The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 265 Is 265 over? 3 more

Chapter 265 Is 265 over? 3 more

Qianren Mountain is famous for its thousands of slender peaks, like knives stuck upside down in the ground.

Looking from the open place of the cliff, you can see many thousand-blade mountains in your eyes.

The beauty of the mountain is unmatched by other mountains in China.

But at this time, none of the people standing on the cliff was in the mood to appreciate the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of them, the beautiful and magnificent scenery.

Their gazes were all above the sky, looking at the two lightning-fast figures.

Ding Ning and Huangfu Weilong fought against each other. At this time, it gave people a feeling of watching a myth. The whole sky was their battlefield. Sometimes they were far away, sometimes they were near, sometimes they ran to the bottom of the mountain to fight, and sometimes they might fight. Run into the clouds and collide.

In every corner, there may be figures of them fighting, making it impossible to predict their next move.

Everyone was dazzled, even warriors at the general level couldn't keep up with the speed of the two.

Huangfu Weilong was a little surprised, Ding Ning was able to resist his attack.

You must know that he has stepped into the level of martial saints for many years. He can defeat ordinary martial arts practitioners in the realm of martial saints with one move. He must not be as proficient in the control, but after the fight, Huangfu Weilong realized that he had made a big mistake.

Ding Ning's control over power is no worse than him.

What shocked him the most was Ding Ning's fighting style and many fighting skills. This is not like the strength of a young man, it is completely like the fighting skills of an immortal who is the same age as him.

Unfortunately, this skill appeared in a young man.

Who is his master?Can he teach some apprentices like Ding Ning?

In Huangfu Weilong's heart, many doubts arose quickly, and he realized that he really underestimated Ding Ning.

After fighting Huangfu Weilong for thousands of moves, Ding Ning is quite satisfied with this opponent, not as weak as the martial practitioners he met before.

This is the first opponent that can arouse his interest.

"I have been in seclusion for ten years. In just ten years, it is really amazing that outstanding young people like you have sprung up in the world of martial arts practitioners." Huangfu Weilong sighed.

The two separated briefly and faced each other from afar.

"You are excellent and young, but this will also harm you." Huangfu Weilong suddenly showed a preaching expression.

Ding Ning was silent.

"Young people are impulsive and arrogant, but they can't do things unscrupulously just because they have a little strength. How many people who are not afraid of tigers when they are newborns die in the mouth of tigers in the end."

Ding Ning smiled: "So, you are that tiger?"

Huangfu Weilong let out a long laugh: "40 years ago, a genius martial artist who was about your age asked me this question."

"50 years ago, someone asked me that."

"Sixty years ago, someone asked me that."

"Guess what they ended up with?"

"You call yourself a tiger, I'm afraid it got into your tiger's belly."

"If you can think of this, I believe you are also a smart person. Unfortunately, your smartness has also harmed you. Young people, it is best to stay on the front line when doing things, and don't be too arrogant. Sometimes you can take a step back and open up the sea and the sky. Why do you push people to a dead end? "Huangfu Weilong said meaningfully.

Ding Ning could hear the deep meaning in Huangfu Weilong's words, obviously he was talking about Ding Ning, who would do things absolutely, such as slaughtering the whole family of Wang Huang and Huangfu Weilong's disciples, all of which were too domineering and decisive No, no room for the other party, no room for yourself.

Under the gaze of Huangfu Weilong, Ding Ning suddenly smiled, "Young people are not arrogant, so they are still called young people?"

"Furthermore, in terms of arrogance, I, Ding, are far from the young masters of your family. You should tell them more about this than me."

He Ding Ning lived for an unknown number of years in his previous life, and even a little martial artist dared to preach to him, Ding Ning himself was a little dumbfounded.

"It's really stubborn." Huangfu Weilong's face changed, and he didn't continue this topic. In his opinion, teaching based on strength is the most useful.

"In that case, it's useless to say more."

The aura on Huangfu Weilong's body climbed again, and white air emerged from his body, forming something like a flame, dancing around, making him look quite imposing.


After Huangfu Weilong's aura reached a peak, he suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed it in the air.

Around Ding Ning, a huge palm suddenly appeared, trying to hold him in his hand, and quickly closed it.

"Yesterday, you cleaned up the door for me. Today, I will teach you for your master. When you don't have absolute strength, don't be arrogant, because the more you shout, the faster you will die."

Huangfu Weilong's voice reverberated in the heaven and earth, although he didn't directly express his killing intent, but the hidden killing intent was undoubtedly revealed.

Hearing several members of the Inhuman Group, they were all startled, secretly saying that it was not good.

Is Huangfu Weilong starting to kill people?
"Brother, team leader, you can't die, I haven't fought with you yet." The strong man and Jiaowa prayed, and the other people around him were staring at the sky. If Ding Ning died, their alien team, There will be one less Martial Saint-level powerhouse.


After Huangfu Weilong's palm was clenched into a fist, the huge palm wrapped around Ding Ning was also merged, and Ding Ning's figure could not be seen, only the giant hand was constantly shrinking and compressing.

"Dead in the middle of the discussion, the Yiren group had nothing to say, and I also avenged the Wang and Huang families."

"In the next life, be a person who knows how to restrain himself, otherwise, you will end up like this in this life."

Huangfu Weilong said lightly, this battle started quickly and ended quickly.

Ding Ning couldn't fight him at all when he touched the strength of the Houtian realm with one hand, and this was only a part of his strength, not his full strength.

Huangfu Weilong watched, he crushed Ding Ning with his giant hand transformed from spiritual power, and within a short while, Ding Ning turned into a ball of meat paste.

on the cliff.

After seeing this scene, many pairs of eyes have different expressions.

Huangfuxuan was triumphant at this time, Xindao Ding Ning was finally killed, and the nightmare in his heart would no longer exist from now on.

Some second- and third-level families sighed endlessly, and at the same time couldn't help but turn their attention to the Li family. Once Ding Ning died, their Li family would also undergo earth-shaking changes.

The Li family was quiet, and everyone's faces were dark and gloomy.

It's over, they lost the bet!

Li Wei and Zhou Quan were in the crowd, unable to believe the scene before them.

"The Great God will not die, he will not be defeated." Li Wei murmured.

"Li Wei, you have made our Li family miserable."

"You are a sinner of the Li family."

At this time, those who were dissatisfied with Li Wei and could not get used to Li Wei all criticized Li Wei and blamed everything on Li Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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