The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 331 Chapter 332 Don't be too presumptuous! 3 more

Chapter 331 Chapter 332 Don't be too presumptuous! 3 more

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know, why don't we follow up and have a look?"

"Farewell, if Boss Su Zi finds out, everyone will suffer."

Neither Iron Fist nor Yanzi and the others knew what Su Zi meant. After bringing Ding Ning back to the station of the Inhuman Group, they called out alone. Before leaving, everyone felt Su Zi's fighting spirit.

Everyone is somewhat confused.

Could it be that Ding Ning is Su Zi's acquaintance?
But it doesn't look like it. If they were acquaintances, they wouldn't surround Ding Ning from the beginning, but if they were unfamiliar, they would hand over Ding Ning alone and not allow others to follow.

"Guess they won't fight?"

Someone made a bold guess, and others immediately agreed, thinking that the possibility is not small. Didn't you see the expression on Su Zi's face when he left?

Not ugly, but definitely not pretty either.

"No, let's get over it. This Ding Ning's strength is not ordinary." Iron Fist decided. He has seen Ding Ning's strength before, and it is easy to deal with Bala. If there is a conflict between the two, Su Zi will be very strong. It can be dangerous.

The other Inhuman Group members who had seen Ding Ning make a move also agreed and nodded.

"Is he really as powerful as you say?"

"Otherwise, why do you think those ancient Mongolian martial artists would sneak away? It's because he is too strong. I have never seen such a young and terrifying person."

Hearing this, several people who doubted Ding Ning's strength believed it for the time being, and decided to go together.


The night is deep.

As soon as the wind blows, there is a rustling sound, and the yellow sand on the ground is rolled up.

The land under their feet is no longer a grassland, but a vast desert.

Two figures stood in the desert, the air was very quiet.

"Even though you saved Iron Fist and the others, and your superiors appointed you as the new leader of the Inhuman Group, I will not recognize you."

After a while, Su Zi opened her mouth and stared at Ding Ning opposite.

"I don't need your acknowledgment." Ding Ning said indifferently, not to mention the title of leader of the Inhuman Group, even if he was given the title of emperor, Ding Ning would not care. How could he care if Su Zitong disagreed.

He came here just to make those foreign experts be more honest, and he didn't care about anything else.

"Without my acknowledgment, you can't lead the members of the Inhumans group here, and they won't listen to any of your commands." Ding Ning's answer made Su Zi feel amused. Ding Ning came here to thoroughly clean up the members of the Inhumans group here. Yes, but if you want to become a veritable team leader, without her Su Zi's approval, not to mention the other members of the Inhuman Group stationed here, at least the members of the Inhuman Group stationed here will not admit it.

Because Su Zi is already comparable to the team leader in everyone's hearts.

The position of leader of the Inhuman Group seems to be good, and he can lead the entire Inhuman Group, but that was only before. The current Inhuman Group, not to mention a mess, is also a bit fragmented, otherwise, Flying Eagle would How could it be possible for Ding Ning to be in charge? In addition to fancying Ding Ning's strength, secondly, he also wanted to try Ding Ning's hand to re-lead the Inhuman Group.

Nowadays, the Inhuman Group stationed in each border has its own backbone, like here, Su Zi is everyone's backbone, if Ding Ning wants to gain the approval of other people, he must get Su Zi's approval.

Ding Ning is now the team leader in name, but he is also an airborne soldier. Many people don't know him and won't recognize him.

This is different from the previous alien groups on the border of Northern Russia. Among the alien groups stationed in Northern Russia, except for one man, everyone has seen Ding Ning, and they all know how powerful Ding Ning is, so naturally there will be no abnormalities. The situation is admitted, but the Inhuman Group in other regions is another matter. It is estimated that Ding Ning is the new leader, but no one has seen it, and they don't care too much.

As the first task of this station, Su Zi knew that Ding Ning became the team leader. She didn't tell the people below about this, so the people below didn't know.

And when Ding Ning was called out alone, she just wanted to tell Ding Ning that it was impossible for the members of the Inhuman Group here to obey his orders.

"As long as I don't speak, you can't command anyone." Su Zi sneered.

To be honest, Ding Ning was not interested in the members of Su Zi's Inhuman Group. He just thought that this woman took it for granted, thinking that Ding Ning was here to steal someone from her.

With a chuckle, Ding Ning said disapprovingly: "Without them, I can still do anything. If you are afraid that I will take away your people, you can rest assured that I am not interested in them."

After finishing speaking, Ding Ning turned around, not wanting to tell Su Zi more.

"Stop." Su Zi said suddenly.

Ding Ning turned around.

"Anything else?"

"I want to know, Chief Feiying, why did you decide to be the new team leader." Su Zi said.

"Because I'm better than you, is that enough?" Ding Ning was slightly annoyed. This woman is a little ink-stained.

"Better than me?" Su Zi laughed: "Don't think that you are strong because you have defeated Bala. There are not many people who are stronger than him among the ancient Mongolian martial arts practitioners."

"You mean, do you think you are more qualified to be the leader of the Inhuman Group than I am?" Ding Ning asked back.

"That's right." Su Zi continued, "Do you dare to compete with me?"

"I don't hit women." Ding Ning ignored her.

"I think you don't have the guts, are you afraid of losing to me?" Su Zi's sarcastic voice came from behind, Ting Ning took two steps, stopped, only to hear Su Zi continue: "If you defeat me, I can admit your position as the team leader, how can you defeat me?"

After that, Su Zi laughed loudly.

Irony, disdain, ridicule...

There are many meanings in this loud laugh.


In an instant, Ding Ning's figure moved in front of Su Zi in an instant. The distance between the two of them was only an inch, and their faces were almost touching.

Su Zi didn't move, she looked at Ding Ning calmly.

Ding Ning half-closed his eyes, hooked a hand on Su Zi's chin in a very rude gesture, and said slowly: "Woman..."

"Don't be too presumptuous, it's useless!"

In the distance, under the darkness of night, more than a dozen figures were lying on a high slope. They were worried about the danger of Su Zi and Iron Fist. They didn't dare to get too close for fear of being discovered. They hid a few hundred meters away, even so, they could still see Ding Ning and Su Zi's actions clearly.

When they saw Ding Ning lift Su Zi's chin frivolously, Tie Quan and the others showed astonishment on their faces.

In other words, were they right to worry?

These two are not dating.

This kind of intimacy seems to be about to kiss him soon!

"It turns out that Boss Su Zi is still a brother-in-law, and he likes sibling love."

"What brother accusation, it's obviously an old cow eating young grass."

"What nonsense are you talking about? We should be happy that Boss Su Zi is wanted."

A group of members of the Inhuman Group felt that it was better to leave as soon as possible, lest any unsuitable scenes happen next, and they would become voyeurs.

If Su Zi knew about this, he would wait for his body to be collected.

(Don’t feel long-winded, some things have to be explained through dialogue, and I started to do it as soon as I came up, that’s the *** of the island country; secondly, some old iron said that the number of chapters is short, I just finished writing a book with more than 500 million words, How about old iron, you understand?)

(End of this chapter)

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