The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 329 330 Surprised! 1 more

Chapter 329 330 Surprised! 1 more

Bala put his mind on their practice, and now he still threatens them with his partner.

Iron Fist was angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it. Now people are fighting for swords and we are fish for fish. He doesn't want to tell the method of cultivation, but he doesn't want to watch his partner live and die in front of him.

"Iron Fist, I can't say that, if you want to kill him, let him kill it. I will never frown."

"If he dares to kill us, there will be brothers from the Inhuman Group to avenge us, even if he kills us."

"Don't feel sorry for us, even if we die, we can't pass the Dharma to Gu Meng."

The members of the captured Inhuman Group were all very strong-backed, and even when faced with the threat of death, they didn't have a trace of fear.

Bala wants to use the idea of ​​​​cultivating the Yiren group. In fact, there is a big reason why the ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners can practice too few methods. There are only a very small number of methods, and many of them are flawed, which also leads to a shortage of cultivation resources for ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners.

In the past, when the strength of the Yiren group was strong, Gu Meng's martial arts practitioners naturally did not dare to make up their minds, but now, the Yiren group can be said to be besieged on all sides and can't take care of themselves. Rengui had no choice but to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Seeing that several members of the Inhuman Group were stiff-mouthed, Bala directly moved the big knife in his hand forward. Immediately, blood was left on the neck of one of them, and it flowed down the blade to the ground.

"Iron Fist, is it your cultivation method or your partner's life that is more important? You decide. I will give you five seconds to think about it. When the time is up, I will kill them with one knife." Bala threatened. I don't want to talk nonsense anymore.

Iron Fist hesitated in his heart. If he revealed the cultivation method, it would be tantamount to strengthening the strength of the ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners. For their alien group, they were cultivating enemies, and they would suffer the bitter fruit in the future.

But if we don't talk about it, several members of the Inhuman Group will become ghosts under the knife.

Can he iron fist watch his comrades fighting side by side die in front of his eyes?

"Okay, I said."

Iron Fist sighed, Famen is dead, but people are alive, he can't watch his partner die before his eyes, and it's all because of him.

"Tiequan, dare you say it, I will never recognize you as a big brother again."

"You're breeding tigers, you're cultivating strong enemies for the future Inhumans."

"Do you want to be a sinner of the Inhuman Group? There is no one in our Inhuman Group who is afraid of death, Iron Fist, you want us all to bear the infamy of being afraid of death!"

When several members of the Inhuman Group heard Iron Fist nodding, they were all very angry, and they didn't want Iron Fist to tell the cultivation method.

But Iron Fist has made up his mind. He looked at the members of the Inhuman Group, and said seriously: "Even if you hate me, I can't watch you die here. If you have to recite the name, I will recite it all, and it has nothing to do with you."

With that said, Iron Fist looked at Bala, ready to tell the cultivation method.

Seeing this, Bala stopped the five-second countdown, and said with a smile: "Very well, you are a very loyal person, tell me all the cultivation methods you know, and I can swear that I will never touch a hair of them .”

Iron Fist took a deep breath and was about to speak when a gust of wind suddenly blew past everyone's eyes.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help rubbing their eyes. Did a figure flash past in front of them just now?
Just when everyone felt that there was an illusion, a voice suddenly sounded: "You guys, who knows where the Inhuman Group is stationed?"

At this time, people saw that a figure suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

Could it be that the gust of wind just now was him?
All the people present thought subconsciously.

The figure that appeared suddenly was naturally Ding Ning. He walked straight forward from the border of Northern Russia, stepped through the heavy snow, and came to the endless grassland. However, he walked quickly for a long time, but he did not find the Inhuman Group. At the station, I even doubted whether I had passed by.

Until, he just passed by and noticed that there was still a group of people here, so he turned back and planned to ask for directions.

Who is this person?

What are you looking for for the alien group?
The members of the Inhuman Group present were all puzzled by Ding Ning's appearance, because they had never met Ding Ning, and they didn't know whether Ding Ning was an enemy or a friend.

The ancient Mongolian warriors, Bala and others were more vigilant towards Ding Ning. In their view, Ding Ning suddenly appeared in the situation that was originally under control, and he seemed to be not weak. Maybe will be a variable.

"I don't know what is the relationship between you and the Inhumans?" Bala took the lead. If Ding Ning is the enemy of the Inhumans, then it is easy to solve. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and everyone does not need to fight. people, then they have to strike first.

"Answer my question first." Ding Ning didn't have Bird Bara, this man in ancient Mongolian clothes made him look rather awkward, he might as well look more pleasing to the eye than the Iron Fists.

Bala's expression flickered, and he was angry. At this moment, the mouth of the man in the cloak moved, but there was no sound, like lip-smacking. Seeing this, Bala said directly: "Take him down."

Ding Ning is too arrogant, let's ignore 21 and control Ding Ning.

Ding Ning did not expect that this big man in leather jacket would dare to strike first.

Ding Ning snorted coldly when several ancient Mongolian martial artists rushed over.

Immediately, before these people approached, they all paused, and immediately after, blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

Seeing this, Bala stopped threatening the members of the Inhuman Group and rushed forward with a big knife in hand.

The knife is like a tiger, just like its name.


Cut with a knife.

Ding Ning dodged his body, making the knife miss. Before Bala could react, Ding Ning pushed with his big hand, and Bala flew backwards with a whoosh.

Everything happens between lightning and flint.

It was as strong as Bala, but it was only a flash, and it was knocked into the air with a single push.

Seeing this, the members of the Yiren Group looked at Ding Ning's figure, and they were all shocked. Who is this young man who suddenly fell into a mess?

It's probably too strong.

As strong as Bala, it's just a blow to the air.

"you wanna die!"

In the distance, Bala's voice suddenly came. He was irritated by Ding Ning's push and roared.

As a result, under everyone's gaze, before Bala swung his knife and slashed, he flew down with his feet.

Barra flew out again.


Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but gasp.

(End of this chapter)

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