The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 346 347 Demon Fox! 2 more

Chapter 346 347 Demon Fox! 2 more

Ahead, there is a fork in the road.

The white shadow disappeared, and I don't know which fork in the road I entered. If I choose the wrong one, it means that the other party is likely to take advantage of it to escape.

Ding Ning squatted down, touched the ground, put his finger on the tip of his nose and sniffed, and finally walked to the cave on the left.

He wanted to see what kind of illusions this spirit beast that could create illusions would bring him, but as he continued to move forward, no illusions appeared.

He even once thought that he had chosen the wrong path.

Just when Ding Ning wondered if he was really wrong in his judgment, suddenly, he heard a very pleasant voice coming from the front.

"Help me, can you help me?"

Looking far away, Ding Ning saw a woman who was rubbing her knees, looking at Ding Ning helplessly.

He walked over, the woman saw Ding Ning approaching, she showed joy, and said, "Help me, can you take me out? I came here alone to explore, but I hurt my leg, can you carry me out?" "

As she spoke, the woman opened her hands, wanting Ding Ning to carry her on his back.

After a few steps, Ding Ning came in front of the woman.

The woman stared at Ding Ning with her pitiful and helpless eyes, waiting for Ding Ning to turn around and carry her on his back.

However, Ding Ning didn't turn around at all. Instead, he grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up.

"What are you going to do?"

"You let go of me, you scratched me."

The woman kept struggling, but Ding Ning remained indifferent, and said calmly, "You think I'm easy to deceive, don't you?"

"Relax, I can hardly breathe."

Women are still struggling.

Ding Ning didn't let go, the woman's face turned redder and redder, didn't she show her original shape?

Seeing that the woman was about to suffocate, Ding Ning immediately let go of his palm.

It seems that he really caught the wrong one. This woman was not transformed by the spirit beast, nor was it an illusion.

The woman took in big mouthfuls of air, and then kept spitting it out again, just like a fish out of water after entering the water.

After her chest slowly calmed down, the woman looked at Ding Ning angrily.

"You almost killed me just now."

Ding Ning was a little embarrassed, he really didn't expect this woman to be a real person, not a monster.

"Hey, don't you even say an apology?" Seeing that Ding Ning didn't speak, the woman angrily asked.

This made her feel like she had nowhere to vent her anger.

"What are you doing here?" Ding Ning changed the subject.

He only felt a normal aura from the woman. At first, he thought that the spirit beast had restrained himself well, but it turned out that it was not the spirit beast, but a real woman. It's just that this woman is an ordinary person, how could she come here.

"You are allowed to come, but you are not allowed to come?" The woman snorted.

Ding Ning didn't answer, and both of them were silent for a while, the woman broke the silence first, and said: "Forget it, I don't care about you, you are also here to explore."

Ding Ning smiled, neither negating nor affirming.

"Since we are all on an adventure, let's go together, so we can have someone to take care of us," the woman said.

"Okay." Ding Ning did not refuse.

So the two walked forward together and continued to go deep into the cave.

However, not long after, there was another fork in the road ahead, and this time, there were not two, but six.

How to do?
Whether to continue to move forward together, or to go separately.

"Why don't we choose a hole first, if there is danger, we will yell, if there is no danger, we will keep quiet, how about we gather here at the end?" the woman suggested.

Ding Ning shrugged and said yes.

Ding Ning chose one of the caves, and the woman entered another cave.

Gradually, Ding Ning felt a bit hot ahead. After walking out of the cave completely, Ding Ning saw the source of the heat.

In front of him was a tumbling magma.

Swelling and tumbling, this is an underground magma area. Obviously, it has gone deep underground for a certain distance, otherwise there would be no magma.

It can also be explained in this way, the origin of the huge rocks outside the Wanshi Grottoes is probably related to this magma.

After glancing at the magma, Ding Ning was soon attracted by the location of the magma center.

There is a small piece of protruding rock, which has not been melted by the magma, forming a pillar-like thing, and a white, furry figure is lying on it.

that's it.

Ding Ning was sure that the white shadow that flashed past after seeing the illusion before must be this guy.

"Human beings, I don't want to provoke you, why are you trying so hard to force me?" The white figure uttered words, and stood up from the prone position.

This is a fox, half a person tall, standing upright, watching Ding Ning.

"Come with me, I don't need to kill you." Ding Ning said.

"You're dreaming!" After the fox finished speaking, he suddenly let out a sharp cry, shaking the entire space, and the surrounding magma was stimulated to spurt out a magma column, and with the push of the fox's paw, it shot at Ding Ning instantly.

woohoo hoo...

The heat of the magma is extremely high, just standing in the distance, you will feel extremely hot, not to mention the magma rushing.

This fox also has some means to control the magma here and turn it into an attack.

If Ding Ning couldn't be killed by magma, it would definitely be uncomfortable.


Ding Ning raised his palm, aimed at the flying magma, and slapped him in the air.

Immediately, magma fell to the ground one after another and returned to the magma pool.

Seeing that Ding Ning blocked its attack so easily, the fox immediately jumped out of the center of the magma and disappeared into a stone cave in a flash.

Want to run?

Ding Ning frowned. The fox seemed a little weak, so it scared him away.

The thought flashed by, and Ding Ning immediately chased after him.

The fox's speed is not slow, but Ding Ning's speed is not slow, and he soon caught up. Seeing this, the fox's eyes were a little flustered. At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the fox, which was a woman.

Seeing this, Ding Ning realized something was wrong in his heart. Sure enough, the next moment, the fox came to the woman, grabbed her in his hand, and stopped at the same time.

"If you go any further, I will kill her." The fox threatened Ding Ning with the woman's life.

"Help me." The woman looked at Ding Ning in horror, tears streaming down her face because of her fear.

Ding Ning stopped and frowned.

Seeing this scene, the fox's eyes showed a hint of complacency, and just as he was about to threaten again, Ding Ning unexpectedly walked over again.

"If you take another step forward, I will really kill her."

"Go ahead, I don't know her very well."


Hearing this, the fox became anxious, seeing that Ding Ning really had no scruples, he was about to throw the woman at Ding Ning so that he could continue to escape.

However, its speed was still slow, and Ding Ning grabbed it in his hand at a faster speed than it.

(End of this chapter)

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