whether it was a man or a woman. The answer didn't take long. As soon as Xia Xinlan opened her mouth, people immediately knew who she was waiting for.

Ding Ning!

Ding Ning walked away along the wall of the teaching building as if he hadn't seen Xia Xinlan, but Xia Xinlan called out his name immediately after.

When they heard that the person Xia Xinlan was waiting for was Ding Ning, the students of the School of Political Science and Law suddenly became excited.

Especially for the majority of male students, this is no less than a blockbuster.

I heard before that Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo seemed to like Ding Ning. Later, the students found out that Tang Qing, the courtyard flower, was also very close to Ding Ning, and that was all. Today was a good day, and suddenly there was another Xia Xinlan .

Many boys couldn't help roaring in their hearts, are you going to catch all the beauties who went to Beijing University?

Besides, you beauties of the school beauty level, look at us outstanding boys, don't just stare at Ding Ning, okay, Ding Ning is not the only boy in the entire Beijing University.

The envy of many boys towards Ding Ning is almost turning into a curse.

Ding Ning pretended not to hear, and continued to walk forward.

Seeing this, Xia Xinlan hurried over, "Wait a minute."

Ding Ning frowned and stopped, and said lightly: "Is there something wrong?"

"Are you free? Can we sit alone?"

"No time."

Ding Ning directly refused, and walked away.

Before Ding Ning could leave, Xia Xinlan shouted, "I'll wait for you, we'll see you soon."

Ding Ning stopped for a moment, ignored him, and left.

And because of Xia Xinlan's words, the students around started discussing again, what did Xia Xinlan and Ding Ning say just now?How far has their relationship developed?Are they going on a date?

Xia Xinlan smiled when she heard the speculation caused by her words. She yelled that on purpose just now to let others hear and make random guesses.

"This is just the first step, just wait."


Based on Xia Xinlan's reputation in Beijing University, Ding Ning was once again pushed to the forefront of discussion.

Some people say that the two are talking about boyfriend and girlfriend, and it may be the kind that has had intimate contact.

Such remarks, to those who have a crush on Xia Xinlan and like Xia Xinlan, are like a world falling apart.

On the same day, someone approached Ding Ning and asked to stay away from Xia Xinlan.

"Boy, Xia Xinlan is not a woman you can have. If you are sensible, get the hell out of here."

"You dare to snatch the woman our elder brother likes, you don't want to live."

"I'm not interested in the Xia Xinlan you're talking about, so don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

"Damn it, you're pretty cool 13, if you don't beat you up, you don't know why the flowers are so red."

After a while, Ding Ning left calmly, leaving behind several people who fell to the ground and howled.

In the next few days, because Xia Xinlan would always appear downstairs to wait for Ding Ning, the number of people who troubled Ding Ning continued to increase.

Although Ding Ning resolved them easily in the end, once such things happen more, it will be very annoying.

Every day, Xia Xinlan would appear in front of Ding Ning wearing different clothes, but today, she was wearing very mature and sexy clothes, and she looked charming and charming. Many boys couldn't help but be bewildered when they saw it.

"Can we go out for a walk?" Xia Xinlan extended the invitation again.

However, this time, Ding Ning did not refuse as usual. Seeing this, Xia Xinlan was overjoyed, thinking that it was because she was dressed more beautifully today.

Under the eyes of everyone, the two walked out of the campus, which broke the hearts of many boys.

Walking on the street, Xia Xinlan deliberately walked in front of Ding Ning, revealing her enchanting figure, showing her most beautiful side, trying to capture Ding Ning's heart.

Suddenly, Xia Xinlan stopped, put one hand on Ding Ning's shoulder, and approached Ding Ning, with the other hand, she slid a finger on Ding Ning's chest.

Nuan Nuan's words came from Xia Xinlan's mouth: "Let's not go back tonight, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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