The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 446 448 The fire ignited! 3 more

Chapter 446 448 The fire ignited! 3 more

It is extremely rare for a person who is so powerful to silence the entire country with his personal strength.

Especially in today's technological era, what is admired is not personal strength, but technology, but who would have thought that there would be people in the world whose personal strength is as strong as gods.

Just like Guan Bubai and Xu Chengdao in front of them.

Guan Bubai stretched out his arm completely, grasping the huge fist with one hand, only to see his five fingers pinch lightly.

Without any sound, the huge fist shattered.

This scene made Yak and the others tremble, and the surrounding crowd instantly became quiet.

"Come again!"

The yak shouted loudly, waking up everyone. You can't show your defeat just because you can't succeed in one blow. Right now, Ding Ning is nowhere to be found. If their Inhumans group still loses, no one can stop what will happen next. , and no one could predict.

The second blow was quickly condensed under Yak's shout, no matter it was Yak or Su Zi, Iron Fist, etc., if it was shot by Guan Bubai alone, it would be a sure-fire ending, only the current situation in human form , Unite together, integrate everyone's strength into one, and then attack, only then can it be possible to compete with Guan Bubai.

Under the attention of all the people, the humanoid formation of the Inhuman Group attacked again.

Guan Bubai walked forward with a smile, and countless attacks were fired from the humanoid formation, all of which were all kinds of weapons produced by the joint efforts of everyone. However, after these weapons were fired, they did not cause the slightest harm to Guan Bubai. harm.

Guan Bubai still stretched out his one hand, and with a slight flick of his arm, an invisible protective shield was formed in front of him, blocking any attacks from outside.

Guan Bubai approached and came to the front of the human-shaped formation. He said to the members of the yak and other alien groups: "Ants are ants after all. Even if you master some methods, you still can't change the fact that ants are. Since you ants If you dare to attack me, then you must accept my punishment."

As he spoke, Guan Bubai raised his arm high, and then dropped it suddenly.

Immediately, the bodies of the members of the different group suddenly trembled, and some people could only see that their legs were trembling, and then they knelt down.

Bang bang bang!
More and more members of the Inhuman Group knelt on the ground, because the pressure on their bodies was too great, it was so big that it was like a mountain pressing down, making it impossible to breathe, and it was impossible to support the body to stand.

Yak, Su Zi, Qingshi and others were at the front. They were the strongest and did not kneel down, but their faces were very solemn, and sweat kept slipping from their cheeks. It could be seen that they were also suffering. bear this pressure.

Guan Bubai stared at the yak, and said calmly: "Just now you said that your Yiren team doesn't kneel to anyone, and your legs are very stiff. Now it seems that not all legs are so stiff, what do you think?"

After finishing speaking, Guan Bubai's arm pressed down hard again, and the sound of kneeling on the ground was heard one after another.

Yak and the others are still struggling to support them. Although their strength has increased, they are still far from enough to face Guan Bubai.

Qingshi, Tanglang, Mumu and the others couldn't hold on any longer. They didn't kneel down, but lay on the ground directly. Although it looked more miserable, they didn't kneel down.

Guan Bubai snorted and laughed, admiring how these ants were persevering and resisting their strength, it was quite interesting.

In the end, Yak and Su Zi couldn't bear it anymore, and they were both crushed to the ground.

So far, none of the people in the Inhuman Group was standing, either kneeling or lying on their stomachs.

In this situation, people were all silent, and the atmosphere of silence actually started early. Ever since Guan Bubai showed his strength like a god, people realized that it was impossible to win against Guan Bubai.

Right now, the facts have proved that this is indeed the case. As the sharp knife of China, the alien group guarding the border has been wiped out, and no one can compete with Guan Bubai.

From the beginning to the end, Guan Bubai was the only one who faced everyone in the Inhuman Group, and none of his subordinates made a move. This fact made more people feel desperate.

Those who might still have the intention to make a move, after seeing Xu Chengdao besides Guan Bubai, they all stopped thinking about making a move.

The earth is no longer the earth it was before, the country will no longer be a country, and history will be rewritten, so the most important thing is to protect yourself.

Those masters watching the fight just now in the dark, except suddenly, it's still suddenly.

Because they know that even if they make a move themselves, they will only suffer a worse defeat, or even die.

Qian Wolong and the others were silent, and all the people in Huaxia were also silent.

The old men who were sitting on the tallest chairs in Huaxia also sighed at this time, their eyes full of helplessness.

Even they are powerless at this time.

"It's my incompetence, I'm ashamed of everyone." On Feiying's resolute face, there were two lines of tears. It has been many years. The leader of the Inhuman Group has never shed tears, but today, the tears stopped. It can't stop flowing out.

Everyone present knew and understood that Huaxia was about to change.

The earth is about to change.

"Okay, let's continue with what we haven't done before." Guan Bubai turned around without looking at the members of the Inhuman Group. At this time, everyone in the Inhuman Group was seriously injured. It's hard.

Guan Bubai didn't kill anyone, because these ants didn't deserve to be killed by him.

The reason why he made the move was to let the human beings on the earth know his horror, his fright, and let everyone know that he is an existence that cannot be provoked.

And the Yiren Group is just a tool for him to kill others to make an example to others.

After the words were finished, the crowd followed Guan Bubai's figure and landed on the four girls again, because Guan Bubai wanted to continue the previous work and burned the four girls to death.

Ding Ning did not appear, and the four daughters were about to die.

The Yiren Group couldn't stop it, and now the others couldn't stop it either.

Guan Bubai randomly picked up a piece of wood, and the other end of the wood ignited himself. He threw the torch to one of his subordinates and said, "Send some beautiful ladies on the road."

This subordinate walked up to the four girls with a torch, and the flames made the faces of the four girls even more beautiful.

Qian Wolong, Zhao Long, Lin Lao and the others were all struggling to stop what was about to happen, but their struggle would only make the shackles on their bodies tighter.

There was no expression on the faces of the four girls, because no matter what they did, they couldn't change the outcome.

They were about to be burned to death, charred black corpses.

The torch drew an arc in the air and landed on the ground. The place where the wood had been piled up for a long time suddenly ignited a big fire.

The flames rose and surrounded the four women.

The relatives and friends related to the four daughters couldn't help but shed tears at this time.

(The recent chapters are a bit strenuous to write, Calvin, Calvin, Calvin...)
(End of this chapter)

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