The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 427 428 I'm waiting for you to kill me! 3 more

Chapter 427 428 I'm waiting for you to kill me! 3 more

The man I, Lin Yumo likes must be the best.

She met an extremely good boy, and he was Duan Baiyu. Duan Baiyu was a dragon among men in terms of appearance and all aspects. Even her grandfather was very optimistic about him. After arriving at Duan Baiyu, he was admitted to the university where Duan Baiyu was.

However, this man who is like the proud son of heaven, like a shining meteor, flashed across the sky extremely brightly, but disappeared without a trace in the next second.

Duan Baiyu died.

She knew who killed Duan Baiyu. In her opinion, Duan Baiyu would not die by anyone's hands, because in her heart, Duan Baiyu was the best in every aspect.

But by chance, he died, and at the hands of a man she, Lin Yumo, had never cared about before.

Nowadays, this man not only has a great reputation in the world of martial arts practitioners, but even in Shangjing, a metropolis full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, he is an existence that no one dares to provoke easily.

He is powerful in martial arts, and with the power of one person, he has wiped out several big families in a row, which is frightening. It even made the legendary Huangfu Weilong voluntarily give up his cultivation, just to eliminate the anger in his heart.

He is strong in learning, and in less than half a semester, he has enrolled in all the colleges of the university and graduated, becoming No. 1 in the history of the university.

Is such a person considered excellent?
Lin Yumo's heart was extremely complicated. Now, even if she didn't want to hear the word Ding Ning, it became difficult, because in her environment, she would inevitably hear this name intentionally or unconsciously.

This boy who had been on a blind date with her was no longer as penniless as before.

Lin Yumo recalled the scene of meeting Ding Ning for the first time in Lin Yumo's mind.

Especially what Ding Ning said, with her beauty, she is only good enough to be his maid...

Lin Yumo had complicated emotions in her heart, and Tong Wantong didn't have so many messy thoughts. She opened her eyes wide and only wanted to see the figure of the man clearly. He would definitely win again. This was Tong Wantong's idea.



The trees on the island, as well as the protruding peaks, were razed to the ground, and everyone who watched was dumbfounded.

Although this kind of power is not destructive, its degree of destruction is completely comparable to that of forbidden weapons.

Especially when looking at the land on the small island, which is getting smaller and smaller, and the sea water is gradually submerging it, the people watching the battle feel that this fight is no different from the collision of forbidden weapons.

It is nothing more than the difference between several forbidden weapons.

With the last loud bang, the island disappeared, was wiped from the sea, and disappeared completely.

Many people showed horrified expressions, watching the miraculous battlefield, unable to believe it for a long time.

Is this really human-caused?

If one hadn't seen it with one's own eyes, no one would believe that human power alone could cause such powerful damage.

On the yacht, Qian Wolong and others stared at the front intently, wanting to know how the battle was going.

Regarding the battle between Ding Ning and the four people from the fairy world, they couldn't see the details of the battle clearly, because the movements of the two sides were so fast that you couldn't catch who was who.

Therefore, no one knows what is going on now.

After the loud noise just now, the air suddenly became quiet. The original location of the small island has been submerged by sea water, and only the dust after the roar is flying in the sky above the sea.

Gradually, the dust fell into the sea, and the front became clear.

All eyes stared at the sea surface at the same time.

People saw that there was only one figure left on the sea at this time.

who is it?

Suddenly, Qian Wolong and Tong Wantong smiled.

It was clear who this figure was.

"It's Mr. Ding!"

"Mr. Ding."

Everyone said the word Mr. Ding all over the place, showing surprise expressions.

"Did Mr. Ding win?"

"Where are the other four people? Why can't they see their figures?"

"Nonsense, if Mr. Ding wins, those four people will naturally lose. Maybe they were buried in the sea by Mr. Ding."

Everyone was discussing, and indeed the four strong and fierce young men had disappeared, and only Ding Ning could be seen on the surface of the sea.

Not long after, Yuan Xiu rowed the wooden boat and appeared beside Ding Ning. Ding Ning stepped onto the boat on the surface of the sea.

"Congratulations to Mr. Ding for defeating a powerful enemy." Yuan Xiu said.

"Strong enemy?" Ding Ning smiled. Are those four guys from the fairy world considered strong enemies?
Ding Ning didn't explain that the seemingly earth-shattering movement just now was not caused by him fighting with the four of them, but that he was able to be so astonishing by launching a powerful attack in his current state.

He also just wanted to test how powerful some of his methods could be in the Foundation Establishment Realm. The four guys from the fairy world had all become Ding Ning's experiments, nothing more than whetstones.

Thinking back to the shock shown by those four people just now when they saw him continue to come up with one set of powerful attacking methods, Ding Ning didn't take it seriously. These people were just small shrimps, and they had never seen his attacks before.

I don't know how much worse the fairy world is than the cultivation world. His whole body of methods can be called abnormal in the cultivation world, not to mention that in front of the cultivators in the fairy world, the other party can only be shocked.

Originally, Ding Ning was able to end the battle early, but he didn't end the battle so quickly, he just wanted to see what moves these people had. Unfortunately, they were very disappointing. In the end, they were all wiped out by Ding Ning's move, without any consideration The many powerful fairy world backgrounds mentioned in the mouth.

"Eight people, now there is only one left. I don't know where that one is hidden?" Ding Ning frowned, but he estimated that he had killed seven people in a row now, and the remaining one might not dare to attack him. , must be hidden.

Just as Ding Ning was thinking, there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky, and a strong wind blew up.

The weather changes are a bit weird, everyone can't help but look up, and soon they are attracted by the changes in the clouds.

In the sky, dark clouds formed stern faces, overlooking the entire sea.


Lightning staggered against the surface formed by these clouds, making it more mysterious and terrifying.

"Ants in the barren land, if you dare to kill my subordinates, when I come, I will definitely kill you first!"

"You should be killed!"

"Kill it!"

"Should kill!"

Every face made of clouds spit out a cold killing, which made everyone terrified.

This is a vision of heaven and earth, is the heaven going to kill Ding Ning?
Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, even the strong ones at the level of Martial Saints were no exception.

Yuan Xiu was trembling because of the vision above his head. Ding Ning stood on the bow of the small wooden boat, his body was like a spear, straighter than bent, he raised his head slightly, and smiled at the faces of the clouds: "I'm waiting for you to come and kill me." I."

(End of this chapter)

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