The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 289 289 Rainstorm! 4 more

Chapter 289 289 Rainstorm! 4 more

Zhenyuan was beating at the fingertips, Ding Ning closed his eyes, and felt the positions of those Dongying warriors with his heart.

Someone slapped Ding Ning on the shoulder fiercely. Ding Ning immediately opened his eyes, stopped looking, and focused on the people around him.

The person who suddenly appeared was Liu Ruyi.

"Did it scare you? I'm sorry." Liu Ruyi looked at Ding Ning, not noticing that the real energy disappeared in Ding Ning's palm in an instant.

"It's okay." Ding Ning shook his head.

"Why did you come out? Can't you sleep?" Liu Ruyi didn't know that Ding Ning had just escaped from her mother's urging.

"Probably." Ding Ning replied, and then seemed to feel that something was wrong, and replied, "Why did you come out?"

Liu Ruyi smiled: "It's the same as you, it's not that I'm not used to sleeping at home." Looking at the wooden chair not far away, she suggested, "Let's sit there for a while."

Ding Ning did not refuse, and the two sat on the wooden chair.

The air was a little quiet, and neither of them spoke, as if they didn't know what to say.

"What my mother said to you in the car? Don't worry about it." It was rare for Ding Ning to break the silence.

"Hehe, no, I know that Auntie is just worried that you won't be able to get a wife." Liu Ruyi smiled and covered her mouth.

Obviously, Liu Ruyi also saw her mother's intentions, and Ding Ning was a little embarrassed.

"Actually, you can find a girlfriend, and Auntie won't worry about your life-long affairs." Liu Ruyi said.

Ding Ning shook his head. He still doesn't want to touch women.

"You don't like it?" Liu Ruyi asked.

Ding Ning smiled.

"You don't like men, do you?"

Ding Ning: "..."

Seeing the black line on Ding Ning's forehead, Liu Ruyi smiled and explained, "I'm just kidding, don't worry about it."

Seeing that Ding Ning looked better, Liu Ruyi sighed: "Auntie is worried that you won't find a girlfriend, so you are in a hurry, but do you know what my troubles are?"

"What?" Ding Ning answered.

"My cousin fell in love at such a young age. Do you know what she just told me? She said that he fell in love with a boy, and that boy was several years older than her. She said they met for the first time It was in the clothing store, and it was the boy who came to help her out, just like Monkey King riding on colorful clouds to save Fairy Zixia."

cough cough...

Ding Ning couldn't help coughing, it wasn't that he was narcissistic, it was that he thought Liu Ruyi's cousin Chen Xiaoxiao was talking about him.

Back then, he was in the clothing store, helping his younger sister out of her siege, and Chen Xiaoxiao was also there.

Furthermore, from the way Chen Xiaoxiao looked at him, Ding Ning could also tell that it was full of admiration.

"Multiple management should be enough." Ding Ning said.

"When I grow up, she may not listen to what I say." Liu Ruyi shook her head, completely treating Ding Ning as someone she could confide in.

One of the two lamented that the cousin was difficult to manage, and the other made a suggestion in embarrassment.

At this time, Yang Xueyi came out of the homestay and saw two figures sitting in the distance with a smile on her face. It seemed that her nagging just now was very useful.

My own son started to act so soon.

Yang Xueyi returned to the room in a good mood. Chen Xiaoxiao saw that her cousin hadn't come back to accompany her, so she walked out. After walking a few steps, she also saw two figures sitting in the distance.

One is Ding Ning, and the other is her cousin Liu Ruyi.

"Are they dating?" Chen Xiaoxiao was stunned, Ding Ning was the one she liked, how could they be together?
Chen Xiaoxiao was shocked by this scene.

The thing about her telling her cousin that she liked Ding Ning came to mind. Liu Ruyi said at the time that she should focus on her studies instead of falling in love.

But the result.

Cousin, you sit with the person I like!
Chen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but think of a sentence she had heard before.

Little sister, you are still young, you can find another boyfriend if you don't have one, so give your boyfriend to your sister, okay...


The original plan was for everyone to climb Changbai Mountain early the next day to see the Tianchi Lake. As a result, the scenic spot suddenly issued a notice that the scenic spot was temporarily closed and all tourists were forbidden to go there. The reason was that there was a heavy rain on the top of Changbai Mountain and there was danger. , to allow entry.

In this way, everyone can only continue to stay in the homestay,
The rainstorm is a bit strange. It stands to reason that although there are not always sunny days on Changbai Mountain, the rain is usually light rain, and most of the time, it is mostly foggy.

There are very few times when there is heavy rain like now, and this season, approaching winter, the probability of heavy rain should be even lower.

Ding Ning felt that there might be other factors involved.

Could it be related to the spirit beasts that the Japanese people want to capture?
Or it was because the spirit beast lived on Changbai Mountain, which caused the sudden rainstorm.

Ding Ning decided to investigate. If others can't get in Shangbai Mountain, he might not be able to get in either.

I explained to my parents that I was going out for a walk. Ding Ning left the B&B and was about to go to Changbai Mountain, but before he could go far, Liu Ruyi chased after him, "The scenic spot is closed, what are you going there for?"


How can Ding Ning say that he is going to investigate. With Liu Ruyi around, it is really difficult for him to act.

After all, if there really was a spirit beast, he was afraid that if he couldn't take care of Liu Ruyi, it would be harming her.

"You can't stay." Liu Ruyi found a good excuse for Ding Ning, and Ding Ning nodded and said yes.

"Me too, this Changbai Mountain, we can't go up, why don't we go to the side and have a look?"

"Aren't you going to accompany your cousin?" Ding Ning asked.

Talking about her cousin Chen Xiaoxiao, Liu Ruyi couldn't help but sighed: "Since I went back last night, I don't know where I offended this girl, and she didn't say a word to me."

"When I came out, I asked her to go play with your sister. I don't have to worry about them being together."

Ding Ning let out an oh.

The two chose a relatively short mountain at random, and were going to have a look there.

Ding Ning's plan is that after climbing this smaller mountain, Liu Ruyi will also be tired, and when Liu Ruyi goes back, he can continue to explore Changbai Mountain alone.

After making up their minds, the two went straight to the short mountain peak.

To Ding Ning's surprise, although Liu Ruyi is a girl, her speed is not slow, her hands and feet are nimble, and she is very vigorous. Seeing Ding Ning's gaze, Liu Ruyi smiled and said, "Don't underestimate me, I often climb mountains."

As the two continued to walk towards the top of the mountain, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them, which startled Liu Ruyi.

The two stopped immediately.

This is a young man with a pale complexion. He glanced at Ding Ning without stopping, but when his eyes fell on Liu Ruyi, there was a flash of brilliance.

Ding Ning noticed that it was a possessive desire.

Immediately, the young man took two steps, showed a polite look to Liu Ruyi, and smiled, "Sorry, beautiful lady, I scared you. This was not my original intention. I hope you don't blame me."

(Aren’t these few pictures dull, let’s get ready to pretend!)
(End of this chapter)

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