The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 351 352 Reward! 4 more

Chapter 351 352 Reward! 4 more

Wu Fang fell to the ground, completely dying.

Ding Ning's body trembled, he was in a daze, and it took him a while to stabilize his body.

It was Ding Ning's last effort to kill Wu Fang.

Originally, he could have kept Wu Fang. This woman has a way to hide it from him. It is absolutely not easy. Even Ding Ning doesn't know her true identity.

But Ding Ning was afraid that once his real situation was exposed, Wu Fang would be given a chance, which would definitely not be a good thing.

Instead, Wu Fang will succeed, so, in order to avoid future troubles, he can only kill Wu Fang, trying to use up the last bit of strength.

In fact, what Wu Fang said was not wrong. In order to kill the fire boa, Ding Ning paid a high price. His real situation was not so unscathed on the surface, he just deliberately acted as if nothing happened.

He chased the fire boa into the depths of the magma pool. Although the scales of the fire boa were pulled out, they were still able to resist the heat of the magma, and even absorbed the heat of the magma to restore themselves. In this way, the scales on the fire boa gradually grew again. Come out, when Ding Ning catches up to the fire boa, all the scales on this guy's body have grown, perfect as before.

Seeing Ding Ning chasing after him, the fire boa was naturally very angry. It can be said that Ding Ning was the first one to be able to force it to such a point. The fire boa began to attack and retaliate wildly. This big guy is like a fish in water in the magma However, if he hadn't practiced the two methods of righteousness and magic, and his body had been tempered countless times, so that he was extremely strong, he would have died in that magma pool long ago.

In order to kill the fire boa, Ding Ning almost exhausted all his true energy.

Because the fire anaconda in the depths of the magma pool can burst out with power beyond the peak of the late martial saint, and according to the level of strength, it has reached the level of the acquired state.

Ding Ning's strength is at the Gathering God Realm, based on the cultivation of the two methods of righteousness and magic to the fourth level, it can make him a martial artist with strength higher than that of the Martial Saint Realm.

It can be said that the strengths of the two are almost equal, but the battlefield is too unfavorable for Ding Ning. In the magma, Ding Ning's speed is greatly affected, making it very difficult for him to kill the fire boa. Resisting the hammering of the fire boa's tail thousands of times, he beheaded it with the true essence sword, and pulled out the life pill of the fire boa.

It can be said that this battle is more difficult than facing any opponent in the past.

In fact, Ding Ning also thought about subduing the fire boa, but the fire boa was already berserk, completely crazy, and he was completely in an immortal posture. One of the two must fall before the end can be considered.

After that, as soon as Ding Ning came up, he saw Wu Fang and was going to kill the fox.

He had long guessed that Wu Fang was not dead. After all, Wu Fang's method of hiding her breath could be hidden from him, otherwise she would not have said it so loudly on purpose before. The purpose was to make Wu Fang in the dark think that he really believed that she was killed by a fire anaconda. As for the death, what Ding Ning didn't expect was that Wu Fang would jump out so quickly, before he got out of the magma pool, he couldn't help showing up first.

If Wu Fang knew that Ding Ning would think this way, she would be very depressed, because she concluded that there is a 90.00% chance that Ding Ning will not survive, so she took the initiative to show up.

The fox limped up to Ding Ning, and Ding Ning saw that the fox was also covered with scars, all of which were beaten by Wu Fang, and one leg was broken.

"Master, you're fine, that's great." The fox said.

"You can pretend to agree to her first, maybe you don't have to get hurt." Ding Ning said.

"I will not betray my master, even if it is a false defection to the enemy." The fox showed his loyalty.

Ding Ning smiled and praised, "It's very good."

Based on the fact that he threatened the fox before, the fox immediately changed his attitude and pledged allegiance to his followers. Ding Ning felt that if he didn't have a soul contract, it would be no wonder that the fox didn't surrender to the enemy.

This guy didn't dare to do that because he was afraid of death.

Otherwise, is it really impossible to do it?
The name fox is not called for nothing, he is smart, or how could there be the word old fox.

"Reward you, absorb it."

Ding Ning casually gave the fire boa's life pill to the fox, which made the fox stunned. How could he give the fire boa's life pill?

"Master, once you absorb the Life Pill of the Fire Boa, your strength will instantly recover and increase your strength. Do you really want to give it to me?" The fox felt that this happiness came a bit suddenly.

"I don't need it, it suits you better."

Ding Ning had no intention of absorbing the Life Pill, otherwise, he would not have given the Life Pill to the strange fish on Changbai Mountain.

Of course, the most important point is that he is a human being, and absorbing the life pills of other living bodies can at most be transformed into true energy, which is far better than absorbing and refining like foxes and half-flood dragons. help.

As for why he didn't let Ban Jiao absorb it, firstly, he felt that the fox was too weak. Apart from the trick of the illusion, he had no strength to contend against the strong ones of the martial saint level, so it was necessary to strengthen the fox's strength. Secondly, the fox It can be regarded as his helper, and he performed well just now. A reward can also make the fox more loyal to him.

Seeing that Ding Ning was silent, the fox said respectfully, "Thank you, master, for the reward."

Afterwards, it ran to the side, looked at the Fire Boa Life Pill in its hand, and swallowed, this thing actually got into its hands, this is something the fox never dared to think about.

If it depends on itself, in this life, don't even think about getting the life pill of the fire boa, that kind of existence can easily kill it.

The life pill of the fire boa is still very attractive to the fox. You must know that the fox usually cultivates in the center of the small magma pool and absorbs the energy in the magma, while the fire boa lives directly in the magma. Much more awesome than a fox.

If the fox absorbed the life pill of the fire boa, it would naturally be of great help to it.

The fox secretly glanced at Ding Ning, fearing that Ding Ning would regret it, he immediately swallowed the life pill and began to refine and absorb it.

Not far away, Ding Ning also sat down cross-legged. After feeling the fox's small movements, he couldn't help smiling, and then began to concentrate on recovering his strength.

Around Ding Ning, vortices began to form one after another, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, along the crater, rushed towards the depths of the volcano one after another, and finally entered Ding Ning's dantian.


"Wu Fangxinzi is dead?"

When Hanzang heard the news, he was in a daze for a while. He knew the strength of Nobuko Takeyoshi. Who could kill her?

"My lord didn't say clearly what mission this Takeyoshi Nobuko was performing. Could it be that he died at the hands of a monster?" Hanzo wondered.

"I remember Wu Fangxinzi, who has been active in southern China, where the monsters that can kill her..."

"Could it be the fire boa in the Ten Thousand Grottoes?"

"En? Wan Grotto, that is the junction of Yun and Guang, could it be related to that person?" Hanzang thought of the leader of the Inhuman Group, Ding Ning, who was walking from north to south!

(End of this chapter)

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