The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 325 326 Resignation! 1 more

Chapter 325 326 Resignation! 1 more

When the long-range attack was approaching, Ding Ning suddenly disappeared in place, and perfectly avoided it before a thousandth of a second.

However, not long after he stood still, the sense of threat did not disappear, and enveloped him again.

His expression flickered. The attack just now did not explode on the ground. At this moment, it turned around and flew towards him again.

"Can you lock me completely?"

Ding Ning was a little surprised. It seems that the high-tech weapon used by North Russia this time has a super locking function. As long as it locks on the target, it will not explode automatically unless it is completely detonated on the body.

Can't escape?
Ding Ning dodged again, but this spherical substance chased after him again.

At this time, Gorman was sitting in the office, attacking and tracking Ding Ning's picture, which was on the screen in front of him.

"With a tracking and positioning system, you can't escape this blow. You are destined to be smashed to pieces and wait for death to come."

Gorman stared at the screen, waiting for the result he wanted to appear.

Finally, he saw that Ding Ning no longer dodged, and the blow finally landed on Ding Ning.


An earth-shattering rumbling sound resounded all over the land of Northern Russia. Even the nearest city could hear this sound and feel the tremor of the earth.

The huge mushroom cloud instantly rushed to a radius of tens of miles, turning everything around it into nothingness.

After the roar, there was no trace of whiteness on the ground. The snow layer that had accumulated on the ground had all evaporated, and the ground was scorched black, as if it had been burned by a fire.

There are no creatures or plants, and there is a scorched atmosphere everywhere.

In the office, Gorman laughed loudly. This time he really killed Ding Ning. The surrounding high-ranking officials also smiled because of this result, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the first time they had seen such a powerful person as Ding Ning, who had used almost all modern weapons and methods, but was unable to deal with Ding Ning.

In their view, Huaxia's level of martial saints is too scary, especially Ding Ning, who is much more terrifying than the previous leader of the Inhuman Group. Fighting against the gods.

Fortunately, the final result was good, and the victory was in their hands.

A powerful long-range shell killed this young Chinese expert.

Gorman was in a good mood, straightened his clothes, stood up, and was about to say a few words to everyone. After all, his attitude was a bit bad just now. At this time, Ding Ning was removed, and he was relieved.

"Everyone, the target has been killed. We have avenged General Wolf King and Pule, and we can put them to rest. At the same time, our power in Northern Russia has also been demonstrated. I believe that even if China has such a master , and dare not come to our territory to be presumptuous, I suggest..."

While Gorman was talking, he saw that some people had wrong expressions, and these people were staring blankly at the screen on the other side.

Gorman frowned and looked along.

When he saw a figure standing on the edge of a huge pit, he was also stunned.

There was always a faint smile on his young face, who else would this person be if he wasn't Ding Ning.

He didn't even die!
Everyone present felt as if struck by lightning, and the entire office fell silent.

As for Huaxia, in the room full of high-ranking and powerful people, they all let out a sigh of relief.

Today, because of Ding Ning alone, their moods are like a roller coaster ride, high and low for a while, which really makes everyone love and hate.

Looking around, it was scorched black everywhere.

Ding Ning exercised his muscles and bones, and it was not so easy for him to resist a blow from such a heavy modern weapon.

He is only in the state of concentration, and has not yet established a foundation. Although his physical body is tempered daily by two top body training methods, it cannot be said that he is an indestructible body of diamonds, and nothing can destroy it.

His body suffered some injuries, but he quickly covered it up and did not show it on the surface, but the inside of his body was still damaged.

After all, this is a modern long-range artillery attack that can sink an island. No matter how strong his physical body is, it is impossible for him to be unscathed. Unless he can break his strength to the golden core level, then the earth will not be hurt. He doesn't exist at all.

The true essence in the body is running to repair the injured parts.

Ding Ning's face didn't show it, it was always the same expression as before, calm and breezy.

In Gorman's office, everyone discussed what to do. The long-range shooting failed. What else could kill Ding Ning?
"Except for nuclear explosions, I think there is no weapon that can kill him. This person is already as strong as a god."

"Use a nuclear explosion." Gorman said.

As soon as this decision was made, everyone stood up and resolutely opposed it. Once a nuclear explosion was dispatched, the destructive power, compared with the previous long-range artillery shooting, was one in the sky and one in the ground.

What's more, Ding Ning was still on the land of Northern Russia. Once the nuclear explosion killed Ding Ning, the people in Northern Russia had to be buried with him.

Its attack range is really too large.

Such consequences, even for a country, are unbearable.

Everyone resolutely opposes it. Because of Gorman's decision, Northern Russia must not be plunged into a place of eternal doom.

"Aren't you afraid of being killed by him?" Gorman still advocated the use of nuclear explosions.

"Commander Gorman, even if we die, we can't bet on the lives of all the lives in Northern Russia."

"You are now on the road to war madness, you should take a good rest for a while."

"What do you mean?" Gorman looked at everyone.

"We have decided to remove your supreme command collectively, and now you will temporarily remove the position of supreme commander."

"You are crazy."

"No, you are crazy, we can't go crazy with you."

Seeing that everyone stood up against him, Gorman sat down, and his eyes suddenly lost a lot of color.

Without the second long-range shot, Ding Ning was a little relieved. He had underestimated the modern weapons of the earth. After the collision just now, he realized that modern weapons can still bring him a great threat.

In particular, the attack just now is not the strongest attack of human beings. If North Russia sends out the strongest national weapons, with his current strength, he will definitely not be able to resist it.

But will North Russia really use it?
Ding Ning smiled, and he bet that North Russia would never use it lightly.

At least he is now on the border of Northern Russia, and Northern Russia dare not use it.

That being the case, the further he went, the safer he was, because he was not far from the city.

He hasn't found the man who gave the order to shoot at him.

If he remembered correctly, the commander should be called Gorman.

Just when Ding Ning was about to settle the score with Gorman, he found a group of figures stalking him ahead of him.

(End of this chapter)

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