The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 202 202 Broken Steel Knife! 2 more

Chapter 202 202 Broken Steel Knife! 2 more

In the woods behind Shangjing University, it is the best place to solve the problem.

Ding Ning came here once before, and it was that time that he crippled Zhang Jiahao's arm and offended the Zhang family.

Today, it seems that he is going to offend some people again.

Stopping in a fairly spacious open space, Ding Ning turned around and looked at the two parties.

"Since you are all looking for me, let's come one by one and tell me, what are you looking for?" Ding Ning's eyes fell on Xu Hao.

This Xu Hao looked like an ordinary person, Ding Ning was quite curious as to why he found him.

Xu Hao didn't know that Ding Ning didn't take him seriously at all. He took a step forward, showing a very imposing look, and said to Ding Ning: "Boy, don't pretend, you know what you have done yourself. , the woman I like, you dare to touch her hands, today I will teach you a lesson for Xinlan, and show you some flair."

"Xia Xinlan?" Ding Ning frowned, feeling that Xu Hao had found him because of Xia Xinlan.

"I'm not interested in that woman." Ding Ning said lightly.

"Not interested?" Xu Hao sneered. When Xia Xinlan talked about Ding Ning, his lovely and pitiful look still lingered in his mind, but Ding Ning was pretending to be serious here, saying that he was not interested, so Xu Hao would not believe it.

Especially Ding Ning showed a faint disdainful look, as if Xia Xinlan was tired of being played by him and threw it away, but you treated it like a treasure, which angered Xu Hao even more.

"Give it to me, beat him hard." Xu Hao gave an order, and all the younger brothers around him rushed over, and took out a stick from behind, who didn't know how to hide it behind them. Each of them held a stick in their hands, quite imposing.

Seeing Xu Hao's group rushing towards Ding Ning, the other group stood still without moving.

"Brother Kun, what should we do? If people are beaten to death, we can't go back and explain to the young master. Do we want to stop them?"

"If these people can beat him to death and maim him, we won't come looking for him today. Don't worry, he shouldn't be beaten to death so easily. It's just right to have these people take action, so I can take a closer look." What is his strength?"

"Okay, let's listen to Brother Kun, we will do what Kun says."

"Remember, we are all doing things for Huang Shao, not for me, Akun, understand?"

"Understood, Brother Kun."

Afterwards, the eyes of Akun and others focused on the front, and Xu Hao and others had already rushed in front of Ding Ning.

When the sticks fell, ordinary people would be overwhelmed as soon as they met each other. For his brothers to attack together, Xu Hao is also confident that he will be able to deal with Ding Ning severely and vent his anger on Xia Xinlan. Xu Hao will also win the beauty's heart because of this. Even get the body of a beauty.

He picked up his phone and wanted to record such a scene, and then show it to Xia Xinlan himself, so that Xia Xinlan would know that Xu Hao did what he said.

"If Xinlan sees him being beaten badly, Xinlan will be very happy."

The video recording has already started. Ding Ning was surrounded by more than a dozen people, and they dropped sticks one by one, and all of them were filmed.

Soon, Ding Ning's screams will be heard.

A sneer appeared on Xu Hao's face, waiting to record this beautiful moment, but what happened next surprised him, and he stayed there.

Bang bang bang!
In front of them, before the sticks fell, they saw figures flying out one after another.

And for a split second, there was no smashing of the stick, Ding Ning's screams, but the screams of his men hitting the ground.

One painful sound after another sounded one after another.

Xu Hao was a little confused. On his side, there were so many people who couldn't beat Ding Ning alone, but Ding Ning knocked them all into the air in an instant.

Isn't this scientific?
After all, his side has great advantages both in terms of numbers and weapons.

However, Xu Hao didn't know that Ding Ning was not the ordinary people he usually fights, but a reborn master of the cultivation world. If his methods can hurt Ding Ning, it would be a big joke.

In an instant, all the rushing people fell to the ground, and there were painful sounds in their mouths.

If Xu Hao could pay attention to Ding Ning and inquire about Ding Ning in school, he would know how stupid it is for him to bring so many people to trouble Ding Ning today.

A group of ordinary people, even if they often fight fiercely, in Ding Ning's eyes, they are nothing more than ants. Although he is too lazy to fight these people, his body is strong, and no matter how many sticks he suffers, he will not let these people Hit him.

So, in an instant, he directly swept out his kick and came down in a circle to solve everything.

"They are all down, it's up to you next!" Ding Ning stared at Xu Hao and said slowly.

Xu Hao's expression was cloudy and uncertain. His subordinates were instantly defeated, which made him both shocked and angry. The one who was shocked was Ding Ning's strength, and the one who was angry was that these subordinates were too useless.

"Don't be complacent."

Xu Hao threw the phone back, pulled out a knife from behind his back, and immediately rushed forward.

With the long knife, Xu Hao's aura immediately became different, giving him an overpowering aura.


Xu Hao slashed with the long knife in his hand. Although he didn't cut at the fatal part, once he was cut, he would only have half his life left.

It could be seen that Xu Hao was very ruthless, not a benevolent master.

One side of Ding Ning's body, he dodged in an instant, Xu Hao, who was invulnerable to a knife, did not retreat, but swung his knife again, but still failed to touch Ding Ning at all.


Suddenly, Xu Hao roared and held the knife with both hands. This time, he jumped up, his face was flushed, and he poured a lot of strength into his hands, and chopped down directly.

The knife went straight to Ding Ning's shoulder.

Ding Ning's eyes flickered, this time he did not avoid it again, and said lightly: "Let's stop here."

I saw that Ding Ning had a hand behind his back, and suddenly grabbed the sky.

With this grab, he directly grabbed the long knife in Xu Hao's hand.

Xu Hao was stunned for a moment, and then sneered. In his opinion, Ding Ning was too presumptuous, daring to catch a sword with his bare hands.

"Reckless, do you think your hands can rival sharp blades?"

Xu Hao laughed at Ding Ning from the bottom of his heart, "If that's the case, then I'll cut off one of your hands."

call out.

A white light flashed, and the knife fell.

Xu Hao landed on both feet, holding a knife in both hands, and stood there in the appearance of wielding a knife, motionless.

His eyes were staring fixedly in front of him, the white palm, with two fingers in it, was clamped on the blade at this moment.

After a crisp sound, a gap suddenly appeared from where Ding Ning's fingers were clamped, and a section of the blade broke away from the blade, and with a flick of Ding Ning's palm, it swished past Xu Hao's face.


Xu Hao felt a slight tingling on his face, he subconsciously touched his cheek, and looked down.

His palm was stained with bright red blood!

(End of this chapter)

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