The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 388 Chapter 389 Return! 3 more

Chapter 388 Return of 389! 3 more

(There is a fourth update today!)

When Ding Ning returned to land, he saw people from the Inhuman Group waiting for his return by the coast.

"elder brother."

When Ding Qinghe saw Ding Ning come back, he immediately jumped up. This little girl, she was worried about Ding Ning, but she never let go.

Because of her relationship, Ding Ning came here to save her. If anything happened to Ding Ning, she would blame herself for the rest of her life.

Didn't he know that Ding Ning felt sorry for Ding Qinghe even more in his heart. If it wasn't for his relationship, Hanzo and the others wouldn't have set their minds on his younger sister Ding Qinghe.

It's all right now, whether it's Hanzo, Higashino behind him, or the monster dragon, he has killed them cleanly.

If the future troubles are completely eliminated, Dongpu will stop a lot in the future.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I'm fine." Ding Ning patted Ding Qinghe's shoulder, and after a long while, Ding Qinghe smiled through his tears.

"Let's go, let's go home, Mom and Dad are worried about you." Ding Ning said.

The members of the Inhuman Group all dispersed spontaneously, and their task was considered complete, and they could go back and report back.

Ding Ning went to Dongpu, and this trip was completely over.

People all over the world know that there is a super strong man in China who can't even kill with forbidden weapons. This kind of strength is shocking.

Countries all over the world began to search for information about Ding Ning. After all, such a superpower like Ding Ning is rare in the whole world.

You must know that Dongpu's status and strength in the world are still not low, and Ding Ning left intact with the strength of one person. The superpower in the world who can do this, Ding Ning is definitely No.1.

Who can ignore such a character.

Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the United States, and other powerful countries in the world have all started to collect all information related to Ding Ning.

Even though they didn't know that this person was Ding Ning, they were still able to confirm it through clues.

In particular, Ding Ning, as the leader of the alien group, has fought against masters from many countries such as Northern Russia, Gumeng, and Harker. It is impossible for Ding Ning to keep his identity information completely airtight.

Ding Ning didn't care about the attention he had attracted all over the world, but immediately brought his younger sister Ding Qinghe back to Jiangling's home.

Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi didn't know that Ding Qinghe was almost taken to Dongying, and they didn't know that his son Ding Ning was rescued. Ding Ning just explained a simple sentence, and with the cooperation of his sister, his parents' worries and worries were eliminated.

The family was reunited and had a reunion dinner.

After the meal, Ding Ning received a call from Fei Ying. Fei Ying didn't say anything, but simply said that the old men admired him very much and valued him very much.

Not long after, Lao Yao, Yak, Su Zi and others called one after another.

Although these guys are stationed on the border of China, they are also paying attention to Ding Ning's collision with Dongpu this time.

After chatting briefly for a few words, they finally became completely quiet.

Ding Qinghe watched TV with his parents. After Ding Ning said a word, he left the villa and came to the riverside.

Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong had been waiting by the river for a long time, and when they saw Ding Ning coming, they saluted one after another, and the fox also rushed to Ding Ning's body.

This guy's tail has grown out, and there are no scars on his fur, and he recovered quickly.

It seemed that the fox had only absorbed part of the life pill of the fire boa before, but this time it was injured, and it could be regarded as stimulating the energy in the life pill, which made the fox absorb it faster, and the breath was much stronger than before.

Basically, it has reached the level of the peak of Wusheng.

not bad.

Although it is not as good as a real fire boa, the most powerful thing about a fox is its illusion. Ding Ning believes that as the fox's strength improves, its illusion attack will become more and more powerful.

Back then, the main reason why he kept the fox and forced the fox to recognize him as master was because of this phantom attack.

Because the illusion, once strengthened, will become extremely terrifying.

It will make people immerse themselves in it, not only can kill people, but also help people to cultivate, in short, it has infinite magic effects.

Of course, there is also a reason. Ding Ning has never missed the tricks of the illusion in his previous life, so he has always had an obsession with the attack of the illusion.

Touching the fox's head, Ding Ning looked at Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong and said, "I don't need to blame you this time, but I will never allow another time, do you understand?"

Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong nodded.

"Mr. Ding, don't worry, even if we risk our lives, we will never let this kind of thing happen again, and we will never be careless again."

"We will definitely guard the safety of your family 24 hours a day."

Seeing that the two looked serious, Ding Ning didn't care too much, and asked about the progress of his cultivation that he had taught the two of them before.

Hearing this, Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong naturally looked happy. They had many puzzles in their hearts, and they could get answers from Ding Ning.

After answering the two's questions one by one, the two returned to the surrounding villa, practicing while continuing to guard the safety of Ding Ning's family.

Ding Ning led the fox towards the river.

When he reached the center of the river, a small black snake came out from Ding Ning's sleeve, it was Banjiao.

When Ban Jiao appeared, the fox immediately showed vigilance.

Ding Ning smiled, and said to the fox: "Don't worry, it is also raised by me just like you."

Banjiao is also very afraid of the fox, but there is still a look of disdain in its eyes.

Because in terms of blood, it already has a trace of true dragon blood, so naturally it looks down on a fox.

One dragon and one fox, staring at each other for a long time.

Ding Ning interrupted the two guys looking at each other and said, "Stop making trouble."

This is the end.

A dark green bead appeared in Ding Ning's hands. The eyes of Banjiao and Fox moved over in an instant, and they all looked at this bead with longing expressions.

"Both of you also know that this is a good thing." Ding Ning laughed. This dark green bead is exactly the life pill that he killed the demon dragon. Pretty amazing.

"Ban Jiao, this life pill, you should refine it." Ding Ning handed the monster dragon's life pill to Ban Jiao, watching the fox feel jealous.

"You fox, you haven't fully absorbed the life pill of a fire boa. If this life pill is given to you, it will blow you up. Besides, this is the life pill of a monster dragon, which is more suitable for half dragons."

Banjiao can naturally feel the importance of Yaolong Mingdan to itself. Since the fox appeared, it knows that it has to work hard. Before Ding Ning, it was the only pet around Ding Ning. Now there is an extra fox competing for favor. If it is not stronger, it will be ignored by Ding Ning.

Moreover, it failed to protect Ding Qinghe well before, so it must perform well.

Then improving strength is inevitable.

Ding Ning also considered this point, and just now absorbed the demon dragon's life pill to Ban Jiao.

"Go, let me see how far you can evolve." Ding Ning waved his hand.

The half flood immediately flew high into the sky and began to absorb the demon dragon life pill.

(End of this chapter)

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