The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 429 430 vision! 1 more

Chapter 429 430 vision! 1 more

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the flowers in the north are blooming, as if entering the season of recovery of all things ahead of time.

The cold tree covered by ice and snow grew green branches and buds, and some trees grew as thick as a person overnight.

As if all of a sudden, the world changed.

People found that the seasons can no longer stop the growth of vegetation. The originally inconspicuous small trees are growing wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye. As for the areas that are originally forests, the trees there, let alone overnight It has become like a virgin forest, and all the trees have become towering trees.

People are surprised to find that there are too many anomalies on the earth, as if they have returned to the prehistoric era all of a sudden.

This kind of vision is disturbing, but also curious.

Fortunately, because of Ding Ning's reminder, Huaxia made preparations in advance, and immediately broadcast a news, saying that the earth's aura is recovering, and human beings will age longer than before, just like this skyrocketing vegetation.

Relatively speaking, the north is relatively slow. After all, it is winter, which is somewhat affected by the seasons, but the phenomenon in the south is relatively more terrifying. , grew to the height of a person, and also bear fruit.

All over the world, changes are taking place, and the spiritual energy is revived, completely covering the earth.

People all over the world are confused by this sudden change, but fortunately, people are still very adaptable, and quickly accepted this change, because people found that after this night, their bodies and bones have changed. It's easy.

Even some of the diseases that were originally there were cured by themselves, without any treatment at all.

The rich aura of heaven and earth enveloped the earth and silently changed the human body structure.

Ding Qinghe was the first to sense the aura. Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi were relatively slow. It took three days to feel the aura. This speed is not enough for the cultivation world to be considered fast. Even Ding Ning was surprised by the cultivation of his family The talents are so good. Although it is not ruled out that the spiritual energy is revived, which makes the spiritual energy more intense, it is not an easy task to sense the spiritual energy. Back then, it took him a month to sense the spiritual energy.

After feeling the aura, the family members all became very interested in cultivation, as if they had discovered a new world, they all felt great novelty.

This kind of thing was unthinkable in the past. Who would have thought that their family would all embark on the path of cultivation.

On the TV, various strange visions after the revival of spiritual energy are continuously broadcast, and there are many reports, saying that this is a revolution of human beings, a great evolution.

The pictures kept flashing, and someone said in an interview that the flowers he grew at home suddenly bore fruit, and after he ate them, he suddenly had the ability to fly.

In the beginning, there were a lot of reports of this kind. Many people obtained supernatural powers because of the fruits grown by vegetation, which made many people very envious.

Flying to the sky and escaping from the ground, this is a scene that can only be seen in novels and movies, but now it can really be realized, as long as one eats a fruit produced by vegetation.

For a time, many people were affected by this, and they kept looking for fruits, hoping to have some kind of superpower for themselves.

Ding Qinghe was very interested in this kind of news, sitting in front of the TV, staring at it non-stop.

Father Ding Shengyuan said with emotion: "The world has really changed. Just now I saw a colleague of mine post a video in the group. This guy can shoot out flames with his mouth. Everyone in the group is very envious."

Mother Yang Xueyi is not very interested in becoming stronger, but is very interested in becoming beautiful, and she responded: "An old classmate of mine used to do housework all her life and is much older than me. I found out this morning that she posted A friend said that he came back from grocery shopping during the day, and after cooking a meal, he came back all of a sudden, looking decades younger."

"I know what's going on. It must be because of the fruit. It's been reported in the news now." Ding Qinghe interjected.

"Those flowers in our family can't live up to expectations, and they have produced some fruit. In that case, our family members will also have strange abilities." Father Ding Shengyuan said.

Listening to the words of his parents and sister, Ding Ning couldn't help but said: "You don't have to envy others. They need to eat fruits to gain abilities, but you don't need to. The cultivation method I taught you, as long as you keep practicing, What they can do, you can also do. Moreover, relying on eating fruits to obtain abilities seems to be very powerful, but in fact, it is just a small way. The cultivation method I taught you is to cultivate to the highest level and fly to the sky to escape the earth , but it is a common thing, even if it is immortality, immortality, it can be achieved."

Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi would not believe what Ding Ning said before the spiritual energy of the world recovered. They would even feel that their child's head was broken. It's no wonder.

"Is it really possible?"

"I can't lie to you two if I lie to anyone."

In this era when the spiritual energy has just recovered, Ding Ning accompanied his family and felt the changes of the earth.

At the same time, similar scenes are happening all over the world. The lucky people have obtained various strange abilities, such as controlling water, or controlling fog, or turning their whole bodies into steel-hard, or It is possible to escape from the ground and walk underground. Anyway, there are all kinds of strange things, and there are all kinds of strange people.

The trees have become towering trees, and the mountains and rivers have also become higher, like Mount Tai, which has the first among the five mountains. Now, it has already reached the level of towering into the clouds. Standing at the bottom of the mountain, you can't see the top of the mountain at all, because it has been covered. Covered by clouds, as if the mountain came alive overnight, it continued to grow.

This is not the only surprising thing, the river has also become wider than before, and some small rivers in the villages have become torrential rivers, scaring many people into thinking that they are dreaming, but fortunately, the widening of the river Larger, the surrounding land will also become larger, so it will not flood the surroundings.

Everything is skyrocketing, whether it is dead or alive, everything has mutations, and things regardless of race.

People can feel that the times have changed after one night. People who used to look down on them now have supernatural powers and have become big people who have attracted much attention. Some ugly people have become more than stars because they ate an unknown fruit. Even more beautiful.

The world is a mess, and many people feel like they are dreaming, but the dream is so real.

With the advent of a new era, all living beings are full of unknowability about the future.

(End of this chapter)

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