The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 323 3241 Way forward! 3 more

Chapter 323 324 All the way forward! 3 more

A hand, like the sharpest knife in the world, easily passed through the iron skin of the armored vehicle, and forcefully tore open a hole, grabbing the man who gave the order.

The man was terrified, and being caught by Ding Ning made him feel like he was caught by a devil.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me, it's not my order, it's the order from above."

The man kept defending, wanting to live, but Ding Ning didn't give him a chance, and with two fingers, he died.


Throwing the corpse aside, Ding Ning left as if no one was there, and continued to move forward.

So far, no one from Northern Russia dared to stop him.

He may not kill a single soldier, because obeying orders is his duty, but he will not let the person who gave the order go.

He said before that if the people from Northern Russia set foot on the land of China again, he would go there himself. Since they ignored his Ding Ning's words, he must make them remember.

Not far from the military area, as Ding Ning approached, the wind began to blow.

At this time, the military region has become a mess, and many people have begun to retreat.

Thousands of people were dispatched to kill Ding Ning, but they couldn't stop Ding Ning's footsteps. To stay here, for many officers, it was like putting a knife on their necks. No one dared to bet that Ding Ning would come here. Let's kill.

"Sir, let's go, if you don't go, it will be too late."

Gorman was very angry. He had never suffered such a defeat. Thousands of people were mobilized. All kinds of armored vehicles and firearms were used, but they still couldn't kill a single person.


Ding Ning is coming soon, and Gorman will naturally not stay here. As the supreme commander, his life is more important than anyone else's.

The car started immediately, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Dong Feng hunted, and not long after, Ding Ning came to the military area.

Not a single soldier was in sight, and the entire military area seemed empty.

Ding Ning didn't show any surprise, he had already expected this scene, and he didn't chase after him in a hurry, but strolled in the military area.

Because he discovered that there is still a breath of life here.


When Ding Ning walked to the center of the military area, four figures suddenly appeared. When they saw Ding Ning, they all had a look of determination.

Immediately, my heart trembled.

In an instant, there was a shocking sound around him, and the fire instantly engulfed him.

At this time, Gorman, who had already left in the car, showed a smile on his face. He left a gift for Ding Ning who entered the military area, and he believed that he had successfully detonated it at this time.

This time, he did not believe that Ding Ning was still alive.

A deep pit with a length of tens of meters appeared on the ground. The violent explosion just now turned the entire military area into nothingness.

On the ground, there were still some torn blood clots.


In a conference room, Feiying, the leader of the Inhuman Group, was sitting in it.

Those who sit here with him are all existences of the same level as him, and they are all big figures who can make the whole China surge with a stomp.

On the screen in the middle of the meeting room, there are pictures sent back from the satellite from time to time.

And in the picture, it was the scene where Ding Ning was just now, where the explosion happened.


"Why do you go in when you know no one is there?"

"Don't he know that the enemy is likely to set a trap?"

Not seeing Ding Ning's figure, everyone present couldn't help being angry at Ding Ning's behavior. Since he has the strength, hurry up and catch up with Gorman, why waste time in the deserted military area.

It's all right now, before they evacuated, they planted a bomb long ago, just waiting for you to deliver it to your door, and then detonate it.

Those present were dissatisfied with Ding Ning's courting of death.

In fact, they still admire Ding Ning. As soon as he became the leader of the Yiren team, he killed Pu Lie and General Wolf King. It was impossible before. It is precisely because Ding Ning is so good. If he died in this explosion, what a shame.

This is what everyone is angry about.

Feiying sat in it, staring at the screen. He automatically blocks the words of other people. He just wants to know whether Ding Ning is dead or alive. This is the person he is most optimistic about.


The next frame came, and in the deep pit, there was a shadow moving.

It's him!

Feiying's face was overjoyed suddenly, Ding Ning was still alive, just now he saw the flesh and blood in the picture, he thought Ding Ning had been blasted into pieces, it turned out that those who died were the flesh and blood of those who stayed behind and detonated the bomb .

"This kid."

"It was a false alarm."

Seeing that Ding Ning was alive and intact, everyone in the huge office heaved a sigh of relief.

And a senior officer said that as long as Ding Ning came back alive, he would definitely give Ding Ning an official title.

It has been a long time since a young and powerful martial artist like Ding Ning has shown the power of Huaxia.

Ding Ning ran to the land of Northern Russia. In the eyes of the Yiren Group, it was a crazy act. Didn't he know that in the eyes of the big shots present, this also represented China.

If they can return safe and sound, this is to win glory for the country.

Hearing these words, Feiying couldn't help being happy for Ding Ning, and prayed in his heart: "I must come back alive, I must live."

Ding Ning, who was thousands of miles away, did not know that because of the explosion just now, several important people spoke up.

He walked out of the deep pit and saw that the surroundings were all turned into dust, so there was no need to stay here.

The way forward.

Ding Ning was still alive. When Gorman heard the news, he was shocked by Ding Ning's strong vitality again, and at the same time, his desire to kill Ding Ning became stronger and stronger.

Even the bomb traps he set up failed to get rid of Ding Ning, so he immediately decided to continue dispatching stronger modern equipment and weapons.

Dinning must not be allowed to penetrate deep into the urban areas of Northern Russia.

Otherwise, with Ding Ning's strength, it will cause great harm.

Based on Gorman's description of Ding Ning, several important figures in Northern Russia were a little moved and did not dare to let Ding Ning walk in here, so, according to Gorman's opinion, they dispatched aerial firepower.

Ding Ning walked alone on the land of Northern Russia, surrounded by wilderness and no one around.

The further north you go, the cooler the wind becomes.

Ding Ning's clothes were thin, and when the wind blew, he could still see his exposed skin.

But to Ding Ning, this was just a trivial matter.

At some point, a rumbling sound began to be heard in the sky. It wasn't thunder, but it was very eardrum-shattering.

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes, he saw clearly what was flying above his head.


It's just that this is not a passenger plane, but is specially used for combat.

North Russia began to deploy such heavy weapons. It can also be seen from the side that North Russia attaches great importance to him.


In the next instant, a black object fell from the sky.

Ding Ning frowned and started to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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