The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 359 360 Splashing Dirty Water! 4 more

Chapter 359 360 Splashing Dirty Water! 4 more

How to kill Chen Yanguang was a step that Ding Ning had already calculated in his mind.

Therefore, he intentionally gave Chen Yanguang a chance to break his physical body, so as to make Chen Yanguang relax. At this time, when Chen Yanguang was careless, he gave him a fatal blow.

So, there was the scene just now.

Under Ding Ning's calculations, he succeeded. Even though he lost his true energy and his physical strength was almost exhausted, he still killed a strong warrior.

When Chen Yanguang died, a sense of exhaustion hit Ding Ning, who couldn't help but sat down on the ground.

But after a while, he still braced his body and stood up.

The fox hasn't come out of the formation yet.

The five subordinates who appeared together with Chen Yanguang and Zhang Shanling were still maintaining the formation to trap the fox.

go with!
The True Essence Sword suspended beside him quickly turned into a beam of light, passing between the eyebrows of the five people sitting cross-legged on the ground.


Without the strength of the five people, the formation collapsed automatically, and the fox jumped out of it, and immediately came to Ding Ning's side.


Ding Ning glanced at the fox and smiled. His heavy eyelids could no longer hold on, and the world fell into darkness.

When Ding Ning woke up, he found himself leaning against a tree.

Before Ding Ning could ask, the fox said, "Master, this place is very safe, no one can find us."

Ding Ning stared at the fox for a while, and finally said: "You did a good job."

Saying wow, Ding Ning said softly: "The sword comes."

Immediately, a white light cut through the space and appeared in front of Ding Ning's eyes. Ding Ning opened his mouth, the white light sank in, and the true essence sword returned to his body.

The fox was startled, swallowed, and became more respectful.

What Ding Ning said just now, the fox knew in his heart that Ding Ning was very satisfied with its honesty.

In fact, after Ding Ning passed out, the fox was also very troubled, because as long as it killed Ding Ning, Ding Ning's state at that time should be unable to resist.

At that time, it will regain its freedom.

However, the fox finally curbs this idea and chooses to take Ding Ning away from where he was.

Fortunately, it made this decision, otherwise, once it dared to make a bad move, the white light would kill it in an instant.

It turned out that the True Yuan Sword hid itself after beheading Chen Yanguang and the other five people.

In addition to Ding Ning's desire to ensure safety, he also wanted to monitor the fox with the True Yuan Sword.

Ding Ning sat cross-legged here for three days in a row, and his strength finally recovered to three levels.

Fortunately, here is a forest with trees and rich aura, otherwise, his strength would recover at most one level.

One person and one fox walked out of the forest, Ding Ning suddenly remembered that he seemed to be left alone.

Zhang Shanling.

Although he said that he kicked Zhang Shanling away with the last strength of his true energy, he was not sure whether Zhang Shanling died.

Ding Ning decided to go back and have a look.

When he and the fox came to the vicinity of Wan Grotto again, there were many figures in the distance.

Where did so many martial artists come from?
Ding Ning found that among these people were members of the Inhuman Group and some from the world of martial arts practitioners. Why did they appear here?Is it because of the previous fight?
Ding Ning didn't know that during the three days he was recovering, a huge earthquake occurred in Yunnan and Guangxi provinces.

Many corpses appeared near the Wan Grottoes, attracting many people.

Especially the members of the Inhuman Group, they were all stunned when they found out that their deputy leader was dead and missing.

There are two Martial Saint-level existences, one died and the other disappeared.

In the end what happened?
As for the truth of the matter, there are two theories. One is that there was a big scuffle here. After all, there are corpses of Dongying warriors and foreign masters on the ground. This can also explain the fact that so many people died .

The second is that a powerful monster appeared and killed everyone. You must know that there have always been many legends in the Wanshi Cave, saying that there are terrifying things in it. This kind of existence killed everyone, which can also be explained.

But more people prefer the first one.

"Leader, in order to defend the land under his feet, he fought with many forces. Leader, you are the hero of our Inhuman Group."


Several members of the Inhuman Group came here to express their condolences, with sad expressions, and one hero at a time.

Ding Ning heard these words clearly in his ears.

He really wanted to laugh, he was doing the killing of his partner openly and secretly, but he was regarded as a hero.

it is ridiculous.

Ding Ning didn't stay long. After confirming Zhang Shanling's disappearance, he was sure that Zhang Shanling was still alive. The reason why he didn't show up was that he hid himself, fearing Ding Ning's revenge, because he knew that Ding Ning had seen his true colors. So he couldn't go back to where the Inhuman Group was stationed.

When Ding Ning returned to the station of the Inhuman Group in a fair manner, everyone's eyes fell on him, the new team leader.

In the eyes of one after another, many people exude hostility.

"Did you kill the team leader?"

"The disappearance of our team leader is also related to you?"

Some members of the Inhuman Group questioned Ding Ning loudly.

"I killed it." Ding Ning said lightly.

Immediately, the surroundings became quiet, because no one expected that Ding Ning would really admit it. You must know that some of them only listened to other people's analysis, so they followed suit.

Furthermore, even if you killed someone, shouldn't you just quibble?

Ding Ning didn't quibble, but directly admitted, because he didn't bother to quibble, and the person was indeed killed by him.

"You killed the team leader, you are a traitor of the Inhuman Group, everyone, let's act together to avenge the team leader." Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Yeah, revenge for the team leader."



The voices became louder and louder, and almost all the members of the Yiren Group in Yunguang and Guangxi provinces all spoke in unison and began to crusade against Ding Ning.

The crowd rushed forward, striding forward in unison, approaching Ding Ning continuously, shouting slogans of beheading the traitor and taking revenge.

This momentum, together, is quite huge.

At this moment, Ding Ning spoke again: "The traitors are Chen Yanguang and Zhang Shanling. I killed the traitors. It is only natural that you want to avenge them. Did you betray the Inhumans with them?"

Facing Ding Ning's loud questioning, a voice came from the crowd: "Don't listen to his nonsense, he is a traitor, let's go together and kill this person."

"Kill this person."

Everyone, once again unified their voices, showing the posture of attacking Ding Ning.

Ding Ning frowned, staring at the crowd, suddenly, he moved his feet, and the crowd in front felt a gust of wind blowing.

The next moment, Ding Ning had already stood among the crowd, and saw Ding Ning pinching the neck of a member of the Inhuman Group with one hand, and said coldly, "Where is that traitor Zhang Shanling?"

"You are the traitor, you killed our team leader."

"Don't tell me?" Ding Ning's expression flashed, and he said lightly: "Then I will check it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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