The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 356 Showdown! 357 more

Chapter 356 Showdown! 357 more

The palm was gently removed from the head of the foreign master.

The foreign man's eyes became cloudy, a smirk appeared on his face, and then he ran away crazily.

He didn't kill the other party, but just searched his soul to verify the truth of what he said.

What Ding Ning didn't expect was that this guy dared to lie to him at the last moment.

But under Soul Search, nothing is hidden.

And this last foreign master also paid a corresponding price.

"Who is that black shadow?"

"Why are you targeting me?"

Ding Ning showed a thoughtful look. In the soul of this foreign expert, there was no appearance of the people who tended to come here. That is to say, he still didn't know the people behind these foreign experts.

Is it the masters of the neighboring border countries that he has traveled through before?
Ding Ning's gaze was flickering, thinking a lot.

After a long while, I put this matter aside for the time being and didn't think about it any more. Going back to restore my strength is the most important thing right now.

In order to deal with that powerful Japanese warrior, he used a hole card that he had never used before.

The two methods are performed at the same time.

When the two sets of body training methods, positive and evil, were displayed together, Ding Ning was also very surprised by the strength. Although he had expected that in this state, his strength would rise to another level, but Only when you really experience it will you understand it more clearly.

The physical body at that time was really a horror.

Although the maintenance time is very short, it is enough for him to destroy the enemy.

The feeling of dizziness came again in his head, and the sequelae of the previous move began to appear.

His physical condition was not enough for him to use his strongest hole card, but Ding Ning had no choice but to cause his current body to lose even a trace of true energy.

Now he is really at the weakest stage, and he must recover quickly.

Ding Ning felt that at the border between Yunnan and Guangxi provinces, someone wanted to kill him, and he hadn't really shown up yet. If he didn't recover quickly and wait for the person behind the scenes to appear, it would be terrible.

He, a big brother in the cultivation world, was reborn and died at the hands of the people on earth, that would be really embarrassing.

"Let's go." Ding Ning greeted the fox.

The vicinity of the Ten Thousand Grottoes is absolutely unsafe. Even if he does not return to the camp of the Inhuman Group, he must not stay here.

The fox could feel that Ding Ning was in a bad state, otherwise it wouldn't have taken the initiative to help Ding Ning. One person and one fox walked towards the other direction of Wan Grotto and left here.

However, before they completely walked out of the Ten Thousand Grottoes, two figures appeared in front of them.

"Group Leader Ding."

Ding Ning looked at the person who came, and his expression flickered: "Why are you here?"

It was Chen Yanguang and Zhang Shanling who appeared in front of Ding Ning, and there were five members of the Inhuman Group beside them.

"We were worried that Team Leader Ding would be in danger, so we came here to look for you. Fortunately, Team Leader Ding, you are fine." Zhang Shanling explained, showing concern.

"Team leader, are you not injured, is it okay?" Chen Yanguang also had a worried look on his face.

"It's okay." Ding Ning replied.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, the guy in the Ten Thousand Grottoes is very strong, Brother Shanling and I almost died in his hands, the two of us tried our best to get out of the tiger's mouth." Chen Yan Guang continued: "With Team Leader Ding's strength, I don't think he should be as embarrassed as we are."

Ding Ning smiled: "It's not difficult to kill it."

Hearing this, the eyes of Chen Yanguang and Zhang Shanling flashed Jimo's light, and they looked at each other subconsciously, and said: "Group leader Ding's strength is naturally not comparable to ours, so let's hurry back Bar."

The two moved closer to Ding Ning, Ding Ning simply nodded and said hello.

When several people were on the road together, suddenly, something happened suddenly, and Chen Yanguang and Zhang Shanling were seen on both sides of Ding Ning, launching a surprise attack at the same time.

There was no warning for the two of them to attack, because one second ago, they still smiled at Ding Ning, and their tone was full of worry and respect, but in the next second, they were all replaced by murderous intentions.

Two beams of light exploded and blasted towards Ding Ning at the same time.

"go to hell."

Chen Yanguang and Zhang Shanling yelled loudly, this blow really spared no effort, the energy of the Martial Saint level immediately ignited the surroundings.

In the blink of an eye.

The attack of the two fell down, but they hit nothing.

Both of them stopped and looked away.

It turned out that Ding Ning's figure had already stood in another position.

"When did you notice it? Was it because of that foreign expert?" Chen Yanguang asked.

"He didn't mention you, but you showed up and exposed you," Ding Ning said.

"This alone is not enough to show that we want to kill you." Zhang Shanling said.

"Although there is no direct evidence to prove that you want to kill me, all the clues are enough to show that you are the most suspected." Ding Ning said.

"First, when I first came here, the two of you directly admitted that I was the team leader. This is very surprising, because, except for a few people who have seen me, in all the places I have been to where the Inhumans are stationed, there is no One that recognized me from the start."

"Is it just like that?" Zhang Shanling asked.

"Of course it's not enough. It's not important to me that you admit my status as team leader, but those under you also call you team leader. I think you also like the status of team leader. Since I It's the team leader, and you want to be the team leader too, so why do you admit me so readily?"

"This first article may not be enough to prove that you have the intention to harm me, but when I came out of the Ten Thousand Grottoes, the foreign masters who appeared around here are too coincidental. Come here to talk about me, do you think this makes sense?"

"Secondly, it's too coincidental that you showed up just after I finished all the enemies here."

"Of course, these are all my doubts and guesses about you, and I can't be sure. It's related to you, but you just tried to find out the real situation of me in a tentative tone just now, which just helped me to be sure. You must It is the fact of the people behind the scenes, because you are not sure whether you can kill me, so you want to know how much strength I have left, do you think I am right?"

After Ding Ning finished speaking, he looked at the two of them with a smile on his face.

clap clap clap!
Chen Yanguang clapped his hands: "As expected of the newly appointed team leader, this delicate thought is really admirable. You guessed it right, we really want to get rid of you."

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be so difficult to kill. Now, I have to do it myself."

"Are you sure you can kill me?" Ding Ning asked.

"Not sure." Chen Yanguang smiled, and then said: "So we decided to take a gamble, betting that your current situation is very bad."

(End of this chapter)

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