The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 376 Chapter 377 Are you looking for me? 2 more

Chapter 376 Chapter 377 Are you looking for me? 2 more

The wind blew past his ears, Ding Ning didn't have any expression on his face.

While he was waiting for what kind of attack Dongpu would use next, there was no restlessness in his heart.

It was that flustered beating.


Ding Ning stopped abruptly. It is very rare that something that can make his heart beat suddenly faster.

This is the sense of danger in the physical body, which is equivalent to the foresight of the unknown.

Could it be that Dongpu really used forbidden weapons?
Otherwise, it wouldn't cause his physical body to have such a reaction.

Ding Ning's eyes flickered. Now, he could only feel the extreme danger, but the danger had not yet begun.

Suddenly, his eyes raised awe-inspiringly and looked into the distance.


He felt a sense of threat stronger than any previous attack, rising in his heart.

So fast!

Ding Ning could feel the extremely dangerous attack, which was very fast, almost reaching the speed of light.

Not only did Ding Ning's heart beat faster, but the pores all over his body also instantly closed, giving him the feeling of being attacked by the cold.

This is the first time that so many instinctive body warnings have appeared.

It shows that the attack used by Dongpu this time is stronger than any blow he has encountered before.

It was another split second. Following the attack that had not yet reached his eyes, Ding Ning felt uneasy, and it became more and more intense as the attack approached.

He concluded that this kind of attack was probably an attack from a forbidden weapon, otherwise, it would not have brought him such a great sense of threat.

On Earth, the only thing that can kill him is probably the forbidden weapon.

On the land of Japan.

People in the royal family leaned back on the chairs. As the royal family of Dongpu, the royal family can be said to have the highest power in Dongpu.

Although the use of forbidden weapons is an order from the royal family, those who know it clearly know that this is only a symbolic order from the royal family.

"In fact, you don't need to worry too much. Although the forbidden weapon attack is activated, it will not cause too much impact. We have reduced the reaction materials and only used a dose that can kill a person." Dongye said.

This made the people present secretly heave a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that Dongye would even sacrifice himself at the price of killing the enemy, and there would be no end to it.

At that time, Ding Ning will be successfully killed, but they will also die, and the whole Dongpu will be buried with them, so what's the point?

"I hope it's best as Mr. Dongye said, otherwise, for me, Dongpu, I will cut off my hands."

"Everyone can put their hearts in their stomachs, and there will be no consequences that you imagined."

"I don't know Mr. Dongye, have you ever thought about it, if this person can survive such a blow, then, Mr. Dongye, what are your plans?"

Dongye's eyes flashed, and he replied: "If you still can't kill this person, I will do it myself."

"I don't want to hide from everyone here. I don't have much confidence in this person's strength. It can be said that he is a genius martial artist who has been rarely seen in China in recent years, no, in hundreds of years. He is young and powerful. Powerful, so it is necessary for me to kill this person at any cost, otherwise it will become a serious disaster in the future."

"I know that you feel that reducing the reaction materials will reduce the power of the forbidden weapon. Maybe you can't kill this person, but I can guarantee that the power of the forbidden weapon will definitely seriously injure him. At that time, I will kill him personally. Even if he is alive, he cannot compete with me."

Hearing what Dong Ye said, the people present were relieved a lot.

However, Dong Ye had such a high opinion of Ding Ning, which surprised the people present.


Ding Ning's expression froze. Under his gaze, he saw a weapon flying towards him without any momentum.

Modern weapons have such a characteristic that no matter how powerful their attacks are, they do not possess momentum. Therefore, whether it is a taboo weapon or ordinary ammunition, it is the same.

Only a powerful person like Ding Ning can feel the threat warning brought by this technological weapon in advance, and thus judge what level the weapon is.

Getting closer!
Ding Ning stood where he was, but his heart was not as calm as before.

Although shrouded in a sense of danger, Ding Ning was also a little excited in his heart. The collision with the forbidden weapon that he had thought before seemed to be coming true soon.

He can use the taboo weapon to know where the limit of his physical body is at its strongest.


Ding Ning was ready to bear this attack.

come on.

Ding Ning is going to run the two methods of righteousness and magic at the same time, and take out the strongest physical state to fight against taboo weapons.

call out!
[-] meters!

70 meters!
40 meters!
20 meters!
In the next second, a huge mushroom cloud appeared on the sea, and this scene also appeared on the screens of many countries in the world.

Forbidden weapon detonated!
The most terrifying modern attack hand break in the world has not appeared for decades. Now, Japan has broken this situation.

The grinding roller cloud appeared, the world was silent, there was no earth-shattering movement, only the appearance of a mushroom cloud could be seen.

Pom Pom Pom!
The tsunami is coming!

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it flooded the harbor and quickly spread to all the coasts of Japan, submerging large areas of land and houses.

Fortunately, Japan had already issued an order before using forbidden weapons, and many people evacuated early, but even so, some people were still drowned by the tsunami.

A large area of ​​the house was washed down.

The ground is also unsafe. Dongying is a region with frequent earthquakes. Now, because of taboo weapons, earthquakes have occurred in many places in Dongying.

There is even more striking, and that is the eruption of Mount Fuji.

Lava dyed the sky red.

The consequences of using forbidden weapons began to appear. One after another, people from the royal family were very busy.

The figure of Dong Ye was no longer in the room. When the forbidden weapon detonated in front of Ding Ning, he set off to prepare for finishing work.

Seeing the turbulence of the sea, the collapse of the houses on the ground, and the erosion by the tsunami, Dong Ye felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't take care of that much anymore. Killing Ding Ning was the most important thing.

He kept approaching the position where the mushroom cloud began to dissipate, and he wanted to determine whether Ding Ning was alive or dead.

In fact, not only Dongye is concerned about Ding Ning's life and death, but the whole world is paying attention.

Especially in Huaxia, including Feiying and other top figures in Huaxia, their hearts are almost hanging in their throats.

Is Ding Ning still alive?
At this moment, no one knows.

Dong Ye stood on the sea, his eyes kept scanning. If Ding Ning disappeared, there would be no place to bury him. For him, that would be the best.

And just when Dong Ye glanced around for a while, but there was no result, thinking that Ding Ning was really bombed into ashes, suddenly, a voice sounded in the air.

"Are you looking for me?"

(Going out today, I have to take a car for a whole day. I don’t know if I can get the time code to come out Chapter 3. These two pictures were rushed out early in the morning. I didn’t save the manuscript. It’s too hard to compare!)

(End of this chapter)

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