The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 195 195 The second hole card! 2 more

Chapter 195 195 The second hole card! 2 more

"Who are you? What are you doing at my Han's house?" Mr. Han asked.

He didn't know Ding Ning, so he didn't realize the failure of the two martial practitioners he invited. Instead, he was puzzled that a young man came unexpectedly at night.

The two brothers Han Feng and Han Shuang stood in front of Mr. Han. Ding Ning appeared here. The two brothers knew that the attack failed, otherwise Ding Ning would not have come to him.

Things are really going in a bad direction.

"Feng'er, Shuang'er, what are you two doing?" Mr. Han didn't understand what happened to his two grandchildren, why were they standing in front of him for no reason? Could it be that he was afraid that the young man in front of him would hurt him?
"Grandpa, he is very dangerous." The two brothers said in unison.

"Dangerous? Do you know him?" Mr. Han realized that the reaction of the two grandchildren was a little strange.

"He is Ding Ning!"

The old man of the Han family was startled. Is this young man in front of him the person named Ding Ning that he wanted to kill?
Here he is...

Doesn't that mean that the two martial practitioners he invited failed!

The old man of the Han family showed an inconceivable expression. He really did not expect Ding Ning to survive in the hands of two martial practitioners. Even if Duan Baiyu reminded him that Ding Ning was difficult to deal with, his two grandsons also said that Ding Ning was very strong. He didn't take it too seriously.

In his opinion, no matter how strong a young man is, there is a limit. He asked two martial arts practitioners to fight, two against one, which is enough.

However, it was such a thing that in his opinion that there would be no accidents, but it failed.

Ding Ning slowly walked into the courtyard. There were many flowers planted in the courtyard, and almost all of them withered. After all, it was almost autumn.

As soon as Ding Ning walked by, these decaying flower branches swayed without wind, as if some force was pulling them.

"You should know why I came here." Ding Ning stopped three meters away, smiling at the old man of the Han family and the brothers Han Feng and Han Shuang.

"Ding Ning, it was I, Han Feng, who sent someone to deal with you. If you want revenge, you can find me." Han Feng stood up.

Ding Ning was a martial artist, and the members of the Han family present were all ordinary people. They had no chance of winning against Ding Ning. Therefore, Han Feng suddenly took the matter onto himself, not wanting Ding Ning to hurt other members of the family.

"It's not my elder brother who sent someone to deal with you, it's me who wants your life." Han Shuang immediately stood up.

"But I know that the person who asked those two people to kill me is not the two of you brothers, but the old man behind you." Ding Ning looked at the old man of the Han family with a smile.

"I would like to know, where did I offend you."

Stared at by Ding Ning, the old man of the Han family trembled slightly, squeezed out from Han Feng and Han Shuang, looked directly at Ding Ning and said, "Because your death will help my Han family to move to a higher position, That's why."

Ding Ning didn't expect the old man to be so happy, and bluntly stated the reason for wanting to get rid of him.

"What a domineering reason. In your opinion, as long as the family can grow, anyone can be killed, right?" Ding Ning said lightly.

"That's right, so you must die." Mr. Han didn't panic, but was very calm.

The brothers Han Feng and Han Shuang didn't understand, why did grandpa admit it, wouldn't this force Ding Ning to kill him?

"Ding Ning, this matter has nothing to do with grandpa. If you want revenge, you can come to me." Han Feng wanted to get rid of grandpa, otherwise, if Ding Ning targeted him, grandpa must be in danger.

"Feng'er, Shuang'er, you don't have to be afraid of him. Although he survived, since he took the initiative to deliver it to my door today, I will definitely let him come and go." Mr. Han said, the meaning in these words, he still has The hole card can solve Ding Ning.

Hearing this, Han Feng and Han Shuang were all taken aback, looking at Grandpa, only to hear Grandpa Han laughingly saying: "Do you think that Grandpa is ready to deal with him?"

"Grandpa, you..."

Mr. Han smiled, and then clapped his palms, only to see countless red spots instantly appeared on Ding Ning's body.

These light spots aimed at various parts of Ding Ning, all of which were fatal positions.

This is……

Han Feng and Han Shuang were all surprised, because even the two brothers didn't know that grandpa had hidden such a trick, and the emotional grandpa had arranged for someone to hide in the dark.

"Feng'er, Shuang'er, remember, when dealing with the target, don't pin all your hopes on one method, because once you fail, it means that it will be completely over. To do things, you must plan before you move, and make multiple preparations." When playing this hole card, I did not forget to teach my two grandchildren.

This is definitely precept and example.

Turning his gaze, Mr. Han looked at Ding Ning again, and said, "Young man, since I dare to tell you the reason for killing you, I just want you to understand, because your death will bring our Han family to a new height, don't worry. , my Han family will be grateful to you, and after you die, I will find a good place to bury you."

"Don't try to survive or escape from here. You can't run away. There are dozens of weapons around you aimed at you. Once you make any changes, you will open fire immediately."

Han Feng and Han Shuang also deeply admired his grandfather's skills. As expected of the old man, with many preparations, no matter how strong Ding Ning was, he might have to bleed here today.

The two regretted that they could not surpass Ding Ning with their real strength, and now that Ding Ning was about to die, they would also lose a powerful opponent.

"Let's get on the road." Old Master Han sighed, signaling those people in the dark to start firing.

And just as soon as Mr. Han's words fell, suddenly, a series of voices piercing through the air resounded in the courtyard.

It was like the sound of blisters being popped.

"With the silencer in place, even if you fire at the same time, it won't cause too much noise, young man, you can rest in peace."

Mr. Han was smiling. If Ding Ning hadn't come to the door, he really didn't want to use this hole card, because he didn't want outsiders to die in their courtyard, bad luck!
But now, it seems that there is no better way.

So much ammunition shot out, enough to smash Ding Ning into a sieve in an instant.

In order to prevent Ding Ning from escaping, the firearm did not stop since it was turned on, and it fired for more than a minute. White smoke was emitted in the courtyard, and the smell of gunpowder was everywhere.

"Okay." Mr. Han waved his hand, and the courtyard fell silent.

After so many shootings, Ding Ning must be dead. Mr. Han told the servants beside him, "Go and see."

In fact, Ding Ning's situation was known without inspection. No one could escape such intensive attacks, even martial arts practitioners would be killed.

On this point, Mr. Han is very sure.

After all, no matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, let alone this kind of modern thermal weapon with super fast attack speed.

The servant who came to check whether Ding Ning was completely dead stopped in front of Ding Ning, and then let out an extremely frightened roar.


This cry of fear spread throughout the courtyard in an instant, shocking everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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