The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 411 The 412 people are here! 5 more

Chapter 411 The 412 people are here! 5 more

When Ding Ning, Zhou Quan, and Wang Wei returned to Shangjing from Jiangling and arrived at Li's house, many figures who had gathered at Li's house before had all disappeared.

There were only a dozen people, and in the huge living room, there was a sense of loneliness and desolation.

Li Wei was sitting on a chair, looking listless, until the three of them appeared, he didn't notice.

"Mr. Ding!"

"Mr. Ding is here!"

"Patriarch, Mr. Ding is here."

With the appearance of Ding Ning, the entire courtyard of the Li family became alive in an instant. The Li family members who were originally stunned, all of them instantly became cheerful when they heard the word Ding Ning, because they knew what this name meant, especially Now that this person has come to their Li family, all problems will no longer be difficult.

Mr. Ding's three words, like thunder, woke up all the Li family members, followed by surprises.

Everyone knows that the savior who solves the Li family's problem has arrived.

Li Wei got up from the chair, looked at Ding Ning, and then at Zhou Quan and his girlfriend Wang Wei, knowing in his heart that they were the ones who brought the news to Ding Ning.

"I don't want to trouble you." Li Wei said, a little bit bitterly, this was indeed his inner thoughts, because he didn't want to be a useless person.

"So, you plan to carry it by yourself all the time?" Ding Ning said. The Li Wei in front of him looked like he hadn't had a good rest for a few days. His eyes were red, his face was haggard, and his beard had grown a lot. He didn't look like the high-spirited Li Wei before. Obviously, it was a big blow to Li Wei that he couldn't solve the target of the Huangfu family.

"I thought I could do it." Li Wei laughed and paused for a moment, "But it turns out that I overestimated myself."

"Then how about I help you solve it?" Ding Ning said.The reason why he asked this question was because Ding Ning regarded Li Wei as a friend, not as a subordinate, so he would ask Li Wei for his opinion.

Li Wei spread his hands: "I don't seem to have a choice, and I'm going to trouble you again."

Ding Ning walked to Li Wei's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "There is no need to say such things between us."

Li Wei was taken aback.

Then he smiled.

"Then I won't thank you."

"Prepare the wine and food, and wait here for my return." Ding Ning said without turning his head.

"Then you have to hurry up, it's getting cold later." When Ding Ning was about to walk out of the door, Li Wei shouted loudly.

Ding Ning stopped and walked out of the courtyard without saying anything.


"Will he show up?"

"I guess it will."

"There is no reason to hide. I also think that he will appear."

At this time, in Shangjing, the Huangfu family attracted the most attention. There was no other reason, because the Huangfu family targeted the Li family, and all the families in Shangjing wanted to know whether the Mr. Ding behind the Li family would make a move.

What is the confidence of the Huangfu family to dare to do this?
In the hearts of many people, they all want to know this answer, including the sons and brothers of the first-level family.

Such as Wang Dashao and Wang Yu from the Wang family, Lin Gao from the Lin family, and Sima Ji from the Sima family.

The discussion just now came from the mouths of the three of them.

For the attention of the family, and even some people standing not far away watching, the whole Huangfu family didn't show much, as if they didn't care at all.

Because this is the meaning of the family, don't worry about anyone, as long as Ding Ning doesn't show up, their Huangfu family will be the focus.

Regarding the actions of the Huangfu family, several other families of the same first level did not understand. Even if the heads of the various families came to visit in person to seek answers, it was useless, and they were all turned away.

This was not possible in the past.

The Huangfu family didn't know why, but they suddenly drifted away, dared to confront the Li family head-on, and dared to reject other first-level families.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The other members of the first-level family thought that the Huangfu family must have great support, otherwise they would not have made such a move.

"This Huangfu's family is really well hidden. Could it be that their ancestors really made a breakthrough?"

"Huangfuxuan won't come out to see us, otherwise we can ask something out of his mouth, alas!"

The young masters of several first-level families discussed for a while, but unfortunately, they couldn't get any real results. Right now, they can only wait and see, hoping to find some useful information.

Just as many families were paying attention to Huangfu's family, and many eyes were quietly staring at the street in front of Huangfu's family courtyard, the appearance of a figure immediately diverted everyone's attention.

he came!
The appearance of Ding Ning instantly shocked all the families who paid attention to this place.

Because they knew what it meant for Ding Ning to come here.

Ding Ning came forward and wanted to come to Huangfu's house to inquire about the Li family, what will happen next?
Everyone who saw Ding Ning's figure was quickly passing the news back to the family. They had a premonition that something big would happen next.

There may even be a duel between top experts.

Last time, Huangfu Weilong fought against Ding Ning and lost!

This time, will Huangfu Weilong make a move?Or, is there a more powerful person who will make a move?It's all a mystery.

Today's Huangfu family has become the biggest focus, even the Yiren Group is secretly paying attention.

"I'd like to see what methods he, Huangfu Weilong, dares to contend with the leader of my alien team." Feiying has strong confidence in Ding Ning's strength. Even if Huangfu Weilong enters the acquired realm, he will not Will be worried, because compared to other people, he knows that Ding Ning's strength can kill even the Houtian realm.

From his point of view, the Huangfu family is looking for death on purpose, but this matter has nothing to do with him, and Feiying doesn't bother to care about it, as long as Ding Ning doesn't turn the upper capital upside down, he won't say anything. I believe that the few people sitting on the highest chair will not say anything.

Ding Ning's status in Huaxia is no longer just that of a general and leader of the alien group.

A smile appeared on Feiying's face, and the words of those old men echoed in his mind, the joint decision.

"Come on, even if you make a fuss, nothing will happen."

In the courtyard of the Huangfu family, Huangfu Weilong, Huangfu Yuan, Huangfuxuan, and many members of the Huangfu family were present.

According to the past, Huangfu Weilong must sit at the top and the middle, but today, even Huangfu Weilong, the ancestor of the Huangfu family, can only stand, let alone the others. The ancestors were all standing, and there was no reason for them to sit.

The only person sitting was a young man sitting on a chair.

No one knew his name, only that even Huangfu Weilong respected this extremely young man.

"People are coming!"

When Ding Ning walked near Huangfu's house, the young man who was sitting suddenly opened his eyes, and said in a leisurely manner that all the members of Huangfu's family were moved in their hearts.

They can all guess who is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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