The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 255 255 Big Mom's Favor! 4 more

Chapter 255 255 Big Mom's Favor! 4 more

The banquet of the Huangfu family was over, and apart from the shocking incident of Huangfu Weilong's appearance, the most eye-catching thing was that he and Ding Ning had planned to compete in three days.

In the hall before, with Ding Ning present, many people couldn't say much, but when they returned to their respective families, they all began to speak freely.

Some people think that Huangfu Weilong takes Ding Ning too seriously, and using his identity to compete with Ding Ning is completely self-degrading.

There are also people who think that Ding Ning's agreement is purely courting death. Huangfu Weilong is a legend of the last century. Even if you, Ding Ning, wiped out the Wang and Huang families, you are still too young to want to wrestle with Huangfu Weilong.

In many families, there are people who are not optimistic about Ding Ning, and there must be people who are optimistic about Ding Ning.

For example, Zhang Dong's father, Zhang Guofu.

"Talented people come out from generation to generation, and a new generation replaces the old ones. Perhaps, he can really do it." Zhang Guofu murmured.

Hearing this, Zhang Dong's face showed a strange color, "Father, do you really like him?"

Although Zhang Dong felt that Ding Ning had some strength, the strength of the Huangfu family had already been deeply ingrained in his mind. He believed that Ding Ning would have little chance of winning in a fight with someone like Huangfu Weilong.

Zhang Guofu laughed, and said slowly: "If the Wang and Huang families are not wiped out, do you think he can do this?"

Zhang Dong thought for a moment, then shook his head. This is the truth. He really didn't expect Ding Ning to be able to do this. He dared to kill two top families in the second level in a place like Shangjing. Yu a thunder rang in the ears of every person who went to the capital.

"You think it's impossible, but he did it. This is the gap between you and him." Zhang Guofu said, Zhang Dong didn't quite understand the true meaning of the word 'gap'.

I just heard Zhang Guofu continue: "People, when doing certain things, the first thing to consider is not whether you can succeed, but whether you have the courage. If you don't have the guts, you will not succeed in the end. You don't even dare to think about it. You can become a talent." Strange!"

Zhang Dong was stunned, did his father mean that the gap between him and Ding Ning was in this?


Go to Peking University, male dormitory.

Before the banquet was over, Ding Ning came out and didn't stay till the end.

Before leaving, Qian Wolong was still sighing for Ding Ning's promise to come down to Huangfu Weilong to compete. He felt that Ding Ning was too reckless and might die in this competition.

Ding Ning knew that Qian Wolong was doing it for his own good. He didn't guarantee that he would win or anything. He just said a few words that he was sure of and went back to school.

There are three days until the day of the sparring, what should Ding Ning do, he didn't just sit around and wait.

The next day, after finishing a class, Ding Ning went directly to the library. The aunt librarian saw that Ding Ning came to read a book again, that was polite.

Ever since Ding Ning showed off his terrifying memory ability that day, Auntie has been completely convinced. In her heart, no top student in Beijing University is as good as Ding Ning. Even the previous top student has no place in her heart. Gao, there is no other reason, no one can memorize the content of more than 100 books in just two hours like Ding Ning.

For Da Ma, Ding Ning is an undoubted potential stock.

"Student Ding, there are new books of the kind you are looking for. They are in the third row. You can go and have a look." The aunt said with a smile on her face.

Ding Ning was a little stunned by the sudden enthusiasm of the aunt's librarian, but he didn't care, and went straight to the third row, flipping through the books on the bookshelf.

Ding Ning borrowed a few books, read them all, and when returning the books, the aunt administrator asked, "Student Ding, do you have a girlfriend?"

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't speak, the aunt continued, "I know you probably don't have a girlfriend. The girl that day was probably just your classmate, right?"

Ding Ning felt amused in his heart, why did this aunt care about him? Could it be that this aunt, like Zhou Quan, also has a gossip physique?

When she was in a trance, the aunt suddenly took Ding Ning's hand and laughed, which made Ding Ning almost break out in a cold sweat, and suddenly withdrew his palm.

"What are you going to do?"

Ding Ning looked vigilantly at the administrator of the aunt in front of him, and felt that the aunt looked at him strangely. After all, Ding Ning was a reborn big boss in the cultivation world. Even if he didn't have a girlfriend, he wouldn't be looking for an aunt.

"Oh, classmate Ding, don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything else. I just think you have a future. I was thinking that if you don't have a girlfriend, I will introduce my daughter to you." The aunt hurriedly explained, knowing that Ding Ning wanted to Crooked.

"Your daughter?" Ding Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After a long time of emotional turmoil, he wanted to help him as a mediator. You should have said it earlier.

Seeing that Ding Ning did not refuse, the aunt thought there was something to be done, so she began to praise her daughter for how beautiful, how beautiful, and how virtuous and virtuous she was.

"I know you don't believe me. Just wait here for a while. My daughter is from this school just like you. She went to the toilet with her classmates just now, and she will be back soon. I will introduce you two later!" The aunt was very enthusiastic. Looking at Ding Ning is like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she looks at it, the more she likes it.

Ding Ning was about to leave. He had almost all the information he was looking for. He could go back and finish his thesis, and he could finish his senior year. As for a girlfriend, he really didn't need it.

Just as Ding Ning was about to leave, two girls walked towards him. At this moment, the aunt's expression flashed with joy, and she waved to one of the two girls: "Beautiful, come quickly."

Suddenly, Ding Ning felt his sight was blocked by a figure, as if he had come to the foot of the mountain, he slowly looked towards it, only to see a tall and fat girl standing in front of him.

The administrator's voice sounded next to Ding Ning's ear, and she said with a smile, "Student Ding, this is my daughter, Wu Meili. How about it? I'll just say she's beautiful, she must be worthy of you."

"Oh, Mom, what are you talking about?" Wu Meili looked shy and shy, the flesh on her body swayed with her movements, a little dazzling.

Ding Ning stared at the girl who looked like a mountain of flesh in front of him, and he was absent-minded for more than ten seconds before he recovered.

He really wanted to grab the aunt by the neck and ask loudly, are you the beautiful girl who is beautiful, beautiful, virtuous and virtuous?

Do you have any misunderstandings about these words?

Ding Ning didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately walked away, but just as he spared Wu Meili, he was suddenly blocked by another figure.

The figure blocking the way suddenly called out in surprise: "Ding Ning..."

Ding Ning took a closer look, only to realize that the person standing in front of him was Tong Wantong.

"Oh it's you."

"Why did you come to the library?"

The two said at the same time.

"I'm here to study."

The two said the same thing again.

The atmosphere is really awkward and strange.

Cough cough, Ding Ning coughed, looking at Tong Wantong in front of him, he suddenly realized that Tong Wantong had suddenly become more beautiful, and then looked at Wu Meili behind him, his body couldn't help shaking. harm.

"I have something else to do, I'll go first."

As soon as the thought stopped, Ding Ning greeted and was about to leave, but just after he finished speaking, Tong Wantong stopped him again: "I happen to have something to do with you, let's go together."

Seeing the disappearing figures of Ding Ning and Tong Wantong, the aunt librarian shook his head and sighed, "Oh, what a pity, it will be difficult to find a boy like him who is worthy of the beauty of our family..."

(End of this chapter)

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