The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 252 252 Huangfu Veyron! 1 more

Chapter 252 252 Huangfu Veyron! 1 more

What caught my eye was not a stooped old man, but a hale and hearty old man.

The age seems to be around 60 years old, and he is only ten years older than the middle-aged man who spoke before.

But when the old man appeared, many people were shocked and even exclaimed, because everyone who knew the old man knew exactly how old the old man was, and his appearance was much younger than his age.

"He's really still alive!" Patriarch Li's voice trembled, and he didn't know whether it was trembling or excitement, and his expression was very complicated.

"Ten years, this is the first time he has shown himself after ten years." The head of the Zhou family sighed.

"The appearance is still the same as ten years ago, nothing has changed. In comparison, I am getting older."

Some old people present who had seen the ancestors of the Huangfu family all expressed emotion, lamenting that the years left traces on them, but they did not show on the ancestors of the Huangfu family.

Time is not forgiving, but it seems that the ancestor of the Huangfu family has been spared.

"Huangfu Weilong..."

Qian Wolong's shocked voice sounded beside Ding Ning. At this time, Qian Wolong's face, like most of the old people present, was full of surprise, because in their opinion, this old ancestor of the Huangfu family was very old according to his age. , should be dead, especially since there has been no news for ten years. Many people think that he must have passed away, but it is not the case. This old man who has lived for a century is still alive.

"Mr. Qian, is this Huangfu Weilong really the one who founded the Huangfu family?" Ma Luoyun asked. He didn't know much about the Huangfu family, so he knew that the head of the Huangfu family was the It was Huangfu Weilong. When he was young, he had heard the legend of Huangfu Weilong, but he had never seen it before. Now it was the first time he saw a real person. He felt a little excited and confused.

"It's him, he hasn't changed at all." Qian Wolong nodded affirmatively. If he hadn't been lucky enough to meet Huangfu Weilong back then, he wouldn't be sure that the person in front of him was the old man who once stood at the top of China. .

"Mr. Qian, Brother Ma, I know that the ancestor of the Huangfu family is very powerful. He founded the Huangfu family by himself, but there is very little news about him. Who will tell you?" Lu Wanli was one of the three. Those who know the least about Huangfu's family, especially about Huangfu Weilong, are even more pitiful.

Qian Wolong didn't intend to say anything at first, but seeing Ding Ning's interested expression, he said, "Huangfu Weilong was born at the end of the ancient dynasty. He has experienced the most chaotic era in Chinese history. Under that background, human life is worthless." He has killed many villains and has a great reputation. He even protected the existence that reached the top. After Huaxia settled down, he stayed in Shangjing because of his meritorious deeds. That is, from then until now.”

Qian Wolong's words are very short, but every sentence is crucial. A few words can bring people into the war-torn era, forming an intuitive feeling, as if they have experienced it personally.

"Heroes come out of troubled times, and Huangfu Weilong is the hero of the last century," Qian Wolong sighed at the end.

After listening to Mr. Qian's description, the shock in Lu Wanli's eyes became more intense, and he said in shock, "Doesn't that mean that he is at least 130 years old?"

Qian Wolong nodded. How could he not be shocked by this fact.

Ding Ning didn't know Huangfu Weilong before, and Li Wei didn't tell him about it before, but Qian Wolong got to know him thoroughly. He didn't expect that the ancestor of Huangfu's family would have such a legendary experience.

However, it is very difficult for ordinary people to live for such a long time. Obviously, this Huangfu Weilong must be a martial artist. This can also be confirmed by Qian Wolong's description just now.

"A martial artist..." Ding Ning murmured, he didn't feel the breath of a martial artist from Huangfu Weilong just now, so he just ignored it. This was the first time when Ding Ning was reborn and lost his eyes.

From this point of view, Huangfu Weilong's cultivation attainments must not be simple.

What is the level of a martial artist?
Ding Ning couldn't help being curious. The martial cultivators he met before were only at the general level. As for the martial saint level, he had never really faced them. At most, he was only with the martial cultivators who fell from the martial saint level. played against each other.

A martial artist at the general level can be crushed to death with one finger. I don't know if he can do the same with a martial sage!
Of course, this thought just flashed through his mind. When he really faced the Martial Sage, he was not at all afraid. That's right, unlike these martial arts practitioners on Earth, his cultivation method is more advanced, so even though his realm is not very high, he is very strong, and he can easily fight martial arts practitioners across borders.

What's more, he is also a fellow practitioner of the two methods of righteousness and magic, so it will not be difficult to deal with Wusheng.

Everyone was showing various expressions because of the appearance of Huangfu Weilong. Ding Ning shrugged his shoulders, found a seat, and sat down.

Let the people around be amazed and in awe of Huangfu Weilong, it has nothing to do with Ding Ning.

Faced with Ding Ning's casualness, Qian Wolong's eyelids twitched, but he didn't say anything after thinking about it. He knew Ding Ning's temper. Obviously, Ding Ning didn't care about Huangfu Weilong.

There was a wry smile on his face. He wanted to remind Ding Ning that it was better not to be so rude, but he swallowed the words anyway.

Isn't Ding Ning always so unscrupulous!
In Gangneung it is.

It's the same in Shangjing.

This point is really not something that Qian Wolong can change with a few words of advice.

Sitting on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed, many figures stood in front of him, listening to Qian Wolong's speech. Ding Ning didn't listen carefully to what Huangfu Weilong said. You have to look taught.

After all, Huangfu Weilong's identity is here, who dare not give face.

Ding Ning was probably the most relaxed and comfortable person present.

At this time, everyone's attention was on Huangfu Weilong, except for Qian Wolong, they didn't notice Ding Ning's relaxation at this time.

At this time, Huangfu Weilong changed the subject after a long speech, "I heard that a very outstanding young man named Ding Ning appeared in our capital recently. I wonder where this little friend Ding is?"

Hearing this, everyone started looking for Ding Ning's figure, looked left and then, but no one saw Ding Ning's shadow.

Until someone suddenly shouted: "He is here." Everyone turned their heads in unison.

In an instant, countless eyes fell on Ding Ning who was sitting on the chair with a lazy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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