The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 232 Chapter 232 Talk! 1 more

Chapter 232 232 Talk! 1 more

Ding Ning sat down and did not speak.

It was the middle-aged man who took the initiative to smile and said, "Brother Ding, it's been a while since we parted that day. I will never forget you, Brother Ding."

Ding Ning frowned. Seeing this, the middle-aged man quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your strength, brother Ding, not other aspects."

"You're looking for me, what's the matter?" Ding Ning didn't beat around the bush, and went straight to the point.

As the saying goes, if you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, this middle-aged man sent someone to invite him, but Ding Ning didn't think he just wanted to chat with him.

Although he didn't know the identity of the middle-aged man, but in the military region, other people called him the chief, and he was able to command the members of the Inhuman Group. Obviously, he was not of ordinary status.

And today, instead of wearing a military uniform, he changed into a Tang suit and appeared in front of him. He must have appeared here, but few people knew about it. He deliberately kept a low profile and didn't want to attract attention.

Ding Ning would not believe that such a big shot in the military area asked him to gossip.

Seeing Ding Ning's direct roll call, the middle-aged man laughed loudly: "Brother Ding is indeed a smart person. I'm looking for you. I really have something to do. If that's the case, I'll explain why I'm here."

"You still want to invite me to join that so-called Inhuman Group?" Ding Ning frowned.

He could think of the purpose of the other party looking for him, and that was the matter. After all, that was the purpose of the other party at that time, but he rejected it.

This is probably also the reason for inviting him alone now.

"Haha, what do you think, Brother Ding?" The middle-aged man laughed.

"I've already said my answer before, I'm not interested in joining your Inhuman group." Ding Ning replied.

The middle-aged man didn't seem surprised by Ding Ning's answer, he still smiled and said: "Brother Ding, don't refuse in a hurry, we were a little abrupt before, but we just wanted to see your strength, if you Our method of probing disgusts you, little brother Ding, so let me first say sorry for my friend."

It was the tall middle-aged man's idea to test Ding Ning's strength with the members of the Inhuman Group, not the middle-aged man in front of him.

Ding Ning was a little surprised that the middle-aged man had no airs, but lowered himself so much.

Of course, it can also be explained from the side that Ding Ning still has a lot of weight in the other party's heart.

"Brother Ding, I came here this time with great sincerity." Seeing that Ding Ning hadn't spoken, the middle-aged man continued, "It's not peaceful to go to the capital recently, and two families have been massacred. Brother Ding, you should be clear."

"You think this matter has something to do with me?" Ding Ning asked.

The middle-aged man stared at Ding Ning, and the smile on his face widened by three points: "Brother Ding, we are all smart people, whether it has something to do with you, you and I know in our hearts."

"The Wang and Huang families are in Shangjing, and they can be regarded as a respectable family. Not to mention their influence is spread all over Shangjing, but many people have to give them face. Now these two families have been wiped out from Shangjing overnight, which has a great influence. The higher-ups have personally intervened."

"Brother Ding, don't you wonder why no one has come to trouble you for so long?"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man looked at Ding Ning with a smile. The first few sentences were just foreshadowing, and the last sentence was the key point. Ding Ning had already pointed out the one who wiped out the Huang and Wang families.

And also asked a question, meaningful words.

"You helped me out of it?" Now that the other party already knew that Ding Ning didn't hide it, he was also wondering these days. The Wang and Huang families were locked out at the same time. Why was Shangjing so quiet? He was ready to face it. Aimed at the storm.

But it is true that as the middle-aged man said, no family came to trouble him.

It was incredibly quiet.

Now it seems that there is a middle-aged man intervening here, preventing the storm against him.

"Since Brother Ding understands, you should see my sincerity. This matter has a bad influence. I paid a lot to suppress it." The middle-aged man said.

Ding Ning smiled and said lightly: "Without your intervention, I can still solve it."

"Brother Ding, you are right. You are powerful. Anyone who wants to deal with you will have to pay a high price, but I think you can't be an enemy of the whole of China, Brother Ding. It’s not good for anyone if it expands beyond control, right?”

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, seeing Ding Ning's eyes flicker, he suddenly changed the topic and said, "I know that you, Brother Ding, did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. You also had your reasons for doing that. I don't blame you, but you To kill so recklessly, after all, is too disregarding the law."

"What do you want to explain?" Ding Ning said lightly.

"I think Brother Ding, you need an identity, an identity that no one can touch you."

"Join the Inhuman Group?"

"Yes, as for the conditions, I think we can renegotiate, what do you think?"

Half an hour later, the conversation between the two ended. The middle-aged man stood up, stretched out a hand, and said with a smile, "Welcome to become a member of the Inhuman Group, Team Leader Ding."

Ding Ning frowned, but finally shook hands with him.

The middle-aged man disappeared into the street in a red-flag car. Ding Ning didn't stay too long and returned directly to Shangjing University.

As soon as he stepped into the campus, someone came over on his own initiative. Ding Ning thought that the other party wanted to trouble him, but he was still puzzled. The middle-aged man had already intervened, and someone dared to trouble him. He was quite brave.

But soon, he realized that he seemed to be thinking too much, because the other party was not looking for trouble for him, but as soon as he came up, he showed great enthusiasm and respect, and wanted to invite Ding Ning to dinner and so on.

Ding Ning didn't have the heart to eat with these people, so he directly refused. Seeing that Ding Ning refused, the other party didn't stalk them, and politely moved out of the way.

After walking more than [-] meters, another person came over on his own initiative, expressing goodwill and wishing to make friends with Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't say much, just nodded his head. After all, he didn't reach out to hit anyone with a smiling face. However, as he continued to walk into the campus, he found that more and more people kept showing affection to him.

It was as if he, Ding Ning, had suddenly become a favorite on campus, and everyone wanted to get close to him.

Naturally, Ding Ning also understood what these people were thinking. He hadn't seen so many people expressing goodwill before, but now they swarmed over like bees. There must be a reason.

Moreover, Ding Ning felt that it was probably because he was able to keep himself after slaughtering the Wang and Huang families.

He walked back to the dormitory quickly, but no one continued to get close to him, and he was really annoyed by these people.

Opening the bedroom door, just as Ding Ning came in, a pleasantly surprised voice came.

"Master Ding, you are back." Li Wei's voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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