The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 197 197 Visit the Zhang family again! 2 more

Chapter 197 197 Visit the Zhang family again! 2 more

Mr. Han crashed into a tree and died.

Ding Ning's anger towards the Han family disappeared.

The only person he wanted to kill when he came to Han's house was Mr. Han.

Because, as Mr. Han said, it was he who wanted to kill Ding Ning. Brother Han Feng and Han Shuang didn't have this idea. He also saw it when he searched for the souls of the two martial artists.

"People are dead, there is no enmity between us."

Ding Ning put down his words and walked out of Han's house, not caring whether Han Feng and Han Shuang brothers would hate him because of this, and wanted to seek revenge from him.

If it wasn't for the fire of karma, he could have wiped out the roots, but it wasn't the Han brothers who really wanted to kill him, but their grandpa, and it was their grandpa's means of killing people.

Therefore, even if Ding Ning kills Mr. Han, he doesn't need to bear the fire of karma, but if he takes action against someone who has no causal relationship, he will have to suffer from fire of karma.

Standing outside the gate of the Han family, there was a cry from behind. The brothers of the Han family were very sad because of the death of Mr. Han.

Now, with the death of Mr. Han, the Han family's further hopes will be turned into bubbles. It is not bad to be able to keep their current position in Shangjing, and there is even the possibility of regressing. The Han family will inevitably be silent for a while in the future.

Ding Ning was extremely calm. Now that the matter of the Han family has been resolved, he will go to the Zhang family next.

Turning his eyes, Ding Ning walked like flying, and quickly disappeared into the night.


The state of the Zhang family at this time is exactly the same as that of the Han family half an hour ago, and they are also waiting for the news of whether they succeeded in killing Ding Ning.

In the lobby of the Zhang family, there were many members of the Zhang family sitting. Among them, Zhang Yushan sat on the main seat, and the rest sat on the sides. Everyone did not have much expression on their faces.

Ever since Ding Ning lost an arm to everyone in the Zhang family that day, almost everyone in the Zhang family never went out, because when they went out, they would be ridiculed by people from other families, saying that all the Zhang family had become one-armed men, etc. Waiting for sarcastic words, although some families dare not say them in person, they will definitely talk behind their backs.

The Zhang family has become a joke among many families in Shangjing City. After all, a whole family has had their arms severed, and the offender has not been dealt with in the end. This has had a great impact on the Zhang family in the second-level circle. Some families even think that the Zhang family is not worthy of being in the second-level circle now, embarrassing the families in the second-level circle.

Therefore, everyone in the Zhang family was in a bad mood.

Tonight, Fan Ze's master made a move and went to find Ding Ning to avenge Fan Ze. According to their estimation of Fan Ze's master's strength, it should be no problem to kill Ding Ning.

As time passed, Fan Ze's master hadn't returned yet, which made everyone in the Zhang family a little worried, whether something unexpected happened.

"I knew we should have sent a few people to follow, so that we would be informed of the situation as soon as possible." Zhang Jiahao's father said with some regret.

"He Ding Ning must die, otherwise our Zhang family will always be laughed at and unable to hold our heads up." A woman said, she is Zhang Jiahao's aunt, she usually likes to wear gold and silver, and attaches great importance to her image, but because of Ding Ning, a woman in her 40s, became disabled and lost an arm. This made her very unacceptable, and the hatred for Ding Ning in her heart was also increasing day by day.

With her mentality, almost everyone in the Zhang family is the same. These days, everyone is suffering from the pain of losing an arm.

Everyone gritted their teeth with hatred for Ding Ning.

It was because of Ding Ning that they became what they are today.

"Yes, we must let him die. My Zhang family must not swallow this bad breath."

In the lobby, among the members of the Zhang family sitting on one side, someone immediately echoed, and when Ding Ning was mentioned, everyone grieved with hatred.

"Uncles, aunts, and sisters-in-law, I, Zhang Jiahao, am sorry for you, and I have caused you trouble. If you want to blame me, you can blame me." Zhang Jiahao stood up, and he blamed himself the most. If you trouble Ding Ning, it won't be like this.

"Jiahao, it's none of your business. It's that kid who is too ruthless and domineering. He has absolutely no law."

Hearing the understanding of his clansmen, Zhang Jiahao still felt guilty. He swore in his heart that he must avenge his clansmen. He lost an arm because he was inferior to others, but Ding Ning broke the arms of all the members of his Zhang family at once. , must be reported.

The people in the lobby had been waiting for over an hour, but Master Fan Ze hadn't returned yet. Zhang Jiahao stood up and said to his grandfather Zhang Yushan, "Grandpa, why don't I go and have a look, in case things change."

Zhang Yushan thought for a while, considering the Zhang family, only Zhang Jiahao's grandson, did not agree, but ordered the servants of the Zhang family to go.



Right after Zhang Yushan gave orders to the servant, the servant ran back with a panicked face as soon as he walked out of the courtyard, his eyes were full of fear, and he kept calling Zhang Yushan.

"What's wrong? Why are you back?"

Zhang Jiahao's father immediately scolded, Zhang Yushan frowned, looked at the servant in front of him gasping for breath and panicked, and said: "What happened, tell me slowly."

"Master...Master, he...he..."

"Who? What's the matter?" The servant hesitated, making people anxious.

Until the servant took a deep breath and said "Ding Ning is here." All the people present were stunned.

Ding Ning is here?

Hearing this news, everyone instinctively felt a chill in their bodies. The fear of being cut off by Ding Ning before was still in everyone's heart, and at this time, it emerged again.

"Where is he?"

"Is he really here?"

Everyone in the Zhang family turned their attention to the gate at the same time.

When they saw a figure standing under the gate, most of them trembled, and they lost the aura of criticizing Ding Ning just now.

Ding Ning did appear, standing at the gate.

Under the gazes of many people, Ding Ning slowly walked into the courtyard, his figure became clearer and his face was revealed.

Thin figure, slightly thin, does not look special.

However, such a person has left an indelible mark on the hearts of all the Zhang family, and no one will forget Ding Ning's appearance.

The devil is at it again.

I don't know why, but when they saw Ding Ning appearing in front of them, the members of the Zhang family couldn't help touching the broken arm with their only remaining hand. They couldn't help worrying that the only remaining arm could no longer be used Ding Ning abolished it.

Ding Ning walked into the courtyard, glanced at everyone in the Zhang family, and said with a smile, "Everyone, we meet again."

(End of this chapter)

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