The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 401 Arrangement 402! 3 more

Chapter 401 Arrangement 402! 3 more

After returning to Jiangling for a few days, everything was normal.

With the lessons learned from last time, Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong naturally dare not neglect the safety of Ding Ning's parents. As long as Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi go out, they will secretly protect them.

Ding Ning also found that Dongying enterprises in Jiangling, such as the previous JD Hot foreign enterprises, have moved their factories out of the city of Jiangling one after another.

This is naturally a loss for Jiangling locals, as there is one less taxpayer.

Ding Ning was not surprised by this, Dongpu native must know that Jiangling is Ding Ning's hometown, if there are people from Dongpu who really provoke Ding Ning, they are afraid, Ding Ning will go to Dongpu again.

Dongying is completely afraid of an existence that can't even be killed by forbidden weapons.

At least until they couldn't offend Ding Ning, they didn't dare to have any other thoughts.

Ding Ning saw it, and didn't say anything. After returning to Jiangling, besides spending time with his family, he just sat by the riverside to clean up, and practiced all the methods that could be used in his previous life. Either go to school to see Ding Qinghe's study, or go to Qian Wolong's house to have a chat.

Ever since the news of Ding Ning's return to Jiangling spread, Qian Wolong came to visit him immediately. Apart from Qian Wolong, Jiang Menshen, Ma Luoyun, Lu Wanli, and many famous people in Jiangling all came to pay a visit on their own initiative.

They are all people with some status in Jiangling. Although Ding Ning's deeds are not known to everyone, Ding Ning's status as the leader of the Alien Group alone is enough to make everyone curry favor with him.

Ding Ning just met a few acquaintances, who seemed to be unfamiliar, and didn't care whether the other party was happy or not, so he never saw each other.

In this regard, these people dare not have any complaints. The leader of the alien group is by no means anyone who can provoke him.

Moving to the villa by the riverside, there was still an endless stream of people visiting, and Ding Ning had no choice.

Staying at home was boring, so Ding Ning walked around Jiangling alone.

Recalling his rebirth and returning to the present, in less than a year, he experienced things that many people would never experience in a lifetime.

And the reason for this is because of the change in strength.

Only with strength can we not do nothing and live an ordinary life.

In an environment like the earth, the speed from zero cultivation to entering the foundation-building state in less than a year is already very fast, and they are all geniuses in the realm of comprehension.

However, in Ding Ning's view, this speed is still too slow. He only hopes that the recovery of spiritual energy will come soon. At that time, he can quickly restore the strength of his previous life, so that he can seek revenge on those who betrayed him.

Walking on the street, watching people coming and going, the traffic is busy, and walking, I even walked to the high school.

Standing at the school gate in a daze for a while, Ding Ning turned around, ready to go back.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Ding... Mr. Ding."

There was apprehension and respect in this voice, Ding Ning turned his head and looked at the speaker.

A young face.

Ding Ning is no stranger to this person. When he was reborn, this guy dared to make trouble for him. But after being convinced by him, he calmed down a lot. Since Ding Ning went to Beijing University , never saw him again.

"Mr. Ding, I didn't expect you to be here." Ma Liang said.

For Ding Ning to appear in front of No. [-] High School, Ma Liang was both surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Because if it wasn't for Ding Ning's relationship, he wouldn't have taken revenge, and only after he took revenge did he realize how powerful Ding Ning is. In the world of martial practitioners, he is a man with a halo.

And because of Ding Ning's casual guidance, he stepped into the world of martial arts practitioners that he had always wanted to enter. Everything was thanks to Ding Ning. Although Ding Ning was about the same age as him, Ma Liang admired Ding Ning very much.

Ding Ning could see through Ma Liang's cultivation as a martial artist at a glance. Unexpectedly, Ma Liang really worked hard. Although he didn't teach Ma Liang the powerful method at that time, he just pointed his fingers, and Ma Liang was able to enter the realm of martial arts. , is quite surprising.

He still vaguely remembered that Ma Liang approached him a few times, wanting to be a teacher and teach him how to practice.


"Reported." Ma Liang nodded heavily.

"Oh." Ding Ning smiled and thought about leaving.

"Mr. Ding, wait a minute..." Seeing that Ding Ning didn't say anything else, but was about to leave, Ma Liang plucked up his courage and called out.

"What's with you?"

"Actually, I've always wanted to thank you, Mr. Ding. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have taken revenge." Ma Liang said seriously.

"It's your own ability to take revenge."

"However, without Mr. Ding's guidance, I would not be able to take revenge. Now that the great revenge has been avenged, my life belongs to Mr. Ding. I hope you will allow me to serve you." Ma Liang said.

"You serve me?" Ding Ning smiled and shook his head.

"My life is yours now, and I am willing to do anything for you, Mr. Ding." Ma Liang said firmly. Since the revenge had been avenged, Ma Liang felt that he had no purpose and direction in life, until he just saw Ding Ning appear , he felt that he should be this man more.

"I don't need others to worship." Ding Ning turned his head.

"Mr. Ding, I really want to follow you." Ma Liang said hurriedly, fearing that Ding Ning would go away in one step.

"Your strength is too low. If you want to serve me, you are still far away." Ding Ning said.

"I know that I am weak, but I will work hard. I am still young, and I will meet your requirements. As long as you keep me, Mr. Ding, I swear, I am willing to go up and down for Mr. Ding."

Ding Ning's brows were slightly frowned, and then slowly spread away. With a move in his heart, he said, "Okay, I can give you a chance. Since you want to do something, I can give you one thing."

As he said that, Ding Ning took out a card with the pattern of the Inhuman Group printed on it, and threw it to Ma Liang casually, saying: "Call this person and tell me that I asked you to join, and he will arrange for you, you You only need to complete the task and become the second strongest person here, and you will have the opportunity to serve me."

"Thank you, Mr. Ding." Ma Liang hurriedly nodded his thanks, and when he looked up again, Ding Ning had disappeared.

Holding the card in his hand, looking at the beautiful pattern of the Inhuman Group, Ma Liang saw the word "Flying Eagle" printed on it.

"Make me the second strongest person, why not the first strongest person?"

Ma Liang murmured to himself in some puzzlement, and as he looked at the card in his hand, suddenly, his expression froze.

The pattern on this card looks familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere.

This is……

Suddenly, a flash of lightning sounded in his mind, and he knew, isn't this the symbol of the Inhuman Group.

He had heard people say that Ding Ning was the leader of the Inhuman Group.

Thinking of this, Ma Liang was stunned. He finally understood why Ding Ning made him the second strongest person here, so he was qualified to follow him, because the first strongest was Ding Ning himself!
(End of this chapter)

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