The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 414 415 Search for the soul again! 3 more

Chapter 414 415 Search for the soul again! 3 more


Qin Ting, who came from the fairy world, could not believe that he would lose to a native of the earth, all of this was true.

How could he not be an Earth native opponent?
Qin Ting, who fell on the ground and was in close contact with the earth, was confused.

Ding Ning still stood where he was, as if he hadn't moved when the thunder just happened, condescendingly looking down at Qin Ting who couldn't get up.

Just now, the two of them both shot. Amidst the thunder, the attacks of the two were almost to the extreme, so after the thunder disappeared, the fight was over.

The result was unexpected and expected.

Because for Qin Ting, it was beyond his expectation.

For Ding Ning, this should have been the result, and he would not lose.

"I'm standing here, and you are lying on the ground, wanting me to do something for you. It seems that you don't have the qualifications." Ding Ning said lightly.

Every single word was like a thunderbolt exploding on Qin Ting's heart.

Following Ding Ning's words, the previous scene flashed in Qin Ting's mind. It was he who said to Ding Ning in a condescending manner, making Ding Ning fall for him.

At this moment when Ding Ning mentioned it, it was like slapping him hard on the face again.

This kind of verbal sarcasm is far more harmful than the actual hit.

"If you do this, you will regret it. One day, I will take revenge and trample you under my feet." Qin Ting said viciously. As the young master's subordinate, it is rare for him to be as embarrassed as he is today, but How could he not be angry that he had suffered such humiliation on the earth, the most barren land in the eyes of everyone in the fairy world.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a sharp pain came from his hand. He turned his head and saw that his palm was stepped on by Ding Ning, and he was constantly crushing and twisting with his toes, making his fingers , From breaking to smashing, it's just an instant thing.

"Does it hurt?" Ding Ning looked at Qin Ting, who gritted his teeth in pain.

"You are even more stupid than I look. Now, I am standing and you are falling, but you dare to threaten me and step on me. Do you think I will wait for your revenge if you say that?"

Ding Ning once again sarcastically said that he had never seen such a brainless person who dared to threaten him even though he was inferior to others, and shouted slogans for revenge.

He Ding Ning would not be so stupid as to wait for the day when you come back for revenge, and deal with you now, what revenge do you have.

"You dare to kill me?" Qin Ting was stunned, and after saying this, Ding Ning replied with a smile: "Why don't you dare?"

Qin Ting's heart trembled. He felt the real killing intent from Ding Ning's words and eyes. Ding Ning didn't lie, he really dared.

He seems to have forgotten that this is the earth, not the fairy world, and no one will care about his identity, because no one knows who he is, where he comes from, and what kind of powerful background he has.

Because of ignorance and fearlessness, if Qin Ting lost to others, he might be beheaded and killed.

How could he ignore this.

"You can't kill me." Qin Ting said.

Ding Ning looked at him, as if he was listening to the reasons why he should not be killed.

Qin Ting continued: "If you kill me, my young master will definitely kill you. At that time, no matter how powerful you are on this earth, you will not be able to save you, because in front of the young master, you are a one-off. An ant can easily crush you to death with only one foot of the young master."

"Finished?" Ding Ning said.His eyes were like pearls, shining with light. This calmness and indifference made Qin Ting wonder if Ding Ning really heard what he said.

"After that, you can go to die."

Qin Ting's eyes widened suddenly. He saw Ding Ning squat down slowly and stretched out a hand, which made his hairs stand on end, as if he was shrouded in death.

"No, do you know who is behind me and where I come from? If you touch me, the young master will definitely kill you. No matter where you escape, you will only die. Killing me will do you nothing benefit!"

Qin Ting was afraid, so he said a series of words in his mouth, trying to make Ding Ning afraid.

But looking at Ding Ning's expression, it seemed that the effect was minimal.

Ding Ning was not in a hurry to kill Qin Ting, but squatted down and said softly, "The background you mentioned must come from the fairy world."

Hearing this, Qin Ting's body trembled, and his eyes were filled with shock.

What shocked him was how could Ding Ning say the words Fairy World? Who the hell is Ding Ning?

"Hehe..." Ding Ning laughed and said, "Don't be surprised, I'm not from your fairy world. You appeared here because of the revival of the earth's spiritual energy. Am I right?"

Qin Ting's eyes were already wide enough, but now Ding Ning said this sentence again, which made his wide eyes widen again.

Why did Ding Ning know about this.

"Who the hell are you?"

The way Qin Ting looked at Ding Ning changed. He used to regard Ding Ning as a native of the earth, but now, he feels that Ding Ning is likely to be the same as him, not from the earth. This guy who is stronger than himself not only knows his origin , Still clear about the recovery of the earth's aura, what kind of identity does he have?
For a while, Qin Ting thought a lot of things in his mind. He had a vague feeling that Ding Ning would definitely become the biggest obstacle for the people from the fairy world to descend to the earth.

There is no reason for this feeling, but he believes that Ding Ning must be a variable, and it is also an extremely uncontrollable variable.

"who are you?"

"What's your purpose?"

Qin Ting asked several questions in a row, while Ding Ning smiled and remained silent.

It wasn't until a while later that Ding Ning opened his mouth, and said leisurely: "You know, and the ending can't be changed. Originally, we didn't have any conflicts before, but your appearance made the people around me targeted, so you still take it with you." If you don’t understand, let’s go to hell together.”

After finishing speaking, Qin Ting didn't have the slightest resistance. Ding Ning grabbed Qin Ting's head with one hand, and said two words: "Search the soul!"

Whether or not to kill Qin Ting is not important to Ding Ning, because no matter what Qin Ting does, it will not change Ding Ning's mind, that is to search for the soul.

He knew too little about the fairy world, so how could Ding Ning let a person from the fairy world appear right now.

Therefore, no matter whether Qin Ting is dealing with him or not, as long as he knows where Qin Ting is from, he will use Soul Search.

A lot of information about the fairy world was passed into Ding Ning's mind through soul searching.

After an unknown period of time, he searched all the memories in Qin Ting's soul, and gained a complete understanding of the fairy world.

At this time, Ding Ning turned his head and looked at Huangfu Weilong at the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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