The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 440 441 Battle Spirit Beast! 2 more

Chapter 440 441 Battle Spirit Beast! 2 more

"You kid is really a strong man."

The voice of the sloppy Taoist came.

"Old...Senior..." Ding Ning knew the fact that the sloppy Taoist had discovered his hidden aura.

"As soon as you appeared at the foot of the mountain, I guessed that you are not an ordinary person. Which sect do you come from in the fairy world?" The slovenly Taoist stared at Ding Ning and asked.

Perhaps because of Ding Ning's strength, the sloppy Taoist directly positioned Ding Ning as a cultivator from the fairy world.

Ding Ning knew that the sloppy Taoist had misunderstood him, and said directly: "I am not from the fairy world, I have lived here."

"Are you from this barren land?" The slovenly Taoist was a little surprised, his eyes looked up and down Ding Ning again: "You are really talented to be able to cultivate to the foundation establishment level in this barren land."

"Senior praised you, I didn't mean to hide it from you, it's just..." Ding Ning was talking, suddenly, his eyes flashed, and the sloppy Taoist turned around suddenly, both of them had wry smiles on their faces.

"How many can you deal with?"

"I'll deal with one, and the rest will belong to you, senior?"

"Boy, you are more shameless than I imagined, half of each person, otherwise all will be explained here."

"make a deal!"

After a brief conversation between the two, they both rushed forward.

At the same time, those spirit beasts that surrounded the two of them rushed forward at the same time.

Because of the movement of fighting with the vines, these spirit beasts were attracted, and it turned into the worst situation, they were surrounded by these spirit beasts.

Be it spirit beasts like leopards, tigers, wolves, bears, etc., none of them were weak, and they were all at the Foundation Establishment level. It could be said that these spirit beasts trapped the two of them, ready to kill them together.

The sloppy Taoist fought against seven or eight spirit beasts, and Ding Ning did the same. A fight started between the two of them and the spirit beasts.

The killing has been going on.

Time also passed without knowing it.

Due to the massive consumption of power, even Ding Ning, who is a fellow practitioner of the two methods, felt extremely tired. However, in front of him, there was still a spirit beast staring at him with red eyes.

The situation is not good.

Looking at the sloppy Taoist side, the sloppy Taoist was already on the verge of death, dealing with two spirit beasts alone, and several spirit beasts around him had already been killed and fell to the ground.


The remaining four hungry wolves rushed forward together, and the strength in their body was almost exhausted. Ding Ning had no strength, but enough support, he took out more powerful moves.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that the situation is exhausted right now.

Ding Ning didn't show a flinching or timid look because of this, he clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly exerted force on his feet, directly fighting the four hungry wolf spirit beasts with his flesh and blood.

Fortunately, the few remaining hungry wolf spirit beasts are not in the best condition, otherwise the situation will be even more severe for Ding Ning.

Bite down the sharp wolf teeth, Ding Ning grabbed the wolf's upper and lower jaws with both hands, and the stench coming out of its mouth was overwhelming, but now is not the time to worry about this, and he doesn't have much time to think about other things. Because the other three hungry wolves were approaching, if he didn't take advantage of the other three to kill the one in his hand, he would be in even more danger.

That would be a back-to-back situation.

His expression flashed.

Ding Ning suddenly increased his strength with both hands, and a deep roar came out of his mouth. Immediately afterwards, he saw his hands forcefully tore in the air, and saw the hungry wolf's mouth, which he forcibly tore into two halves. , Instant death.

wow wow wow...

Ding Ning held up the hungry wolf whose body had been torn in half, and the blood of the hungry wolf spilled down on Ding Ning's body.

At this time, Ding Ning was a person bathed in the blood of spirit beasts.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the three hungry wolves were so frightened that they stopped suddenly and didn't dare to go forward.

Ding Ning licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, it was very bitter and not tasty, but a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Throwing the two halves of the hungry wolf corpses to the ground, he slowly walked towards the three hungry wolves staring at him closely, and then his feet accelerated suddenly.

Ding Ning rushed up, the three hungry wolves hesitated for a moment, and at this moment, they ran away, terrified by Ding Ning's bravery just now.

They have been fighting with Ding Ning for a long time, from nearly ten spirit beasts at the beginning, to now only a few of them have been killed by Ding Ning. They think that Ding Ning should be exhausted, but unexpectedly, Ding Ning still There is such a terrifying power that they tear their partners apart with physical strength.

They were afraid, even though the other party seemed to be at the end of the road, the three spirit beasts did not dare to try.

They ran to the distance, trying to hide far away, this young human being is too scary.

Ding Ning's body was filled with a bloodthirsty aura, and his eyes turned blood red, like a beast. If you look carefully, you will find that there are words circulating in Ding Ning's eyes.

The magic way is starting to work automatically.

This means that Ding Ning will need more killing and blood.

And the three terrified hungry wolf spirit beasts in front of him are Ding Ning's prey. From being hunted prey before, now they have changed dramatically. Ding Ning is chasing and killing the three hungry wolves.

Feet like riding the wind, Ding Ning stopped in front of a hungry wolf after quickly passing through countless big trees.

The hungry wolf turned around and continued to flee, but Ding Ning's speed was too fast, and he came up behind it in an instant and punched it in the back.

Blood flowed.

The hungry wolf let out a scream, and was lifted up by Ding Ning. The life energy and strength passed down his arm and passed into Ding Ning's body. In the blink of an eye, the hungry wolf had already turned into a bone.

Ding Ning's energy and blood recovered a bit, and he looked in another direction again, the penultimate hungry wolf was also sucked dry of flesh and blood.

The last hungry wolf became more and more panicked as it ran away. It already felt that the only two remaining companions were also wiped out by Ding Ning. It could feel that death was approaching. Suddenly, it stopped. It found that the devil-like human being, I don't know when it has appeared in front, and smiled at it.

Hungry Wolf's body felt cold, and he froze suddenly.

The sloppy Taoist has half a broken talisman in his hand, but unfortunately there are still two spirit beasts in front of him. This half broken talisman is his last resort, and at most it can kill one of the spirit beasts. Once he uses it, he will have no way to fight back. force.

This is a giant bear and a leopard.

The two spirit beasts kept approaching, and behind the sloppy Taoist, there was a thick and big tree, which had gradually formed an obstacle blocking his way back, and the sloppy Taoist had no difference in this, he could only hold the broken talisman, and kept walking Step back and deter the two spirit beasts.

Just when Mr. Sloppy retreated to the tree trunk and had no way to retreat, the two spirit beasts attacked at the same time.

The sloppy Taoist had no choice but to detonate the residual talisman immediately.

There was a bang, but the two spirit beasts did not approach, and then the sloppy Taoist stared and murmured: "What a smart beast!"

The broken talisman didn't hurt them, their attack just now was a feint, deliberately tricking the sloppy Taoist into using the broken talisman.


The sloppy Taoist leaned against the tree trunk and sat down on the ground, with no way out.

The bear and the leopard looked at each other, they all opened their mouths wide, and rushed towards them in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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