The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 228 228 Condemnation! 1 more

Chapter 228 228 Condemnation! 1 more

Inside the office.

Zhai Liguo couldn't say anything or scold Ding Ning, a classmate who was a top student.

After all, he had promised Ding Ning before that he could leave the school at will, and he was not restricted to be present for every class.

"Student Ding, next time you have something to do, you must notify me first."

"it is good."

"I'll leave it to Instructor Liu for the final exam for the junior year. You can tell her about it, and she will arrange for you to take the exam as soon as possible."

Coming out of Zhai Liguo's office, Ding Ning went directly to Liu Ruyi. Seeing Ding Ning appear, Liu Ruyi asked the truth, wanting to know where Ding Ning had been in the past two days. The exam papers for the junior year were all out, and the relevant teachers were all ready In the end, at this juncture, Ding Ning disappeared.

Ding Ning disappeared suddenly and was not at school. Naturally, it was because of dealing with the affairs of the Wang and Huang families. There was no way to embarrass Ding Ning even if she passed her, so he had to say: "Whenever you want to take the exam, prepare for it."

"I can do it anytime." Ding Ning said directly.

Liu Ruyi was not too surprised, she nodded. She was about to leave to arrange for the invigilator, but she didn't take a few steps and turned back.

"Director Liu, do you have anything else to do?" Seeing Liu Ruyi standing in front of him again, Ding Ning asked suspiciously.

"By the way, what did you think about what I told you before?"

Ding Ning thought about it for a while, and remembered Liu Ruyi's suggestion to him before, if he also finished his senior year, he could go to other colleges to continue his studies.

"Instructor Liu's suggestion, I've made up my mind. I will continue my studies in other colleges." Ding Ning smiled, and Liu Ruyi's expression flickered, as if she was happy with Ding Ning's idea, and she turned and left satisfied.

In less than an hour, Ding Ning started the final exam for his junior year.

At the same time, the news of Duan Baiyu's death also spread in Shangjing University.

Duan Baiyu is a famous person on campus, if he enters or leaves the campus casually, he will become the focus of the crowd, he is completely a campus star.

However, who would have thought that such a handsome, charming, and infinitely charming senior in the hearts of many school girls, a role model and idol in the hearts of school boys, would suddenly receive bad news.

This caused many school girls to cry for this, and many school boys sighed, lamenting the premature death of Yingcai.

On the tree-lined road between the campuses, at this time, the autumn leaves are rustling, and when the wind blows, many yellow leaves are rolled up and dance in the sky.

Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo walked for a while, and finally they sat on the chairs on the side of the basketball court.

"He's dead, you know it." Tong Wantong couldn't help but speak.

Lin Yumo didn't speak, but the light in his eyes still fluctuated.

"Don't be sad." Tong Wantong comforted.

Lin Yumo still didn't speak, Tong Wantong knew that Lin Yumo was in a bad mood, and continued: "I know you are sad, but people cannot be resurrected after death, so I can only say that he, Duan Baiyu, is not qualified to be your man. "

"In my heart, there is nothing he can't do. He is also the best among my peers. I came to Shangjing University because of him..." Lin Yu As Mo said, her eyes turned slightly red. After all, she had been silently in love for so long. Now, the relationship between the two of them was just about to make a little breakthrough, but suddenly they were separated.

"Yumo, I know what you're thinking, but you might as well think about it from another angle. Is Duan Baiyu really the best? Among other things, in my opinion, Ding Ning is much better than him." Tong Wantong said .

Lin Yumo rolled her eyes, and Tong Wantong smiled: "I didn't mention him on purpose. After all, you like Duan Baiyu, but I don't. That guy is too scheming, and he is not suitable for you at all."

Seeing Lin Yumo frown, Tong Wantong hurriedly changed her words: "Okay, I won't talk anymore, let's change the subject."

"I want to know how he died?" Tong Wantong was taken aback by Lin Yumo's turn of the topic, and then said: "This shouldn't be difficult."

"I asked, but the school's answer was vague." Lin Yumo said.

"The school is definitely not willing to let more people know about this kind of thing. Let me go to my friend to find out. My friend is a child of a big family in Shangjing. It is not necessary to ask her for help in this kind of matter." Disaster."

Afterwards, Tong Wantong made a phone call, and then left the school with Lin Yumo and came to a cafe near the school.

When the two came out of the cafe, their moods were quite complicated.

From that friend, I learned that Duan Baiyu's death was not simple, it was very likely a vendetta, and the Huang and Wang families were wiped out overnight, these two incidents were most likely done by one person.

Seeing that Lin Yumo was still immersed in the consciousness of who killed Duan Baiyu, Tong Wantong slapped her forehead and said, "Yumo, are we both stupid? We can ask Grandpa."

Lin Yumo's expression flickered. How could she forget this? Although the grandfathers of the two are both in Jiangling and not from Shangjing, they are quite powerful. It is not too difficult to inquire about such things.

"Then I'll call right now." Tong Wantong said.

After a few minutes.

Lin Yumo looked at Tong Wantong and said, "What did Grandpa Qian say?"

Tong Wantong was puzzled: "Grandpa told me not to ask about such things."

"What else did Grandpa Qian say?"

"He asked me about Ding Ning's situation, and said that if Ding Ning had any situation, he must contact him as soon as possible."

"Why does Grandpa Qian value that guy so much?" Lin Yumo frowned, wondering if Ding Ning had anything to do with this matter?
And just before noon, many families in the capital wanted to know the murderer who killed the Wang and Huang families, and finally made progress.

Someone stood up and said that the perpetrator was Ding Ning.

As soon as the news came out, many families were stunned. Who was Ding Ning?First of all, this is a name that many people will find unfamiliar, because there is no Ding family in Shangjing.

However, it didn't take long for people to remember that the broken arms of the Zhang family seemed to be caused by this man named Ding Ning.

At this moment, a person appeared, which greatly increased the credibility of this matter.

The old man next to Duan Baiyu appeared in person, and said that the three families of Wang, Huang, and Zhang were all murdered by Ding Ning, and Duan Baiyu was also killed by Ding Ning.

In an instant, a stone stirred up a thousand waves!

Was all this done by Ding Ning?

Many families were shocked. Before Ding Ning broke the arms of the Zhang family, everyone just watched the excitement. Now everyone realizes that Ding Ning's horror is far beyond imagination. Even the top second-level families are talking about killing just kill.

"It's too arrogant. How can such a person be allowed to be in the capital!"

"This person must be brought to justice, simply ignoring the law."

"This person dared to destroy Wang and Huang's family today. If they fail to keep things together, whoever provokes him will have to be wiped out. It is too dangerous. This person must be arrested and not allowed to go free."

Under Uncle Jiang's words, many families began to denounce Ding Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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