The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 220 220 He is here again! 1 more

Chapter 220 220 He is here again! 1 more

A gray and white photo was placed on the table, an old man was touching and reaching out to touch the smiling young face in the photo.

Tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Father, you should have a good rest. Jiahao is dead, and he can't be resurrected after all." A middle-aged man persuaded in front of the old man.

This old man is none other than Zhang Yushan, the head of the Zhang family.

Zhang Jiahao used the way of his own death to extinguish Ding Ning's anger and save the family. This made Zhang Yushan and his son very sad, especially for Zhang Yushan's old man, seeing his grandson grow up, it will not take a few years He was able to take over the family, but he passed away like this. How could he, a grandfather, be able to accept this reality in a short while.

These days, I have been looking at Zhang Jiahao's photos, weeping, and sighing in my mouth, the white-haired man gave the black-haired man, the people who watched it felt very sad.

Because of Zhang Jiahao's death, Zhang Yushan also hated some younger generations in the family, and felt that part of it was their fault. For this reason, he kicked out all those who disliked him. The entire Zhang family is now deserted than before. a lot of.

Regarding his stubborn father, Zhang Jiahao's father had nothing to do, knowing that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was useless, so he simply stopped trying to persuade him.

Looking at Zhang Yushan, Zhang Jiahao's father hesitated for a moment, but said: "Father, let's follow the Huang family and Wang family and continue to target him, is that okay?"


Zhang Yushan's eyes turned, as if he had regained his energy all of a sudden, staring at Zhang Jiahao's father, he suddenly said angrily: "Could it be that my grandson died in vain? We have to bear it? He is your son, Can you, a father, really be indifferent and dare not even take revenge?"

Zhang Yushan was very angry, angry that the son in front of him was so timid.

"Father, you love your grandson, and of course I love him too. Human hearts are full of flesh. I am Jiahao's father. How could I not be fond of that kid, but you know, that kid is ruthless. The whole family has lost their arms, and now even Jiahao has died because of this, if we provoke him again, once he finds out, the consequences will be disastrous." Zhang Jiahao's father expressed his concern.

"You spineless guy, why did I, Zhang Yushan, give birth to your gutless son? My grandson is dead. I must avenge him. Even if he knows, so what, he dares to slaughter my Zhang family If you can't make it, this is Shangjing City, at the foot of the Son of Heaven."

"Furthermore, it's not just our Zhang family who are targeting him this time. The top second-level families like the Huang family and Wang family also want to get rid of him. How long do you think he can live? What's more, this time, we What you need to grasp is his seven inches. Once his family is controlled, he will not be at the mercy of others, and he can be manipulated as he wants."

Zhang Jiahao's father was still a little worried, and wanted to say more, Zhang Yushan said: "Needless to say, the Wang and Huang families have already started to take action, news will come soon, we will wait and see how Ding Ning dies."

When he mentioned the words "Let Ding Ning die", Zhang Yushan's face was covered with a cold and cruel smile.

"If Wang Huang can really get rid of him, that would be great, Jiahao's revenge can be regarded as revenge."

"Hmph, Jiahao's death, how can it be just his life? My Jiahao's life will be paid with the lives of Ding Ning's whole family. I want their whole family to die." Zhang Yushan said coldly.


Following Zhang Yushan's words, a gust of cold wind blew past the front of the hall, making Zhang Jiahao's father shrink back and feel a little chilly.

Just when he turned around and was about to order his servants to find him some clothes to put on, suddenly, his body stopped suddenly.

Zhang Jiahao's father, his eyes fixed on the front, did not know when a figure appeared in the courtyard.

Quietly, I don't even know when it appeared.

If it was just like this, it would not be worthwhile for Zhang Jiahao's father to show such an expression. The horror on his face was not because of a sudden arrival of a person, but because of this person, he knew, and it was also the person he and Zhang Yushan talked about just now.

He is Ding Ning.

Standing in the courtyard, Ding Ning appeared silently, like a ghost.

Just standing still, Zhang Jiahao's father was so scared that he couldn't move, he couldn't even speak.

Zhang Yushan didn't realize that Ding Ning had visited his Zhang family again, and was still immersed in waiting for the good news of Wang and Huang's actions against Ding Ning. He raised his eyes and saw Zhang Jiahao's father standing still and not speaking, Zhang Yushan frowned. He frowned and said, "You look like an iron pillar, what are you doing there?"

Zhang Jiahao's father didn't speak, Zhang Yushan realized something was wrong, this time he raised his head completely, and his eyes also covered the entire courtyard in front of him from the corner just now.

When he saw that the voice in the courtyard was Ding Ning, who was gnashing his teeth and wishing to tear his body into pieces, Zhang Yushan suddenly stood up from his chair.

" you here?"

Shocked, puzzled, and a trace of fear gathered in his heart, Zhang Yushan really couldn't believe that Ding Ning would appear here.

Could it be that Ding Ning knew about his Zhang family targeting him again?
It shouldn't be. It is impossible for Ding Ning to get the news if the Wang and Huang families make a move. That's not the case. Why did Ding Ning appear in his Zhang family again?

"What are you doing at my Zhang's house? Jiahao is dead, what else do you want?"

Determined that Ding Ning didn't know what the Wang and Huang families were doing against him, Zhang Yushan didn't get too flustered, revealing a hint of anger, but he didn't go too far for fear of angering Ding Ning.

Ding Ning walked over slowly, stepped out of the shadows, and stepped into the lobby. Without looking at Zhang Jiahao's father who was stiff, he ignored Zhang Yushan's gaze, and sat down on the chair next to Zhang Yushan as if no one else was there.

Ding Ning did not speak, picked up Zhang Jiahao's photo, and put it down slowly, Zhang Yushan said angrily: "You boy, don't bully people too much, my grandson died because of you, and now you bully me again, you really think my Zhang family is easy to bully ?"

Zhang Yushan put on an attitude that no matter how much you go too far, I would rather die with you, and he said it quite imposingly.

Ding Ning sat on the chair with his legs crossed, and tapped his fingers on the wooden table, as if he took Zhang Yushan's words as air.

Just when Zhang Yushan didn't understand Ding Ning's intentions and wanted to scold him angrily, Ding Ning suddenly stood up and said lightly, "You Zhang, Huang, and Wang families attacked my family to deal with me. Do you think I should I shouldn't have come to your Zhang family."

Hearing this, Zhang Yushan's body shook, and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Ding Ning actually knew it!
"Just now I seem to have heard that Patriarch Zhang, you want to take the lives of my whole family, Mr. Ding, to pay for the life of your dead grandson. I'm right!"

The more Ding Ning spoke, the colder the surrounding air became, as if the autumn frost had descended instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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