The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 263 263 Calling! 1 more

Chapter 263 263 Long-awaited! 1 more

"So Mr. Huangfu has already sat there cross-legged?"

"Tsk tsk, the feeling is that we didn't find it at all."

"Worthy of being a legendary figure in the past, sitting on the top of the mountain without moving an inch, he is really strong."

Suddenly realizing that Huangfu Weilong was actually right in front of them, everyone was stunned for a moment, then they all came to their senses and sighed.

In this regard, members of the Huangfu family are proud from top to bottom. Huangfu Weilong is their elder and also the spiritual banner of the Huangfu family. Now this banner will once again show its style in front of the world.

Several members of the Inhuman Group present, even though there were a lot of people, none of them dared to approach, or squeezed over, and they all kept a distance from the members of the Inhuman Group.

Because, the auras of the few people are too strong to give people the impression that they are not easy to provoke.

"Our team leader brother, why haven't you come yet? Since the last time we left, I miss him very much." A big man with a rough appearance made a delicate voice, forming a great gap with himself.

If Ding Ning was here, he would definitely have the impression that this person is the brawny girl, the first member of the Inhumans team who fought against him back then.

Although Ding Ning seldom spends energy remembering some insignificant people, he remembers this person particularly deeply, not because of this person's strength, but because this person is such a mother. , He has never met such a wonderful person.

"Old demon, you admit that he is the team leader, but I didn't admit it." Another big man said.

"Brother Niu, it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. The officer has already made him the team leader of our Inhumans team. You can object. As long as you can defeat him, I will support you as the team leader." Strong man Jiaowa road.

"You..." After being said like this, the man called Brother Niu wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back. Although he didn't want Ding Ning to be their team leader, he still had a feeling for Ding Ning's strength. dreadful.

When they fought against Ding Ning that time, none of them could do anything to win Ding Ning alone. It was really embarrassing to say it.

You know, they are the Inhuman Group, the most special existence in China. However, they have the advantage in numbers, but they still lost to a young man and were beaten into a coma.

Seeing that Brother Niu didn't speak, the strong man Jiaowa returned to the topic of Ding Ning, and asked the people around him who they thought would win in a fight between Ding Ning and Huangfu Weilong.

As a result, except for himself who firmly believed that Ding Ning could win, everyone else voted for Huangfu Weilong.

The brawny girl was very puzzled: "You all should have felt the terror of the team leader, even so, do you still think the team leader will lose?"

"Old demon, you don't understand the horror of Mr. Huangfu. Team leader Ding is certainly strong, but if you want to fight against Mr. Huangfu, you are really not even a star away." A companion explained.

"You don't need to destroy your own ambitions like this, just raise the prestige of others." The strong man Jiaowa said.

At this time, the strong man called Brother Niu spoke up, with a serious and serious expression: "You joined the Inhuman Group late, 15 years ago, we witnessed Mr. Huangfu make a move, and his opponent at that time was a A warrior at the level of a martial saint."

"Do you know how Mr. Huangfu used several tricks to kill him?"

The brawny girl guessed: "How many moves?"

Brother Niu held out a finger.

"A thousand tricks?"


"One hundred moves, ten moves? It can't be just one move!"

Seeing that Brother Niu didn't respond, the brawny and charming girl made her last guess in disbelief.

But at this moment, Brother Niu spoke directly, and said, "That's right, it's just one move, one move kills a Martial Saint, this time, why do we think he won't be defeated?"

The strong man and Jiaowa stopped talking, fell silent, and then suddenly said after a long while: "Doesn't that mean that Team Leader Ding is going to be in danger?"

"Yeah, it is precisely because of this that the chief asked us to come, hoping that we can prevent this confrontation, otherwise, if one fails, our newly appointed team leader died halfway before he really took office. gone."

The strong man Jiaowa showed deep worry, and immediately said: "Then what are we waiting for, tell Huangfu Weilong quickly, this fight, if we don't fight, it will be over."

Brother Niu and the others looked at the strong man and Jiaowa, pointed to Huangfu Weilong who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain in the distance, and said, "Do you think you can go over and talk to him?"


Looking at the towering Thousand Blades Peak, the brawny and charming girl was silent.

In other words, he can't fly, so how can he get there.

"Then what should we do?" The brawny girl showed deep worry.

"I can only wait for him to come and try to stop him."

The Inhuman Group is waiting for Ding Ning to appear, and the people who came here to watch the battle are also waiting for Ding Ning to show up. It has been more than an hour, and the people watching the battle are all standing in the open space, but the two people fighting, There is still one place left.

"By the way, why isn't this Ding Ning here?"

"That's right, it's not because I dare not come."

Listening to many discussions, Li Wei and Zhou Quan, who were in the Li family crowd, also showed anxious expressions. They believed that Ding Ning would definitely come.

"The thesis defense of the Great God should be over." Li Wei whispered.

"It should be. The college asked him to defend alone. Counting the time, it's almost time." Zhou Quan looked at his hand and replied.

Ding Ning didn't show up for a long time, and the two of them were very helpless. Who made their Ding Dashen very self-willed? Seeing that today is the day to compete with Huangfu Weilong. On the contrary, I still have the mind to answer.

The two really didn't know what to say.

In other words, can you Ding Dashen pay more attention to all this?

Complaints are complaints, and there is nothing the two can do about Ding Ning. I just hope that Ding Ning will not forget about today's discussion, otherwise, it will really be a joke.

Li Wei glanced at his family members, bearing the influence of Ding Ning's absence, everyone was very disturbed.

Looking back, Li Wei prayed: "My God, the future of our Li family is all on your shoulders, you must work hard."

The sun was getting higher and higher, and it was almost reaching the top of the mountain, but Ding Ning was still missing.

The voices of complaints became more and more intense, and many people agreed that this discussion might end without a problem.

"Made, I made a trip for nothing. I remember you for this surname Ding. If I meet him in the future, I will definitely make him look good."

"Aren't you afraid of causing public outrage by leaving so many of us here?"

"Teninai is a hero, there is no need for Mr. Huangfu to take action. If he appears in front of me now, I will dare to cut him."

Many people complained that they had everything they said.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd: "Who of you just said that you want to cut me?"


The eyes of Qi Shushu fell on the back of the crowd.

A young man was standing there, not Ding Ning or someone else!

(End of this chapter)

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