The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 354 355 Collision! 3 more

Chapter 354 355 Collision! 3 more

Behind the crowd, there was a pair of eyes watching Ding Ning.

The eyes of the two collided, and they refused to give in to each other.

Being able to shatter the fox's illusion with a single sound is enough to show how extraordinary this person is.

The fox got up and was also staring at this figure. If it wasn't for this person, it would have killed those two people just now.

However, it didn't rush up immediately out of anger. It could feel that this person was very dangerous.

Strong enemy!

Ding Ning felt a bit of oppression from this person. You must know that even Huangfu Weilong, Hanzo, and the martial arts-level opponents Ding Ning met before could not give him a feeling of oppression.

But this person did it, his aura made Ding Ning aware that this person's strength was extraordinary.

There is even a faint feeling, beyond the illusion of Wu Sheng.

Could it be an existence not weaker than the fire boa?
Ding Ning squinted his eyes. There was a strong enemy at this time, and the situation was not good.

He is not at his peak now, and he can't help but face such a strong enemy, as well as the masters around him.

But if you let the fox go, it won't take long before you will be killed by this person.

"Xinzi must have been killed by you." The man walked slowly and said in his mouth, his eyes were fixed on Ding Ning.

"Who is Xinzi?" Ding Ning really didn't know the Xinzi in this population.

"You haven't heard of Xinzi, but you must have heard of the name Wu Fang, she is Xinzi, Wu Fang Xinzi!" the person said.

It was that woman!

Feelings are still a Japanese woman, Ding Ning found that he still underestimated the other party, until now, he didn't know that the woman named Wu Fang was really named Wu Fang Xinzi.

Hehe, woman.

"It seems that you are the one who killed Xinzi. Your expression tells me that I am not wrong." The man said calmly.

"I killed it, what do you want?" Ding Ning didn't argue.

The man smiled, with a black face scarf wrapped around his face, no expression could be seen, only a pair of eyes, emitting a cold light: "Then you will pay for your life with your life."

The man came step by step, very calmly, but before he arrived, he was so angry that all the people around him were shaken away by this powerful momentum, and kept retreating.

The fox wanted to take action for Ding Ning, but Ding Ning said indifferently: "You save your strength to deal with other people. I will deal with this person."

The fox nodded obediently and didn't move forward.

When the other party came, Ding Ning also walked towards the other party.

The man's aura is getting stronger and stronger, especially as he keeps approaching, it seems that there is a huge force impacting everything in front of him.

Ding Ning doesn't have any aura, just like an ordinary person. This is also the main reason why outsiders can't see the depth of his strength, because he seldom shows aura and is basically in a restrained state.

On the one hand, it is as powerful as a huge wave, and on the other hand, it is as calm as a pool of water.

In the next moment, the movement and stillness collided.

There was no sound, as if nothing happened, but an invisible wave spread around the two of them.

Puff puff puff!

Everyone around, at this moment, couldn't help but vomit blood from their hearts.

There was a look of horror in the pair of eyes.

Before making a move, just a collision of momentum has such great power.

Like the dozen or so Japanese warriors, it’s okay. They knew how powerful this person was, and they were prepared for it. They retreated to the back as early as the first time, so the ones who vomited blood were those foreign strongmen who watched the excitement.


In the air, the airflow vibrated, and a special sound was emitted.

Ding Ning and the Japanese warrior collided with each other's fists, refusing to give in.

The buzzing sound came from the middle of the fist.

The figures of the two changed again, and the sound of fists colliding began to become more intense. The people present were trying their best to capture the movements of the two.

Because they move too fast.

The shock in the eyes of foreign masters is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, there is a fear of fear.

If there is no such master from Japan, what will happen if they collide with Ding Ning?

Thinking of this, many people's cold sweats flowed down.

Ding Ning's strength is too strong, even if they fight together, it may not necessarily be of any effect.

On the other hand, the Dongying warriors present were not surprised, but there was a trace of surprise in their eyes at Ding Ning's strength.

In their impression, there are very, very few people who can fight against this lord.

The confrontation between the two has almost become a flash of light, dazzling.

People here are dazzled, even Chen Yanguang and Zhang Shanling in the distance.

They were also amazed by the strength of the two of them.

Not to mention this mysterious and powerful Dongying warrior, they didn't know each other, and they didn't understand it, and it was the first time they saw him today.

But Ding Ning, they understand, they have specially prepared a killing round for Ding Ning.

Even so, they did not expect that Ding Ning's strength would be so strong. Before they judged that Ding Ning did not make a move, there must be a reason. It should be due to his serious injury in the fight with the fire boa. Looks like.

He is so ferocious and lively, if he let the fox make a move before, I'm afraid he couldn't be too lazy to do it!
In other words, there is no one worthy of his shot.

This can't help but remind the two of them, the judgment just now, especially Chen Yanguang's analysis is clear and logical.

The results of it.

What's wrong!
Zhang Shanling didn't have the heart to laugh at Chen Yanguang, because the wrong analysis of Ding Ning would lead to their plan to get rid of Ding Ning, which might end in failure.

Fortunately, there are Dongpu warriors who appeared here by accident and helped them recognize Ding Ning's strength. Otherwise, they would not know that Ding Ning would be so strong.

This is not a young martial artist, he is just like an old monster, his strength is too strong.

Even if Zhang Shanling and Chen Yanguang teamed up, they would not be able to defeat Ding Ning.

Boom boom boom!
Ding Ning fought against the strong Dongying warriors, and turned all the surrounding boulders into gravel, without a single intact place.

The collision of the two's attacks was no less than here, countless shells were dropped, and they were blown up over and over again.

People couldn't see the figures of the two, but could only hear the sound of the explosion in the air and the impact of the aftermath of the energy.

At this time, the two of them had left the ground and came to the sky.

The Dongying warrior stared at Ding Ning, and said indifferently: "The strength in your body seems to be getting less and less."

"Not much?" Ding Ning said indifferently, "But killing you is enough!"

"Hehe...the mouth is tough." The strong Dongying warrior snorted coldly.

With Ding Ning in this state, he is fully sure to kill Ding Ning and avenge Wu Fangxinzi.

Ding Ning took a deep breath, it seemed that he had to use that trick!
(End of this chapter)

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