The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 399 The 400th 1st Team Leader! 1 more

Chapter 399 Team Leader 400 No. 1 Ding! 1 more

The basement of the castle.

The two vampires, who had lived for an unknown number of years, were completely lifeless at this moment.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting money, he sucked the blood of Caesar II first, and with the power of the foundation of the Demon Dao, Caesar II could not resist at all.

On the contrary, Caesar himself had a particularly tenacious vitality. He was pierced with countless holes all over his body, but he was still alive.

Fortunately, Ding Ning has an understanding of the degree of immortality of the vampire family. Of course, he also knows that it is still too early for vampires to achieve true immortality.

After turning the blood in Caesar's body into pure blood energy, Ding Ning's foundation-building realm of demonic ways was completely stabilized.

Ding Ning was very satisfied with this, and it was not a waste of time to chase all the way to the Nordic land.

"Old demon, your revenge is avenged!"

Ding Ning did not crush the Caesars and his sons to ashes, but kept their bodies and prepared to take them back to China. He was also counted as everyone in the Inhuman Group and had an explanation.

Just like that, Ding Ning grabbed the corpses of Caesar and his son and stepped towards Huaxia.

As for the ancient castle, Ding Ning ignited it instantly with the rootless fire. Even if you are a stone, you will be burned very vigorously.

The castle was covered with flames. Under the flames, Ding Ning's figure continued to move away. The shadow reflected by the flames became longer and longer until it completely merged with the sky and the earth.



"Sir, the current position of the target is very suitable for destroying it with forbidden weapons, and the opportunity must not be missed."

In front of a white man, someone was persuading him. The look in the white man's eyes flickered, and he was also thinking about whether to use a forbidden weapon. His subordinates were right. The target was on the Nordic ice sheet, so it was indeed the best time to make a move.

Although he also knew the truth, but for some reason, he had a feeling that the possibility of failure was very high, and this feeling was very strong just now.

What would happen if Forbidden Weapon failed and failed to kill that guy?
The white man is very clear, the most important thing is that he has seen once, under the taboo weapon, that person can still live, and continue to show his power, and finally, leave indifferently.

Such a terrifying character is not easy to fight, because once he fails, he will suffer terrible anger.

Can such a price really be borne?
This is the question he has been hesitating in his mind.

"Sir, don't miss this opportunity and don't come again. If we miss this best opportunity, it will be very difficult to use forbidden weapons. And this time, the forbidden weapons we use must be stronger than Dongpu, and we will definitely be able to kill this one." People, otherwise this person will not die, and no one in China will be able to step in."

"That's right, as long as he dies, the Inhuman Group will have no one to lead again, and China will lose its most powerful deterrent. Otherwise, if you give him time to grow, China will only become stronger and stronger. This is for us. , is not a good thing.”

There were voices of persuasion everywhere, and the people who said these words all had considerable official titles, but to use a forbidden weapon, the white man needed to speak, and only with his consent could he use it. Unfortunately, the white man has never been able to make a decision, making Everyone is in a hurry.

The white man pondered for a while, and finally, his chest heaved for a while, he took a long breath, and said to everyone: "Stop talking, forbidden weapons, don't use them!"



"This is my order, do you all have to question it?"

"Don't dare!"

When the white chief decided not to take the opportunity to attack Ding Ning with a forbidden weapon, the sudden agitation in Ding Ning's heart completely disappeared on the northern European ice sheet.

He stood on a high ground, looked at the figure in the distance, and moved again.

In the next second, it disappeared again.

When Ding Ning returned to China from Northern Europe and brought back the corpses of two vampires, it was undoubtedly the happiest event for the members of the Inhuman Group.

The old demon's revenge has finally been avenged.

For this reason, Feiying came in person, and when Ding Ning stepped into Northern Europe, Su Zi, Qingshi and others who had been recovering at the base of the Inhuman Group also took a special plane to the camps of the Inhuman Group in the two provinces of Yunguang.

The old demon was buried. Except for the members of the Inhuman Group who were still guarding the border of China, all the other members of the Inhuman Group came to see the old demon off. Looking at the corpses of Caesar and his son, they knelt on the grave of the old demon. forward.

In the end, Caesar, father and son were set on fire by Ding Ning and burned to ashes.

The members of the alien group were killed, Ding Ning chased the enemy for thousands of miles, and finally captured the enemy and avenged him. Ding Ning conquered everyone in the alien group, and everyone recognized Ding Ning as the team leader from the bottom of their hearts.

Even though he looks so young.

After dealing with everything, Ding Ning and Feiying stood on a hill, blowing the wind in the forest.

It is already the twelfth lunar month of winter, but for Yunguang and Guangxi, the weather is still so warm, and there is no breath and taste of winter.

"I thank you for the old demon, and I also thank you for all the members of the Inhuman Group." Feiying said.

"There is nothing to thank. I am the leader of the Inhuman Group, and he is a member of the Inhuman Group. He is my man. If anyone dares to kill me, I will kill his whole family." Ding Ning said.

Although Ding Ning's words sound very cold-blooded and domineering, Feiying knows that Ding Ning is not such a cold-blooded person in his bones. Otherwise, how could Ding Ning collide with Dongying because of his younger sister Ding Qinghe? That incident is enough to explain However, Ding Ning is still very humane in his heart, at least when it comes to his family.

But this time, Ding Ning did not hesitate to chase to Northern Europe to kill the person who killed the old demon, so that Feiying knew that Ding Ning really regarded the people from the Inhuman Group as his own.

This is what he is most happy about, because he understands Ding Ning's temperament. Even as an officer, it is difficult for him to order Ding Ning to such a soft-hearted guy. He doesn't hesitate to chase the enemy thousands of miles away, how could Feiying not be happy and excited about it.

"I thank you, it's not just that you avenged the old demon."

"The breakthroughs of Qingshi, Tanglang, Mumu and others are also thanks to you. You have trained several martial arts masters for the Yiren group. Thank you very much."

Feiying said seriously.

Ding Ning smiled, and didn't care, "I just taught some methods, they were able to break through, it's just missing this opportunity, it's mainly because of their own efforts."

Feiying nodded, but did not refute Ding Ning. Then, he poked his hands, as if there was something hard to say.

In the end, he made a decision and said, "Can you give me those methods of yours? Don't get me wrong, I don't want your other methods, but the cultivation methods passed on to Qingshi and Su Zi. I think This method can add many masters to our Inhuman Group, but you also know that without your order, even I, the officer, would not be able to get a trace of this method from the mouths of those guys."

Ding Ning laughed, this point, he did not expect, whether it is Su Zi or Qingshi, the officer Feiying really didn't mention it.

"Okay, since I passed it on, I don't mind it."

Hearing this, Feiying was completely relieved, and mastered this set of cultivation methods in the Inhuman Group, which could also become an important weight to attract other martial arts practitioners to join the Inhuman Group in the future.

"Then thank you, Team Leader Ding."

"You are welcome, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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