The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 242 242 Library! 1 more

Chapter 242 242 Library! 1 more

"There is a gap in the golden body of the patriarch, does it mean that if I go down the mountain, there will be a life-and-death crisis?"

On the top of the mountain, a figure stood with its head held high, with a look of suspicion on its face.

"Or is it all just a coincidence?"

This figure in green shirt stood on the top of the mountain for a long time, when he turned around, he had already made a decision in his heart.


Back at school, there were no figures of Li Wei and Zhou Quan in the dormitory. In the afternoon, Ding Ning went to the classroom of the senior year alone. Senior year, as the last learning stage of college career, the courses are pitifully few, and basically all of them are in the classroom. In the semester and the next semester, I have started to leave school for internships.

For Ding Ning, an internship is naturally impossible. He has no plans to become a lawyer or enter the judicial field, and going to college is just to make up for his regrets. How could these things fall into his eyes.

Studying is just regarded by him as a flavoring agent for life. Apart from the tedious practice, he can adjust his life.

After listening to a course, Ding Ning has no plans to go again. He thinks that in his senior year, he can start to complete the course. The course is very simple, just complete a thesis.

Although he has never written a thesis, this thing is still not difficult for Ding Ning.

At night, the library is still brightly lit, and many students are reading and studying quietly here.

After Ding Ning got the thesis topic from Zhai Liguo, he went directly to the library.

The library is a relatively unfamiliar place for Ding Ning. It has been a while since he came to Shangjing University, and he really rarely comes here.

Stepping up to the library on the second floor, Ding Ning found some books on politics and law, then sat down at a random seat, and began to collect useful information to assist him in completing his graduation thesis.

Ding Ning's speed of flipping through books is so fast that it is no longer enough to describe it with one glance and ten lines, because in less than a minute, he has scanned all the books, and he has memorized all the contents with ease. .

Since he broke through to the state of concentration, his memory has also improved tenfold. For him, it is easy to remember with a photographic memory, let alone just reading a book.

When Ding Ning was immersed in collecting paper information, a hand patted Ding Ning's shoulder lightly, waking him up from his immersion.

"Why are you here too!"

Ding Ning turned around and saw a pair of bright eyes and a delicate face as white as jade.

It turned out to be Tang Qing.

Seeing Tang Qing, Ding Ning was stunned for a moment. He hadn't seen Tang Qing for some time. Some time ago, Tang Qing would occasionally visit him after class, but recently, she didn't appear in front of him.

Tang Qing smiled sweetly, pure and flawless, like a white lotus flower.

Tang Qing sat across from her, put the book in her arms on the table, and read it quietly. Seeing this, Ding Ning smiled and continued to flip through the book.

Tang Qing raised her head and watched Ding Ning's serious expression, a smile appeared on her face.

"It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time."

"You don't agree with me being your girlfriend. I don't blame you. I'm content to be by your side occasionally."

In Tang Qing's eyes, flashed the words in her heart that she couldn't speak out. She mustered up the courage, but now, she didn't have the courage to continue speaking.

She felt that the distance between herself and Ding Ning was getting farther and farther.

She wanted to catch up with Ding Ning's footsteps, but Ding Ning left her so far that she almost couldn't see her figure.

Ding Ning is getting better and better. In less than half a year, she has skipped four grades in a row, from a freshman to a senior. This kind of life seems to be on the hook. She Tang Qing thinks she is not bad, but she feels that she is still chasing Can't keep up with Ding Ning's footsteps.

From her point of view, maybe Ding Ning didn't agree to be her boyfriend at the time, maybe it was because she, Tang Qing, wasn't good enough.

Ding Ning flipped through the book, and remembered the words in his heart verbatim, seemingly immersed in it, but he could feel Tang Qing's gaze, even the wordless words in Tang Qing's eyes.

Regarding Tang Qing's love, Ding Ning actually didn't know what to do.

Woman, in this life, he really doesn't want to get involved too much. In the last life, the losses he suffered were big enough to make him fall into the mortal world.

Even though he swore in his heart that he would never give anyone another chance to betray him, he still couldn't bear to face Tang Qing.

This girl is clean, pure, gentle, and kind, as if she has gathered all the good qualities in the world. Even if Tang Qing died alone in her previous life, she still maintains her inner core. Hate, be kind to the whole world.

Such a girl just wants to be cherished, not treated indifferently.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning felt that his state of mind, which had been as calm as a pool of water, was a little chaotic. In the end, he suppressed many thoughts and quickly flipped through the books in front of him.

Seeing that Tang Qing was studying with her head down and did not show any signs of leaving, Ding Ning picked up all the books and prepared to change a batch of books to continue studying with Tang Qing for a while.

Walking to the librarian, he put more than ten books on the table, quickly returned the books, then walked into the bookshelf, and continued to choose books related to politics and law.

In this way, Ding Ning borrowed and returned each time, took about fifteen books each time, and returned them all in less than ten minutes. This kind of weird behavior quickly attracted the attention of the administrator.

"Student, in less than two hours, you have borrowed no less than a hundred books, and returned them to me within 15 minutes after each borrowing. May I ask those books, are you serious? Have you finished reading?"

Regarding Ding Ning's behavior of repeatedly borrowing and returning books, the librarian thinks that Ding Ning is deliberately increasing his workload. After all, no one returns books, so she can sit and rest leisurely. If there are too many, she will have to be busy all the time.

Ding Ning borrows and returns frequently, so she naturally has to go through it repeatedly.

Ding Ning didn't pay attention to the angry eyes of this aunt-level librarian, and said indifferently: "Of course I have finished reading it, but there are only more than 100 books. Two hours are enough for me to read them all."

Before the aunt librarian could speak, the boy standing behind Ding Ning who was about to return the book couldn't help laughing: "I said classmate, pretend to be 13, you have to have a limit, read a hundred books in two hours , do you think your head is a computer? The one with the scanner is still talking about it here, you are an idiot for taking care of Auntie."

Ding Ning glanced back at the boy with black glasses. He looked very gentle, with a trace of obscenity hidden deep in his eyes, and he didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The boy's words won the approval of the aunt's administrator. She looked at Ding Ning and said with a smile: "Student, I have seen a lot of top students in our Beijing University. Their reading speed is only five books a day, ten books a day. Books, you said that you read more than 100 books in two hours, you are dishonest, the quality is not good, which college you are from, this is to discredit your college, do you know?"

As soon as the aunt administrator finished speaking, the boy with black glasses framed the conversation again: "Auntie, I think this guy just wants to pretend to be garlic in front of other girls, but what you said is right, students like him are for him." College discredited."

The boy with black eyes has noticed Tang Qing for a while. These days, he can always see Tang Qing studying by herself in the library, but today, he suddenly saw Ding Ning sitting opposite Tang Qing, and Tang Qing He looked at Ding Ning like a lover, which made the boy with black glasses very uncomfortable, as if Ding Ning robbed his dream lover.

Therefore, if he seized the opportunity, he would naturally embarrass Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't want to have conflicts with others, but the boy with black glasses and the aunt administrator all satirized him. Ding Ning felt that it was necessary for these two people to know that there are some things that others can't do, but it doesn't mean that he Can't do it either.

"Why don't you talk? You have self-knowledge." The man with the black glasses frame was still mocking.

The aunt administrator also sneered.

At this moment, Ding Ning smiled lightly, and said slowly: "You don't believe me? If I can prove it to you, what do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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