The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 327 328 Boundary of 1! 3 more

Chapter 327 328 The next boundary! 3 more

"How is the team leader?"

"With the strength of the team leader, it should be fine."

"If the team leader didn't stop me, I really want to go with the team leader and fight side by side."

The members of the Inhuman Group all stood at the border, staring ahead, bored.

It was indeed a bit of a torment for them to stay here. After all, Ding Ning, the team leader, went to the depths of the North Russian continent alone, but these members could only stay where they were, feeling ashamed of Ding Ning.

"The team leader didn't let us follow, it's also for our own good, to avoid being distracted by us, if you want to blame us, blame us for being too weak, everyone should hurry up and practice."

Hearing this, several people thought it was reasonable, and they all began to practice the body training method taught by Ding Ning. This set of body training method, the more they practiced, the more powerful they felt. They have all reached the peak level of generals, and they can feel that their strength is increasing every day a feeling of.

This made a few people feel that even if they don't use the power in the dantian, they can compete with other martial arts practitioners who are at the peak of generals with only physical strength.

After the five of them practiced for a while, they competed against each other. Katsuo had just entered the general level, but after two days of communication with Lao Yao and others, his strength was also improving every day. At this speed, it would not be far to break through the middle stage of generals Yes, this surprised the other three.

Sheng Nan was also surprised by the sudden increase in his cultivation speed. Didn't he know that this was because Ding Ning had inputted his true energy when he cut the scriptures and washed the marrow for them, and it had a lot to do with it. , Therefore, resulting in faster cultivation speed.

About three hours later, Ding Ning's figure suddenly appeared in the field of vision of the five people. Immediately, everyone stopped practicing and ran to meet Ding Ning.


"Congratulations to the team leader on his triumphant return."

Seeing that Ding Ning returned safely, the five of them were very happy. Ever since Ding Ning set foot on Northern Russia alone, they had been hanging on one heart.

Even though he knows that Ding Ning is powerful, it is impossible for him to have any trouble, but after all, what Ding Ning has to face is the culling of the entire Northern Russia, which is equivalent to one person against a country. One can imagine how dangerous it is when facing this situation degree.

The five wanted Ding Ning to describe what kind of means North Russia used. They all heard a lot of movement here.

It's a pity that Ding Ning didn't have the heart to describe it in detail at all, and simply mentioned a few words to deal with a few people.

The five people felt helpless, but there was nothing they could do. Who made their team leader so strong.

On the next day, Shangjingcheng sent people over overnight to confer Ding Ning with the rank of commander, and presented him with a military uniform.

Commander rank?

This explosive news made all the members of the Inhuman Group present very excited, this is the chief.

Those who can afford to be the chief are those who have made great achievements.

The members of the Inhuman Group were not fools, so they naturally thought of the reason. It must be that Ding Ning had traveled to Northern Russia and returned safely, which greatly embarrassed the higher-ups. That's why he won this honor.

Ding Ning didn't care much about whether the leader was the leader or not. It wasn't attractive to him, but he wouldn't refuse either.

Looking at the excited expressions of the members of the Inhuman Group, one could guess that this rank of commander is extraordinary.

It's good to have such an identity. In the future, with the rank of chief, he can easily solve many troubles.

He Ding Ning can be a fairy in the nine heavens, and he can't eat fireworks in the world, but his family can't do it, at least not yet.

If you don't think about yourself, even if you think about your family, you have to accept this honor.

On that day, several people had a good celebration. After all, Team Leader Ding Ning became the leader, and for the members of the Inhuman Team, they were also honored.

Moreover, the head of Ding Ning was obtained by relying on his strength, and no one dared to say a word.

After the excitement, Feiying called and exchanged pleasantries with Ding Ning for a while, congratulated Ding Ning, and said something, the superiors attached great importance to his words.

Ding Ning didn't care too much. He joined the Yiren Group because he just felt that he owed the Yiren Group favor, and didn't think about anything else. At the beginning, when he caused such a big commotion in Shangjing, it was the Yiren Group who stepped forward and suppressed it. , will save him a lot of trouble.

"Team Leader Ding, you did a great job this time. The border of Northern Russia will be quite stable for the time being, but you also know that we have a vast land and abundant resources, and a huge land area. A peaceful place does not mean that all places are peaceful. "

"Do you want me to go to another border?" Ding Ning asked directly.

On the other end of the phone, Feiying laughed. He knew Ding Ning's temperament, so he didn't speak in an orderly tone, but was very kind, as if asking for advice, and he was reasonable and acted accordingly. In order to convince Ding Ning, it is best to go to several other unsettled borders.

After he finished speaking, he heard Ding Ning stop talking.

This made Feiying very uneasy. He didn't know if Ding Ning would do what he wanted and really agree. If he didn't agree, he would have nothing to do with Ding Ning. He was even sure that once Ding Ning was pushed into a hurry, Ding Ning would directly It's possible to let go.

After waiting for a while, finally, Feiying heard Ding Ning's voice and a word of 'good', which made him heave a sigh of relief.

"After hearing this, I feel relieved. I will wait for another good news from Team Leader Ding."

After hanging up the phone, Ding Ning stood in the night wind, looking at the stars all over the sky. Today is extraordinarily bright.

The next day.

Ding Ning told the five people the news that Ding Ning was going to leave. When they heard that Ding Ning was going to another border, the five people were a little surprised, but then they all showed expressions of understanding.

Being at the border, the members of the Inhuman Group can understand that the environment of the Inhuman Group at other borders must also be under the provocation of foreign experts. If Ding Ning hadn't come to them, Northern Russia would have been frightened , they are also in the same situation.

After Ding Ning instructed the five of them for the last time, he asked them to practice hard and strive for an early breakthrough and enter the level of martial saints.

After that, he hit the road.

This time, without using Sheng Nan to lead the way, Ding Ning planned to go straight along the border of Northern Russia alone and reach the junction first.

After watching Ding Ning leave, Lao Yao, Qingshi, Mantis, Wood, and Katsunan would wave their hands until Ding Ning's figure completely disappeared before stopping.

"I think our Inhuman Group, with Team Leader Ding here, will no longer be afraid of any foreign powerhouses in the future."

"I believe too."

"We can't lose face as the team leader. We have received the guidance of the team leader before any other members of the Inhuman Group. We must work hard and break through as soon as possible."

"That's right, when I break through to the realm of Martial Saints, Brother Yak, I have to become a Brother Niu. I'm so looking forward to it, Brother Niu has a shocked expression on his face." The old demon said tut-tsk.

For a moment, all four of them were full of fighting spirit.

(Chapter 4 will be later.)
(End of this chapter)

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