The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 214 214 Wang Peng's Revenge! 1 more

Chapter 214 214 Wang Peng's Revenge! 1 more

In the abandoned factory, there was a strong smell of blood, and there were several corpses lying on the ground, all dead at this moment.

It took a long time for Zhao Long to come back to his senses. Tang Yu and others were still in a victorious posture before, but in the blink of an eye, they all died. This kind of change is really fast.

Watching Ding Ning take back that white light, Zhao Long couldn't help but be shocked by the magic of Ding Ning's method. He opened his mouth to spit out the light to kill people.

He could vaguely feel that Ding Ning seemed to be stronger than before.

Thinking of this, Zhao Long paid more attention to Ding Ning in his heart, and became more respectful.

"Congratulations to Mr. Ding, the trouble is gone." Zhao Long cupped his fists and congratulated.

"They are not the only ones who moved my family. It's too early to say that there will be no future troubles. There are still a group of people who are at large." Ding Ning said lightly.

Zhao Long knew that Ding Ning was referring to something. Apart from Tang Yu and his group, there was also a group of people who shot, but they couldn't find it.

Ding Ning didn't want to let any of them go.

"Mr. Ding, the whereabouts of the remaining group of people are very mysterious. I have already sent someone to investigate, but unfortunately, I have not found any news. I am afraid that we can only wait for a while." Zhao Long explained.

Ding Ning didn't want to wait too long. This kind of enemy who was targeting his family must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise he might suddenly appear and cause harm to his family.

In this life, he does not allow anyone to hurt his family, this is his greatest adversity.

"Mr. Ding, let's go back first, don't worry, I will continue to search, and if there are any clues, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Ding Ning nodded. Although Qian Wolong has great influence in Jiangling City, it is impossible to do it. Every corner is scrupulous, and there must be blind spots that cannot be seen. However, he really doesn't want to wait too long. .

Just when the two were about to turn around and return, Zhao Long received a call from Qian Wolong.

Immediately, Zhao Long's face changed drastically.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Zhao Long's expression was not right, Ding Ning frowned and asked.

Zhao Long looked hesitant, a little afraid to speak.

However, in the end, he still told the truth: "Mr. Ding... Uncle and aunt, they were taken away!"

Ding Ning's eyes suddenly shot one or two sharp glances, and the momentum on his body blew up his clothes.

"Where was it taken away?"

Ding Ning asked blankly, but what Zhao Long felt, as if he had come to the twelfth lunar month of winter, was a kind of chill from the bottom of his heart.


After Zhao Long finished speaking, he was about to rush back with Ding Ning, but before he could open his mouth, Ding Ning had disappeared before his eyes, leaving only a gust of wind blowing up dust, and Ding Ning had long since disappeared.

Zhao Long lost his mind for a while, and murmured: "It's so fast."

Under the full speed of Ding Ning, it didn't take long to arrive at the hospital where his parents were, and he also saw Qian Wolong immediately.

When he saw Qian Wolong, Ding Ning was stunned for a moment, because Qian Wolong was seriously injured, his face was purple, and there were signs of poisoning.

"Little friend, I didn't protect your family well. I'm sorry." Qian Wolong blamed himself.

"Who took my parents away? Is it the other group?" Ding Ning asked. He had to rescue his family quickly, and there was not much time left for him.

"Yes...he..." Mr. Qian didn't say the last word, and fell into a coma, his face had already turned from purple to black.

Ding Ning was anxious to save his family, but it was impossible, so he let Qian Wolong ignore him, otherwise, Qian Wolong would definitely die.

This group of people has very powerful methods. Although Qian Wolong is old, his level is not low. He has entered the level of generals for a while, and this group of people can poison Qian Wolong. The method is really extraordinary.

When did Jiangling City have such a master?

Ding Ning didn't have time to think about it. With a swipe of his finger, all ten of Qian Wolong's fingers were cut, and part of the poisonous blood was forced out, but part of it was still in the body. It was not a short-term thing to get rid of it all. With a thought, Ding Ning Spend a trace of true energy to protect Qian Wolong's internal organs so that the most important organs will not be damaged. It is important for him to save his family now, and he can't stay here for too long. He can only temporarily suppress these toxins, and wait until he rescues his family , and then help Qian Wolong detoxify.

A sliver of true energy will keep Wolong alive.

Regarding the murderer who took away his family, Ding Ning has no news. Before that, he learned some information through Banjiao's memory. With a flash of his eyes, Ding Ning will stick it on Qian Wolong's forehead, poke out his mind, and enter Qian Wolong's memory. .


Ding Ning opened his eyes again, his fingers could not help but clenched into fists, his eyes were full of coldness.

By browsing Qian Wolong's memory, he saw a somewhat familiar person, and this person was probably the one who took his parents away.

"Wang Peng!"

That's right, Ding Ning saw the shadow of Wang Peng appearing in the hospital in Qian Wolong's mind.

Ding Ning had never cared about Wang Peng before. The first time the two met, Ding Ning was regarded as a rival in love by Wang Peng, so they developed hostility. Afterwards, Ding Ning easily resolved Wang Peng's troubles with Ding Ning several times. , until the last time, Wang Peng used a killer to kill him with firearms, Ding Ning became angry and went to Wang's house, and finally, Wang Peng was broken by his father Wang Guofu, and the matter was settled.

Unexpectedly, this guy still wanted to deal with him.

"This time, even if you lose five limbs, I will not let you go." Ding Ning said coldly, since he knew who was involved, it would be easy to handle.

Ding Ning handed Qian Wolong to the hospital nurse, walked out of the hospital alone, and went straight to Wang Peng's house.


"My lord, I have already made arrangements." Wang Peng said very respectfully to the man in front of him.

The man nodded: "Very well, this time your Wang family makes an attack, Shangjing will not forget you, don't worry."

"He Ding Ning doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and he dared to offend the big shots in Shangjing. He Ding Ning wanted to die on his own. Besides, I, Wang Peng, and him have nothing to do with each other. If I can kill him, it doesn't matter if I pay the price."

"Hehe, you hate him that much?" The man was a little surprised by Wang Peng's hatred for Ding Ning.

"Hate, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have my limbs broken by my father. If it wasn't for him, the woman I like would not be snatched away by him. I want him to die. As long as he dies, I will pay any price." " Wang Peng said harshly.

The man smiled: "Don't worry, your wish will come true soon. When we transfer his parents to Shangjing, then his life and death will be at our disposal."

"My lord, I only have one request. I hope that I can witness his fate with my own eyes."

"Haha, no problem, I can promise you this."

(End of this chapter)

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