The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 371 Chapter 372 Our Zhang family! 4 more

Chapter 371 372 Let's Go Home! 4 more

finally reached!

When she saw the harbor, the faint worry in Yingzi's heart disappeared.

As long as he sets foot on his own land, no matter how powerful that Ding Ning is, it won't help.

Yingzi ordered his warriors to bring Ding Qinghe out.

But then, a few screams sounded, Yingzi frowned, she immediately ran into the cabin, and saw a little black snake floating in the air, staring at her, behind the little black snake stood Ding Qinghe .

Yingzi didn't move. She knew the existence of the little black snake. When Ding Qinghe was taken away, the little black snake broke out its strength, which almost made the kidnapping plan fail. Fortunately, Mr. Yamamoto took action and seriously injured the little black snake.

"Do you want to protect her?"

"You haven't recovered much of your strength, do you think you can do it?"

Yingzi said to the little black snake, this little black snake is naturally transformed from a half dragon, what Yingzi said is correct, the half dragon was injured too badly, even killing those warriors just now took a lot of effort .

Moreover, Yingzi gave Ban Jiao a feeling that it was very difficult to deal with.

"If you don't want anything to happen to her, you'd better be honest, otherwise, don't blame me for killing her." Yingzi threatened Banjiao with Ding Qinghe's safety.

The half dragon was naturally not threatened, and was ready to defend Ding Qinghe's safety to the death. At this moment, its eyes flickered suddenly, and then it slammed into Ding Qinghe's sleeve again.

Yingzi smiled: "You are very knowledgeable about current affairs."

Turning her eyes, Yingzi looked at Ding Qinghe and said, "Let's go."

Although Ding Qinghe was not a big man, he also knew the consequences of resistance, so he had to follow Yingzi.

Facing the terrifying Yingzi, she was powerless to escape, and even the little black snake hid in her sleeve fearfully.

"Next, let me protect you." Ding Qinghe touched his sleeve and said.

Yingzi smiled indifferently, this girl is hard to protect herself now, and she still wants to protect a snake.


Ignoring Ding Qinghe, Yingzi got off the boat, leaving only two warriors at the back.

After stepping onto the harbor, Sakura frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Isn't there someone who can respond to it? What about people?
With doubts, Yingzi continued to walk forward, stepping on the stone steps, and boarded the real land.

After she finished walking the last stone steps, the vision in front of her instantly widened.

At the same time, she finally knew why no one picked her up.

When seeing the young figure sitting on the bench in the distance, Sakurako's head buzzed.

On the ground, there were corpses one after another. It wasn't that no one came to pick them up, but they were all killed.

The person who killed them was sitting on the bench, looking at her indifferently.

Ding Qinghe followed closely. When she saw her brother Ding Ning in front of her eyes, she was so excited that she almost cried, and she called out: "Brother!"

At this time, Ban Jiao also showed his head.

The reason why it slipped back into Ding Qinghe's sleeve just now was not that Yingzi's threat played a role, but that Ban Jiao sensed Ding Ning's existence.

Get up and walk step by step.

In this way, Ding Ning passed Yingzi's side, came to his younger sister Ding Qinghe, rubbed Ding Qinghe's head, and apologized: "Sister, brother is late, don't blame your brother and me."

Ding Qinghe wanted to say something, but everything was blocked in his throat for a while, unable to speak, and cried out choked up.

"Hehe, don't cry, brother is here to save you, don't worry, with brother here, even if the gods from the sky come, they won't be able to take you away." Ding Ning smiled.

After comforting Ding Qinghe a few words, Ding Ning looked at Yingzi.

It's not the first time Ding Ning has met this woman. Back then, this woman went to his house to seduce him deliberately, but he Ding Ning refused.

Of course, the reason why this woman can be remembered is the smell of inferior perfume on her body.

If Yingzi knew that the smell was not of inferior perfume, she would definitely be pissed off.

But at this point, these are minor details.

Ding Ning is still angry now.

Both Hanzo and Yamamoto are dead, and now only Sakurako is left.

Although he doesn't like to kill women, if this woman touches his back scales, she must die.

"The teacher died at your hands, right?" Yingzi asked.

"You mean the one called Hanzo? Or the one called Yamamoto?" Ding Ning said lightly.

Yingzi's eyes flickered for a moment. From Ding Ning's tone and when he called out Yamamoto's name, she knew that the teacher and Yamamoto must have been killed by Ding Ning, otherwise Ding Ning would not have appeared here.

Looking at the corpses all over the place, Yingzi really felt a little regretful for her teacher, why did she provoke this young devil, was it really worth it to offend him so thoroughly?
This thought flashed through my mind.

"Do you need me to do it?" Ding Ning asked.

Yingzi hesitated for a moment, then turned her head and smiled sweetly at Ding Ning, and said, "Actually, I can stay and serve you as your maid and servant."

"I will serve you very well, there is no need to kill me, what do you think?"

She's fighting for a chance at life.

Now that you know you can't beat Ding Ning, then lower your head and look for a chance.

Even if you pay some price, what's the point.

"Do you think I'm interested in you?" Ding Ning sneered.

This sentence made Yingzi think of the scene when she first appeared in front of Ding Ning, this young man, he was not interested in his beauty at all.

That day, for her, Yingzi, was very hurt.

"I can really serve you Mr. Ding very well. As long as you keep me, as long as you need me, I will satisfy Mr. Ding as soon as possible."

Sakurako is fighting for the last ounce.

Ding Ning refused mercilessly: "I don't like the ones that others have used."

Sakura was speechless.

Suddenly, she turned around sharply, and a black light shot out from her body.

ding ding ding...

A series of crisp sounds sounded, Ding Ning stood where he was, unharmed, and protected Ding Qinghe behind him.


Sakurako was lifted up by Ding Ning's giant hands transformed with spiritual power.

"Since you don't do it, I will do it for you."

The giant hand covered the sakura, coughed in Ding Ning, only heard a puff, the blood flowed down, the sakura turned into a puddle of flesh and blood, fell to the ground, and the charming face was no longer seen.

Ding Ning didn't let his younger sister Ding Qinghe see this scene, he turned around, took his younger sister Ding Qinghe's hand, and said softly: "Let's go home."

"En." Ding Qinghe nodded.

On the harbour, the wind was still blowing, and people walked casually through here, but they seemed to have not seen any of the corpses in that place.

It wasn't until the sound of an eggshell breaking that someone yelled out.


The corpses all over the place stunned all the passers-by.


(End of this chapter)

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