The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 268 268 Seriously! 3 more

Chapter 268 268 Seriously! 3 more

When a man wants to get a woman, he will say at the beginning, I only kiss and do nothing else.

The woman believed it, and not long after, the man would say, I only touched it, and the woman believed it again.

After a while, the man will still say, I just put it at the door and don't go in, and the woman still believes it.

In the end, the man was shocked, and said to the woman unapologetically, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back!
Although Huangfu Weilong has never heard of this routine, his mood at this time should be the same as that of the woman who was coaxed, especially when Ding Ning is still talking to him, and if he uses the same attack again, his words will definitely defeat him, just like a man He's coaxing a woman into sleeping with him for the same reason.

He, Huangfu Weilong, would not believe it, let alone follow Ding Ning's words.

Obviously, Ding Ning was looking forward to his attack just now.

And such a result also made Huangfu Weilong start to doubt himself in his heart. Could it be that the blow just now was really powerless?

For Ding Ning to easily defuse his attack, Huangfu Weilong fell into confusion.

At this time, everyone on the ground had different expressions.

The members of the Huangfu family were all proud and proud of it just now, but after Huangfu Weilong's blow, Ding Ning was still alive and well, which made the members of the Huangfu family feel unbelievable.

The one blow that speaks will determine the outcome, kill Ding Ning, and shake the power of the Huangfu family?
The other four Patriarchs of the other four major families all had weird expressions on their faces at this time. They did not expect that what they had just talked about just now would actually appear.

With such a blow, Ding Ning didn't say he was dead, and easily broke through it, swallowing Hei Ri in one gulp.

After looking at each other for a while, the four Patriarchs immediately expressed shock.

They found that they seemed to have to re-examine Ding Ning, a young man.

Huangfu Weilong failed to succeed in two consecutive blows, this strength is really extraordinary.

In an instant, Ding Ning completely transformed the black sun condensed by Huangfu Weilong into his own power, allowing him to accumulate another point in the late stage of the Concentrating God Realm.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to break through to a higher realm, at least it is possible after reaching the peak of the God-gathering realm.

Huangfu Weilong's black sun just now consumed at least three layers of power, but it was just a wedding dress for Ding Ning, which increased Ding Ning's strength. This was something Huangfu Weilong didn't expect. depressed.

It's fine if the attack fails, and it's too much to return to the enemy!
"Aren't you going to make a move?" Ding Ning laughed.

Huangfu Weilong was in a daze for a while, not showing any signs of making a move, which made Ding Ning almost impatient to wait.

It's a good discussion, why don't you discuss it.

Huangfu Weilong's heart moved. Hearing this, he really held back and wanted to attack again. However, after thinking about it, he had failed two attacks just now. If he failed again, it would be really embarrassing.

You know, there are many people below who are witnessing this fight.

If Huangfu Weilong is ashamed, the Huangfu family will also be ashamed.

How could one of the five majestic families be ashamed in public.

Having made up his mind, Huangfu Weilong said: "Just now I took the initiative to attack twice, and I won't bully you, I can let you attack first."

If he can resist Ding Ning's two attacks, then he will regain the face of his failed attack just now. Moreover, he can take a closer look at Ding Ning's counterattack method.

In fact, Huangfu Weilong was frightened by Ding Ning's devouring attack method, because he was not sure whether he would hurt Ding Ning if he continued to attack, so if he could observe Ding Ning's attack and counterattack, or even capture Ding Ning's weakness, Then the advantage will instantly shift to his side.

This is turning passive into active.

Ding Ning smiled. With his mind, he couldn't guess what Huangfu Weilong was thinking, but he didn't point it out. Since the opponent didn't attack, he should take the initiative to kill him.

It's a pity that Huangfu Weilong may not launch the same attack as the black sun again, otherwise, he just needs to stand there, swallow them all, and refine them. As much as Huangfu Weilong can condense, he can absorb and refine. .

Judging from the attack power of Huangfu Weilong just now, Ding Ning has a general understanding of the strength of martial practitioners in the realm of earth's martial saints.

With such strength, it is somewhat difficult for Ding Ning to verify how far he can go with all his strength.

Ding Ning felt that he had overestimated Wu Sheng.

That being the case, there is no point in wasting time.

Then end this discussion.

Ding Ning was ready to tell the difference, but the power displayed by Huangfu Weilong disappointed him a little. This kind of strength was not worth his full strength to test how strong he was.

If Huangfu Weilong knew that Ding Ning had such thoughts in his heart, he would definitely vomit blood depressedly.

He Huangfu Weilong is not so weak, okay.

Different from the previous shots, this time, Ding Ning took the initiative to attack, and the speed was suddenly several times faster, leaving the sound of being trampled on the spot, and his whole body came to Huangfu Weilong in an instant.

Simple and simple, before Huangfu Weilong had time to react, he was sent flying with a punch and smashed on a thousand-blade mountain peak.


The people on the cliff were stunned and said, is it so easy to fly Huangfu Weilong?

It doesn't seem too difficult.

Only a few masters could see that Ding Ning's simple attack method just now was terrifying.

Several members of the Inhuman Group couldn't help swallowing their saliva, shocked by Ding Ning's speed and attack.

You must know that Ding Ning's opponent is Huangfu Weilong, not a small shrimp. Even when facing such a century-old legend, Ding Ning still easily punched him flying.

So brave!

Many people were shocked and immersed in the power of Ding Ning's punch.

And Huangfu Weilong himself, after being knocked into the air for a short time, came to his senses. He felt a pain in his chest, and the bones in his chest were all broken. It is very likely to be killed by Ding Ning.

He was a strong man who was only a little bit away from breaking through the Martial Saint Realm, but he was almost beaten to death by a young junior?
Huangfu Weilong couldn't accept it psychologically.

And in the scene just now, the scene of him being beaten into the air, at this time, must also fall into the eyes of everyone.

"Very strong!" Huangfu Weilong rubbed his chest, the broken bones healed quickly, and at the same time, the aura of his whole body began to change.

Huangfu Weilong's body slowly flew out from the Thousand Blades Mountain, his temperament was very different from before.

He stared at Ding Ning expressionlessly, "I thought five layers of strength would be enough to deal with you, a young junior."

"But now I have decided that I will use ten layers of strength to repay that punch you just gave me."

Ding Ning was unmoved, feeling Huangfu Weilong's aura climbed to the peak of Wusheng, he became more and more happy on the contrary.

(End of this chapter)

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